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Congratulations, %youAre% a star! %userName% starred %you% %time%%youHave% lost your star. %userName% took away %your% star %time%%userName% promoted %your% comment in %postName%%time%%userName% demoted %your% comment in %postName%%time%%userName% replied to %your% comment in %postName%%time%Congratulations, %youAre% a commenter! %userName% approved %you% %time%%youHave% lost your commenter status. %userName% took away %your% approval %time%%youAre% banned. %userName% has banned %you% %time%
New Jersey guy Wyclef Jean is still whining about being disqualified from a presidential election in a country that he doesn't live in. So he wrote a song! In it, he says the electoral council should be thrown in prison.
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Last Sunday a Thai woman was stopped at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport when security screeners saw x-ray images of bones among a stash of stuffed tiger toys in her luggage. Inside they found a drugged two-month old tiger cub.
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[The Taliban hinted on Thursday that they might attack foreigners doing aid work in Pakistan. Here, Pakistani villagers stand on the remains of an embankment washed away by heavy flooding in Thatta near Hyderabad. Pic via AP.]
Oh my god! The Prospect Park Zoo in Brooklyn has two baby baboons, and they are so cute. They also don't have names, and the zoo is holding a contest to name them. Do you want to watch them play?
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Stephen addressed the recent stabbing of a Muslim NYC Taxi driver with a condemnation of the Post and its typically sensationalist headlines. He rightly points out that this violent jerk is ruining it for the rest of the Islamaphobes.
[A bird flies past a cloud of smoke coming from a fire at a paint factory in Jandira, Brazil. No one was hurt, except for my soul, which shed a single tear at this image. Pic via AP.]
Michael Enright, the drunk filmmaker accused of stabbing a cabdriver in Manhattan after asking "Are you Muslim?", worked well with both American soldiers and Muslims while in Afghanistan. So what happened? Was it his "intense experience" in the war-torn country?
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Do you remember when Jon Stewart skull-violated Glenn Beck in the most epic way possible? (If not, it's here.) Tonight, Stewart gave an encore, with a segment that tore down Beck's upcoming rally, university, credibility—everything, really. Video inside.
With only seven house guests left and the summer rapidly coming to a close, the game has reached a turning point. This week, friends turned against friends, enemies bonded over chum baths and furry-cuffs, and two people were sent packing.
How fun was former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's corruption trial, which ended with the jury deadlocked on 23 of 24 charges? So fun they're going to try again in January—but without his brother Robert, whose charges were dropped.
Wondering where all the asteroids are? Well, "up," obviously. But also, in this beautiful, hypnotic video that tracks asteroid discovery over the last 30 years. It's more engrossing than Armageddon, that's for sure. (Watching it in HD is best!) [via]
Thinking about running for eighth grade class president at Nettleton Middle School in Nettleton, Mississippi? Well... are you white? Because only white kids are allowed to run for president. Black kids can be vice-president, though! But only black kids. More »
How many times will Sammi and Ronnie break up tonight? And how much longer are we going to care? Let us debate it as a group, during our weekly Jersey Shore live blog. You might even find true love!
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Welcome to another edition of our Project Runway commenting party! Join us and celebrate! And please be advised: This isn't a formal party, so there's no need to get out the good china or anything.
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Khuram Sher was one of three men arrested in Ottawa today under suspicion he planned to carry out attacks as a member of a terrorism group. He also sang Avril Lavigne's "Complicated" on Canadian Idol two years ago. Video below. More »
Today we gave you some helpful tips on how to treat your assistant like a slave. Naturally this prompted lots of terrible assistant stories, including one that was extra insane. So insane that our allegiances shifted midway through the story.
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With all the changes that Heidi Montag has had this year—familial alienation, marital status, face—there's one thing that has remained consistent: Love. Here, we compile some of the activities, things, and people Heidi has emoted about on Twitter.
This bizarre commercial just started popping up, and frankly, we're almost too confused to be offended. There's no mistaking Verizon's strange spokesman for the iconic Abu Ghraib torture victim. Is this a case of horrible taste or immense cluelessness?
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The story: This morning the HuffPo speculates that lover, crooner, fighter John Mayermight be getting back with Jennifer Aniston, based on things said at a concert. Mayer then responds, says everything's out of context, and invents exciting new phrases.
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Former Russian spyAnna Chapman posed for a Russian laddie mag, displaying her globular breasts and startlingly spherical rear end in photos and on video. Then she posted the pictures on Facebook. And now she's getting sued for it.
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This week, Star magazine investigates the perilous lives of celebrity assistants. But what's the point of having power if you can't abuse it? A guide to which underling abuses are reasonable, and which will just get you sent to jail. More »
He needs someone with experience to give him what he needs. Also today: it looks like we're really going to see Jim Carrey go gay, a new reunion movie is in the works, and an SNL departure.
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Celebrity midwife Cara Muhlhahn—made famous by Ricki Lake's documentary The Business Of Being Born—is suing New York magazine for $1 million for libel, we've learned. This comes as Muhlhahn fields her own malpractice lawsuit, after a stillborn birth.
Unwatchable MSNBC host Ed Schultz apparently wasn't so happy about being omitted from the network's recent election night promos. Two weeks ago, Page Six reports, he went nuts in MSNBC's New York offices, screaming obscenities at everyone. More »
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