• Equality Maine Annual Dinner: March 27, 2010
  • Read the EqualityBlog

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This year, EqualityMaine celebrated 25 years of progress for Maine's LGBT community. Check out our 25th anniversary celebration video.

Photo Credits

W Jo Moser PhotographyAll photographs used on this site feature individuals and families from Maine who support marriage equality.  Thank you to these families and to local photographer Jo Moser for the use of these images.





Equality Updates

Dorian Cole's picture

Abromson Memorial Scholarship Winners

Written by Dorian Cole | June 25, 2010 - 10:48pm

Each year EqualityMaine awards scholarships of $1,000 to three college-bound high school seniors as part of our education and leadership development efforts.  read more »

Lisa Dee Bunker's picture

Am I a Dyke?

Written by Lisa Dee Bunker | June 17, 2010 - 10:05pm

I am honored to be invited not only to attend the Portland Dyke March this Friday, June 18th, but to speak at the gathering in Monument Square before the march about  read more »

Dorian Cole's picture

Why we have Pride

Written by Dorian Cole | June 15, 2010 - 12:16am

The month of June is LGBT Pride Month in commemoration of the Stonewall riots.  read more »