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  1. RT @KatrinaNation: WH (& others) indicate Elizabeth Warren 2 be nominated next week to head Consumer Financial Protection Agency
  2. Yup peeps, Levi Johnston IS running for mayor of Wasilla. As part of a reality TV series:
  3. Fox News. RT @apollo729: @markos What about a video version of the book? :-P
  4. RT @owillis: #futurenote: no republican first ladies are allowed to travel anywhere ever again. not even a cross town excursion to bethesda.
  5. Probably not. RT @oftheshore79: @markos will there be a audio version of the book?
  6. MT @KagroX: Levi Johnston running for mayor is a little like being a community organizer. But where you bang the voters.
  7. RT @SAndrewDKos: Levi johnston to run for mayor of Wasilla
  8. Look at his 2008 predictions: RT @owillis: even for a tv pundit, dick morris is a *terrible* prognosticator
  9. Where? RT @owillis: dick morris has predicted gop senate pickups in CT, NY. no, really. whynot just throw in MD too? LOL.
  10. Thanks! Supposedly they're shipping. RT @joekv: @markos ordered American Taliban, picking it up tomorrow. Amazon has pub date as Sept 1 2010
  11. Can I do it via email? RT @mjwyman: @markos: will you do an e-book signing in Minneapolis?
  12. RT @poopaltar: just wait until Rand Paul wants to build an #aquabuddha at Ground Zero
  13. Rich and smart? RT @Larry_Kelly: @markos Could you imagine the offspring of @markos and Nancy Pelosi?
  14. Will be in Seattle, yes. RT @Madwomanmoon: @markos Please consider a book signing in Seattle.
  15. RT @ebertchicago: I wonder if the term "Ground Zero Mosque" came from the same meme-smith as "Death Panels."
  16. Groan.... RT @lizzwinstead: Shouldn't we be calling it a "Randsom" #aquaBuddha
  17. Three of them, actually. RT @cbn2: @markos Geez, what were you doing in college? Conscientiously earning a degree? Pfft. ;-)
  18. RT @CptRobespierre: RT @markos: I'm trying to figure out what's so Libertarian about kidnapping someone || Absence of police interference?
  19. RT @Tengrain: Ransom is free enterprise at it's best... RT @markos: I'm trying to figure out what's so Libertarian about kidnapping someone
  20. Yeah, I'll be doing something in NYC. Not many other places, though. RT @asilbs2: @markos Do you do booksignings? If so, NYC?