The House Energy and Commerce Committee has been marking up the health insurance reform bill all afternoon. They're still at it and if you've got nothing better to do, check it out on C-SPAN3 or the committee's
As I noted this morning, the progressives in Congress, who have largely been ignored by the White House, are not going to accept a weakened bill. Lots of things were happening today.
Jane Hamsher reports that 53 members of the Progressive Caucus will not support the Blue Dog compromise and won't vote for a final bill without a robust public option. UPDATE: 57 members signed this letter.
The names are here.And, from
Roll Call (sub. req.), progressives on the Energy and Commerce Committee aren't making any promises either:
The outcome of a health care markup in the Energy and Commerce Committee was still in jeopardy Thursday afternoon as liberal Members continued to balk at a deal reached with Blue Dog Members that sliced more than $100 billion from the package.
Several liberal Members from the committee met to discuss the issue and and are trying to find alternative budget cuts that would satisfy Blue Dogs without shrinking subsidies that would help people buy insurance.
The Blue Dogs and Baucus/Conrad don't run the Democratic Party. Selling out to the GOP isn't going to work this time.
My sense is that Rahm Emanuel and his Deputy, Jim Messina, decided they really needed to work with conservatives on the Hill in order to pass the Obama agenda -- even if it meant compromising on core values. After all, Emanuel elected the Blue Dogs and Messina used to work for Baucus. That's their world view. You know their attitude about progressives is "where can they go?" They think the progressives want a bill so badly that they'll settle for a GOP bill. That's proving to be wrong. (I also think people in the White House made the same calculation about LGBT voters. You know, like, where else are they going to go.)
We were all led to believe that Obama was a different kind of politician who wasn't going to play the same old DC games. His top staffers are playing those games and making their boss look really bad outside of DC.
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