Joe Miller Makes Sharron Angle Look Liberal. Sane, too!
Wow. Meet Joe Miller, possible GOP nominee for the Senate, brought to you courtesy of the Tea Party Express, and rabid anti-abortion advocates in Alaska.
Among Miller's views: He wants to eliminate the Department of Education, believes the government shouldn't pay for unemployment insurance and says of climate change on his campaign site that it "may not even exist." Among the more mainstream GOP positions he's taken: Miller would cut welfare; eliminate health care for the poor by scrapping Medicaid; and the Anchorage Daily News reported that he has has called for sweeping cuts to Medicare and Social Security with a goal of phasing them out entirely in favor of total privatization.
A teabagger's dream, right there. Dick Armey with a beard, even. and it's just not that he thinks government shouldn't pay for unemployment insurance, but that he believes unemployment benefits are unconstitutional. In the words of Wickersham's Conscience when evaluating Miller's positions and background,
We’ve had more than enough liars. It’s a very bad sign if a candidate is padding his or her resumè from the start. And Joe, that’s a lot of different jobs in a relatively short period of time. Alaska also doesn’t need another quitter.
For a guy who wants to privatize Medicare and Social Security, he's got a lot of nerve to write this to senior citizens (PDF):
My own parents collect Social Security benefits and use Medicare. They, like millions of others, need and relied on the government's promise to provide these benefits when they were planning for their future. There is a contract between the federal government and those who paid into the system. That contract must be honored.
I am certain more will emerge on this guy. In the meantime, Democrat Scott McAdams was just given a decent shot at the Senate. More on him soon.