Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bristol Palin And The Situation Cast For Dancing With The Stars

This is NOT a joke. E Online reports that Bristol Palin and Jersey Shore's The Situation have been cast for the next season of Dancing With The Stars.
We can report to you exclusively that Sarah Palin's 19-year-old daughter Bristol Palin has been cast on the 11th season of DWTS, set to premiere Sept. 20, according to sources. As for the reports that David Hasselhoff, Audrina Patridge, The Situation and Brandy will also be part of the cast, here's the deal: All true, according to sources.
I was hoping for Antoine Dodson.

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Cenk Uygur & Mike Rogers: Ken Mehlman's Apology Is NOT ACCEPTED

Mike Rogers on Ken Mehlman:
"All I ask are three simple things. First he should spend time with the parents of a child who killed himself after 2004, after that horrible election. I think that he needs to take the fabulous $3M condo he bought in Manhattan and donate that back to the cause that he worked so hard against. And most important, he needs to put up a heartfelt apology, up on YouTube or somwhere on the web, where he actually looks at the American people and says 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did and I'm going to work in the future to make it better.' But he has NO desire to apologize. He has no regrets, he says."
WATCH THIS. (And hang around for newly out radio host Stephanie Miller!)

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Watch Every Second Of This

Tonight Keith Olbermann laid out exactly how Ken Mehlman worked with the religious right in 2004 to get gay marriage on the ballot in eleven states. Dan Savage joins Olbermann to point out that Mehlman also said nothing when gay men were being murdered "with impunity" in Iraq after the Bush invasion.

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CNN Host John King Quotes Joe JerVAY

Whoever the hell THAT is. Oh, well. I'll post the clip when it appears.

UPDATE: The New York Daily News botched my name too. But, oh look. They also have an Asshat/Not Asshat poll about Ken Mehlman.

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Family Research Council: Defeat That Filthy Homo Lover Harry Reid

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The Downside Of Working At Home

Having worked at home for nine of the last fifteen years, including the last three, this panel hits frighteningly close to home. Source.

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Tweet Of The Day - Dave Holmes

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Good Morning America On Mehlman

Including props to Mike Rogers! In the second clip, Mehlman's successor, former RNC chair Ed Gillespie says he "accepts" Mehlman's decision to come out, but that the two have "agreed to disagree that marriage should be between one man and woman."

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Harry Reid Goes Espanol

Ya think Sharron Angle would do the same? Hah.

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New From Sharron Angle

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Daily Grumble

On my way to lunch I saw a beautiful carpet lying against a light pole on Second Avenue. I thought, "Wow, somebody is throwing out a very expensive rug." And I almost walked over to look at it! Ack!

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Quote Of The Day - Geoff Kors

"One of the things I sincerely hope Ken Mehlman has done or will do is to explain to George W. Bush how denying LGBT people equality causes real harm and how the GOP's anti-equality platform and campaigns lead to teen suicides and hate crimes. I hope he explains how bigotry impacted him and that he has asked George W Bush to join his wife Laura in supporting marriage equality. If he can convince Bush to publicly change his position that would be powerful.

"And I hope he shares with the public how the GOP used animus towards gay people to pass anti-marriage state constitutional amendments, as that will bolster the federal Prop 8 case. What he does to undo the damage he caused can be a part of his legacy and working with AFER to help overturn Prop 8 is a good start. We all have to hope he goes all out and proves he is a talented political strategist -- this time on the side of equality." - Equality California head Geoff Kors, speaking to reporter Rex Wockner.

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Kudos To Mike Rogers

With yesterday's coming out of Ken Mehlman comes further validation of the important work of outing kingpin Mike Rogers, who had been telling us about Mehlman for years. Rogers prefers to call what he does reporting, rather than outing, because when any politician is secretly doing the very thing he's railing against on Capitol Hill, that's fucking news. When Rogers tipped the world yesterday that Mehlman was about to officially come out, the Atlantic was forced to rush out its story two days early. That makes one wonder if the story hadn't originally been timed for the infamous "Friday news dump" where so many damaging-to-pols stories end up. So we thank Mike for that too and give him props for his years-long unblemished 100% correct track record in exposing America's asshats.

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Pac-Man Eats Votes

Clip description:
This is the Sequoia AVC Edge touch-screen DRE voting machine. In 2008, it was used in jurisdictions with almost 9 million voters. Alex Halderman and Ari Feldman replaced the voting software with Pac-Man. They did this in three afternoons, without breaking any tamper-evident seals. It would be easy to modify the software to steal votes, but that's been done before, and Pac-Man is more fun.
Yet another reason to distrust electronic voting machines.

RELATED: With next month's primary NYC becomes one of the last places in the country to replace its giant clunky pull-lever voting machines as we move to optical-scan ballots, which do leave a paper trail (although many are suspicious of these machines too.) I will miss that satisfying kerCHUNK sound.

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Don't Be A Dick

This kid kills me. Totes.

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HomoQuotable - Ken Mehlman

"Look, I have a lot of friends who ask questions and who are angry about it. I understand that folks are angry, I don’t know that you can change the past. As I’ve said, one thing I regret a lot is the fact that I wasn’t in the position I am today where I was comfortable with this part of my life, where I was able to be an advocate against that [strategy] and able to be someone who argued against it. I can’t change that – it is something I wish I could and I can only try to be helpful in the future. But I understand the anger and I talk to friends about it – it’s something that I hear from a number of friends." - Ken Mehlman, telling the Advocate's Kerry Eleveld that he's gosh-darn sorry about those 11 states that passed anti-gay amendments in 2004.

Read Mehlman's full interview, his first ever with the gay press.

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Open Thread Thursday

Let's talk about forgiveness.


2000 March In Nepal Pride Parade

Rex Wockner reports that Nepal staged its first ever large-scale pride parade yesterday as 2000 Nepalese and supporters from 15 other nations marched in Kathmandu. Photo embiggens nicely, more at the link.

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Stowaway Bathtub

This appeals to me both as a minimalist and a New Yorker. Source.

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Brokeback Bromance: Robbie Williams And Gary Barlow's Shame

The two Take That members unite for a cute love song in a Brokeback Mountain setting.

(Tipped by JMG reader Pedro)

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EGYPT: Homo-Erotic Coke Ad?

Copyranter notes: "First of all, congratulations Egyptians on finally getting the convenience of soda bottles with twist-off caps. And secondly, homo-erotic humor on TV in morally repressed Egypt! Brave of the ad agency, Cairo's Fortune Promoseven, since the country has a de facto ban on homosexuality."

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American Family Association: Transgender People Are Committing Identity Theft

"In an era of identity theft and national security concerns, we’re glad that Ruth Johnson has now joined Rep. Paul Scott in expressly stating her opposition to the Secretary of State policy of allowing men to falsely identify themselves as female on their state-issued driver’s license, and vice versa. The people of Michigan should at minimum be able to trust their state government to tell the truth, not enable certain individuals’ psychological and emotional delusions by officially and legally identifying them as something they biologically are not. We urge all candidates for Secretary of State to let voters know where they stand on this honesty-in-government issue." - American Family Association of Michigan head Gary Glenn, endorsing GOP Secretary of State candidate Ruth Johnson.

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Kylie On America's Got Talent

Yesterday I posted a Facebook message about Kylie's appearance on America's Got Talent, then forgot to even watch it myself. D'oh.

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FLASHBACK: Mehlman Endorses Evil Homophobe Rick Santorum

Go to Jeremy Hooper's Good As You and read Ken Mehlman's enthusiastic endorsement of Rick Santorum in 2003. Mehlman's thumbs-up came shortly after Santorum's famous denouncement of Lawrence Vs. Texas in which he compared homosexuality to "man on dog" sex and incest.

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NOM's Brian Brown On Mehlman

NOM president Brian Brown spoke to the Advocate's Kerry Eleveld about Ken Mehlman.
Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, told The Advocate that Mehlman was "abdicating core Republican beliefs" in his support for AFER's legal effort in challenging Prop. 8. "But it's never been about the leaders. It's always been about the people, based on an overwhelming majority of Republican voters -- 85, 86 percent -- who support marriage as a union between a man and a woman," he said. "That a few folks within the Republican Party are questioning a party platform and have personal positions on same-sex marriage is a reality of political parties. [Mehlman] is no longer a major party leader, so I don't know how influential he is, to be honest with you." Marriage equality advocates, Brown said, are using high-profile conservatives now supporting marriage equality -- from Ted Olson to vice president Dick Cheney -- in order to "create an impression that there is an inevitability to same-sex marriage. The facts strongly go against that idea."
It's almost amazing that Brown would blithely quote such a poll result to a gay reporter. Almost.

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NOM's Hate Tour 2010 Recap

Selective editing, lies, and vilification. Anybody surprised?

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The Original Ken Mehlman

"Now to someone who does not understand this, homosexual is what I am because I have sex with men. But really this is wrong. Homosexuals are not men who sleep with other men. Homosexuals are men who in fifteen years of trying cannot get a pissant antidiscrimination bill through the City Council. Homosexuals are men who know nobody and who nobody knows. Who have zero clout. Does this sound like me, Henry? No. I have clout. A lot. I can pick up this phone, punch fifteen numbers, and you know who will be on the other end in under five minutes, Henry?

The president?

"Even better, Henry. His wife. I don’t want you to be impressed. I want you to understand. This is not sophistry. And this is not hypocrisy. This is reality. I have sex with men. But unlike nearly every other man of whom this is true, I bring the guy I’m screwing to the White House and President Reagan smiles at us and shakes his hand. Because what I am defines entirely who I am. Roy Cohn is not a homosexual. Roy Cohn is a heterosexual man, Henry, who fucks around with boys." - Al Pacino as Roy Cohn in Tony Kushner's Angels In America.

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Newly Out Ken Mehlman Continues To Fund Many Anti-Gay Politicians

He may be out now, but Michael Jones reports at that Ken Mehlman continues to fund numerous politicians who are working day and night to repress his fellow homosexuals.
[F]or those questioning Mehlman's motives in coming out, or his commitment to really advancing LGBT equality, his political donation history certainly won't quell any skittish nerves. Look him up on, and you'll see that Kenneth Mehlman has given money to a wide range of politicians working to take away rights for LGBT Americans. There's $2,400 to Missouri Republican Roy Blunt, who has voted to add a marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning gay marriage, as well as to ban gay adoption. There's $2,400 to Sen. John McCain, who wants to keep gay servicemembers out of the military.

There's $1,000 to Ben Quayle, who is running for Congress in Arizona and who just labeled Barack Obama the worst President in history, and who just sent out a mailer to voters touting his opposition to marriage equality. There's $2,400 to Illinois Republican Mark Kirk, who voted to keep "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in place (and who himself is subject to lots of rumors about his sexual orientation). There's $2,400 to Utah Republican Sen. Robert Bennett, who tried to stop marriage equality from becoming a reality in Washington, D.C. And the list goes on and on and includes Republicans like Rob Portman, Kelly Ayotte, Bob Corker, Richard Shelby, and Johnny Isakson, all of whom have taken positions completely contrary to full equality for LGBT Americans.
I believe hookers call that "working both sides of the street."

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FLASHBACK: Mehlman Supports 2005 Federal Marriage Amendment

In January 2005, GOP Sen. Wayne Allard (CO) introduced the Marriage Protection Amendment (a verbatim restating of the earlier failed Federal Management Amendment) with 21 Senate GOP co-sponsors. Later that year the bill was approved for review by the full Senate Judiciary Committee. Newly appointed RNC chair Ken Mehlman gave the bill his full support to reporters at an Ohio GOP fundraiser that March.
During his Akron remarks, Mehlman put forth political and policy statements often viewed as anti-gay. “Republicans are for government that stands on the side of marriage,” he said, “and on the side of strong families.” After the dinner, he was asked by a reporter about the GOP’s support for the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment, introduced in the House last week by Rep. Dan Lundgren of California. Mehlman made it clear that he supports the amendment. “I don’t think it’s anti-gay,” said Mehlman. “I don’t think the intent is to be anti-anything.”
Members of the Cleveland Log Cabin Republicans attending the dinner expressed disappointment that Mehlman evaded questions about his sexuality. "He almost said it," one pouted. The above-linked story notes no such LCR regret about Mehlman's support for permanently enshrining anti-gay legislation in the motherfucking federal Constitution.

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FLASHBACK: Mehlman Pushes 2004 Ohio Ballot Measure To Ban Gay Marriage

In 2004 then RNC head Ken Mehlman directly told Ohio's anti-gay bigots to get a marriage ban on the ballot.
Mehlman was interviewed after he spoke to the Summit County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Day dinner March 19 at Quaker Station. “I’m here to say thank you,” Mehlman told the gathering, “because Summit County increased its votes for George W. Bush from 2000 to 2004 more than any other county.” Mehlman managed the Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign and, according to the campaign’s Ohio co-chair, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, directed Ohio anti-gay activists to mount the campaign to put the Issue 1 marriage ban amendment on the ballot. Internet bloggers have pointed out that if Mehlman, 38, unmarried and never with female companionship, is gay, he is a hypocrite.
Just one more example of Mehlman's hands-on approach to repressing his fellow homosexuals.

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New York Times Whitewashes Ken Mehlman's Anti-Gay Past

Check out how the New York Times reports Ken Mehlman's history with the GOP.
Mr. Mehlman was in Mr. Bush’s inner circle in both presidential campaigns and ran his campaign in 2004, when the party courted Christian conservatives who oppose same-sex marriage. But Mr. Mehlman, in his work as chairman of the Republican National Committee and as head of Mr. Bush’s campaign, tended to personally avoid social issues. He was a leading figure in the Bush White House in pushing for the party to try to appeal to black and Hispanic voters.
Uh, yeah. Scroll down the posts below for examples of all that "avoidance."

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

FLASHBACK: 21 States Banned Same-Sex Marriage During Mehlman's Reign

During Ken Mehlman's reign as Dubya's campaign manager and afterwards during his tenure as chairman of the Republican National Committee, 21 states passed laws that banned same-sex marriage. Some of these laws made same-sex marriage unconstitutional, some made both civil unions and same-sex marriages unconstitutional. All of these anti-gay referenda took place from 2004-2006 and all of them were pushed by the GOP under Ken Mehlman (and with Karl Rove's strategic advice) as a ploy to ensure conservative turnout at the polls. If you live in any of the 21 states listed below, you can credit your second class citizenship, in part, to fellow homosexual Ken Mehlman.

North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota

Are you feeling very forgiving right now? ARE YOU?

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FLASHBACK: Mehlman Campaigns For Anti-Gay 2006 GOP Rep. Mark Kennedy

"If you believe as I do that we ought to not base the laws of America over the laws of foreign countries, if you believe as I do that we need to have "Under God" in the Pledge, if you believe as I do that we need judges who understand their job is to interpret the law and protect the Constitution, not rewrite it, then it's critically important that we reelect Mark Kennedy." - Ken Mehlman, speaking in 2006 in support of Rep. Mark Kennedy (R-MN), who twice voted for the Federal Marriage Amendment. At the time of the above remarks, Mehlman was already known to be a gay man by many in his circle, despite today's claim of a sudden and very recent epiphany.

RELATED: Note the warm welcome Mehlman gets from Rep. Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann at the beginning of the clip.

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FLASHBACK: 2006 Mehlman-Approved Race-Baiting Ad Against Harold Ford

Not only did the ad imply that black Democrat Harold Ford cavorted with, gasp, white women (how uppity!), the ad charged that Ford took money from filthy pornographers. Mehlman refused to have the ad pulled even after loud complaints from the NAACP, saying it was an "independent expenditure." (But check the "paid for by the RNC" tailer on the clip.) Oh yeah, the "in bed with pornographers" charge backfired quickly on Mehlman when it was revealed that the RNC itself was taking donations from the maker of such classics as Fire In The Hole and Flesh And Boners.

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FLASHBACK: 2005 Mehlmann Cartoon

Ken Mehlman even tried to shift the blame for the invasion of Iraq.

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FLASHBACK: Ken Mehlman Outed On Larry King By Bill Maher In 2006

CNN immediately edited this exchange for the west coast broadcast, removing all mention of Mehlman's gayness. Mehlman resigned the next day, but planted stories that the move had been planned for a long time.

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FLASHBACK: 2004 Mehlman Mailer

(Via - AlterNet)

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Mehlman Reactions

Log Cabin Republicans
"Log Cabin Republicans is very supportive and appreciative of Ken's coming out. Being gay and being conservative are not mutually exclusive,” said Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper. “As a fellow Bush alumnus, I also look forward to Ken helping me and our colleagues build a stronger and more inclusive Republican Party. Nothing presents a better argument for the equality of gay and lesbian citizens than the reality of our lives as responsible members of society. I am happy that Ken has come to a place where he can take a stand with integrity, and I welcome him as yet another conservative, common-sense voice to join with Log Cabin Republicans and all Americans in this important dialogue."
Victory Fund
“Coming out is a personal decision, and it can have a profound impact on families, friends, colleagues and constituents. We hope the fact that Ken Mehlman has reached this level of honesty will now encourage other political leaders to reject divisive anti-gay campaign tactics which, as Mr. Mehlman now admits, are purely cynical attempts to manipulate the American public,” Wolfe said. ”We look forward to the day when all political leaders, regardless of party, are able to be honest about themselves and their families, and still rise to positions where they can lead by example.”
Geoffrey Kors (Equality California)
"I'm glad he finally came out and glad he's raising money and working to undo the tremendous damage he did to LGBT people. He needs to acknowledge the damage he caused and apologize for the lives he's ruined, raise millions of dollars to overturn every one of the state constitutional amendments (banning same-sex marriage that) he helped pass, and spend the rest of his life working to achieve equality and justice for the community he is part of that he used for selfish political purposes."
Stonewall Democrats
“The coming out process is a very personal and sacred one, regardless of one’s party, class or position of power and we’re glad that Mehlman has taken the opportunity to live his life openly and authentically. It is a stark illustration, however, of how damaging the closet can be when one puts ideology over personal integrity. Mehlman presided over the Republican Party at a time when the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans were used to ill ends – marriage amendments in dozens of states, vitriolic attacks on our families, our soldiers, our very lives – all for political expediency, votes at the ballot box, and power.

"Imagine what a different America it would be if Mehlman had drawn a line in the sand and said, 'No. The lives of fellow Americans – an American like me – should not be used in this bigoted way.' Ultimately, Mehlman’s story is a cautionary tale of the damage that can be visited on literally millions of people at the intersection of power and the closet. We recognize that this might have been a difficult decision for Mehlman. It’s ironic that he had to make this decision in an environment that is even more difficult and painful because of the policies and politics overseen and sanctioned by him. The next chapter of Mehlman’s life could be about the good that someone can accomplish when authenticity and integrity wins out. We look forward to working with Mr. Mehlman now on issues that many of us have been working on for decades.”
More reactions will be added to this post as they arrive.

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Tweet Of The Day - Jesus M. Christ

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Scumbag Ken Mehlman Factoid

Don't forget for one fucking minute that it was Ken Mehlman who presided over the Republican Party while the GOP ensured that anti-gay items would be on MANY state ballots in order to drive homophobes to the polls. From Marc Ambinder's Atlantic column:
Mehlman said at the time that he could not, as an individual Republican, go against the party consensus. He was aware that Karl Rove, President Bush’s chief strategic adviser, had been working with Republicans to make sure that anti-gay initiatives and referenda would appear on November ballots in 2004 and 2006 to help Republicans. Mehlman acknowledges that if he had publicly declared his sexuality sooner, he might have played a role in keeping the party from pushing an anti-gay agenda.
As a commenter astutely observed in the post below this one, you don't have be GAY or OUT to know that discrimination and bigotry is wrong. Don't let Mehlman's "personal journey" babble snow you.

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Repulsive Anti-Gay Quisling Homophobic Scumbag Asshat Closeted Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman Has Come Out

Maybe the $4M loft he bought in gay gay gay Chelsea this summer did (or more likely, brought) the trick, as Mike Rogers reports today that repulsive 2004 Dubya campaign manager and former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman is about to come out. [UPDATE: It's official. See update at the bottom of this post.]
In 2004 Steve Schmidt (then the Republican National Convention spokesman and later the McCain campaign's senior strategist) lied to me when I asked him point blank about Mehlman. "Ken Mehlman is not gay," he proclaimed. In 2006, Mehlman told the New York Daily News, "I am not gay, but those stories did a number on my dating life for six months." It's so nice to be proven right, me that is, not Ken. If this move doesn't call for a Roy Cohn Award, I don't know what does. Ken Mehlman is horridly homophobic and no matter how orchestrated his coming out is, our community should hold him accountable for his past.

As we saw with Jim McGreevy, many gay leaders will attempt to elbow themselves to the front of the line to say on cable TV how wonderful it is that Ken is now being honest with the American people. Someone will be quoted in the New York Times saying something like, "After so many years of working for the Republicans, it's wonderful to see Ken be true to himself." Or perhaps you'll read a quote in the Washington Post about how "every gay person is on their own personal journey and we are happy Ken has decided to be so open about his personal struggle." Next up will come the book, then the TV shows, and of course the speaking tour. I'll only buy it if he is really sorry.
Mehlman's crimes against his own people are motherfucking LEGION. Mike Rogers continues:
So, how can Ken Mehlman redeem himself? I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for being the architect of the 2004 Bush reelection campaign. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for his role in developing strategy that resulted in George W. Bush threatening to veto ENDA or any bill containing hate crimes laws. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for the pressing of two Federal Marriage Amendments as political tools. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for developing the 72-hour strategy, using homophobic churches to become political arms of the GOP before Election Day.
We can be sure that GOProud and the Log Cabin Republicans are positively drooling over the prospect of welcoming Mehlman onto their boards of directors. VOMIT.

UPDATE: It's official. Here's Mehlman's statement.
"It's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life. Everybody has their own path to travel, their own journey, and for me, over the past few months, I've told my family, friends, former colleagues, and current colleagues, and they've been wonderful and supportive. The process has been something that's made me a happier and better person. It's something I wish I had done years ago. I wish I was where I am today 20 years ago. The process of not being able to say who I am in public life was very difficult. No one else knew this except me. My family didn't know. My friends didn't know. Anyone who watched me knew I was a guy who was clearly uncomfortable with the topic."
Read the entire story on the Atlantic. Andy Towle is reporting that Mehlman has already agreed to chair a "major anti-Prop 8 fundraiser" for Americans For Equal Rights, Ted Olson and David Boies' outfit. Gee thanks, shitbag. That's like offering to help rebuild a house when YOU were the fucker that helped BURN IT DOWN.

UPDATE II: Courtesy of Towleroad, here's the official invite to the AFER/Mehlman Prop 8 fundraiser. UPDATE III: Oscar winning Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black cheers on Facebook.

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Mike Huckabee Invites You To Fast And Pray That God Smites Dirty Queers

Dominionist Lou Engle and his TheCall ministry will be gathering thousands of bigots at the state house in Sacramento over Labor Day weekend, where they will fast and pray that God finally turns America into a Christian theocracy in which dirty queers are trampled under the righteous boots of God's Gentle People™. Mike Huckabee invites your attendance.

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Glenn Beck: I Am The New MLK

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NEW YORK CITY: Cab Driver Stabbed After Being Asked If He Is Muslim

A New York City cab driver was stabbed repeatedly Monday night after a passenger reportedly demanded to know if he was Muslim.
Michael Enright, 21, hailed a cab on Monday night on Manhattan's east side. After entering the vehicle, the AP notes that Enright allegedly asked his driver, Ahmed H. Sharif, if he was Muslim. Sharif responded with a yes, prompting the intoxicated Enright to allegedly pull out a pocket knife tool, reach for the driver's seat and slash him. New York Police Department spokeswoman Kim Royster told the wire service that Sharif was treated for gashes to his throat, upper lip, forearm and thumb. The New York Taxi Workers Alliance identified Sharif by name, and in a related news release, added that the confrontation "occured amid tension" over plans for the new cultural center and mosque near Ground Zero. Within that same document, Sharif, who has served 15 years as a cab driver, expressed sadness over the current climate his profession is facing.
The passenger has been charged with attempted murder as a hate crime. Congratulations go to Pam Geller, Glenn Beck, and Pat Robertson.

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Yes, I'm Running For Mayor, But Let's Start With My Original Song About Jeebus

Towleroad notes that Providence, Rhode Island mayoral candidate Christopher Young was also thrown out of a debate last month for refusing to remove the giant statue of the BVM he'd brought with him.

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Jersey Shore Halloween

This year's hot costumes? I'm betting on Steven Slater and that super-annoying Progressive Insurance woman. The Walgreens on my block is already all Halloween. Boo.

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True Blood Explained In 60 Seconds

(Tipped by JMG reader David)

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KANSAS: Death Threats For Gay Democratic Candidate For State Legislature

The Kansas Equality Coalition writes us today to report that Dan Manning, a Democratic candidate for the state legislature, has had death threats posted to the front door of his home.
As many of you know, one of our Equality Coalition members, Dan Manning, is running for Kansas House of Representatives in Wichita. Originally from southern Georgia, Dan is a West Point graduate who served for 8 years in the US Army before being discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Dan has since made Kansas his home and directed his passion for serving our nation in to a campaign to serve in the state Legislature.

Dan’s opponent is long-time incumbent Brenda Landwehr. Landwehr, a notorious far-right conservative, has been a vocal opponent of equal rights for gay, lesbian and transgendered Kansans. Since February, she has used Dan’s sexual orientation to stir up her constituent. She has gone so far as to use language that Dan was told was “too offensive” to repeat. This weekend, the homophobia and name-calling took a dangerous and criminal turn. Dan arrived home from work on Saturday to find a death threat attached to his front door. Crudely cut from newspaper headlines was a crass note that read: “DISTRICT 91 Democrat Dan N. Manning, 29, production supervisor,” “2010 State House Election” “Will DIE” “FaGIT” "Kill” “HOMO” “MURDER” “Head OFF”
Read the Kansas Equality Coalition's complete report, including their link to the death threat notes.

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Teabagger Strikethrough

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Florida Pastor: Hundreds Of Armed Militia Will Guard Us As We Burn The Koran

Dove World Outreach Pastor Terry Jones says that when his Gainesville, Florida church conducts it's plan burning of the Koran on 9/11, he and his flock will be protected by an "armed militia."
Terry Jones has accepted the support of Right Wing Extreme, which he said offered to come to the church with between 500 and 2,000 men on September 11. He described the organization as an armed civilian militia group. "There is a need for this protection. It is absolutely necessary in light of the death and terror threats we have received," Jones said in an e-mail to CNN. "We have met with the FBI who have warned us of the threats they have seen, not only against us but against other targets in Florida. We have personally received threats by phone and many by mail," he said. No one from Right Wing Extreme was immediately available to comment on Tuesday. But in a statement sent to CNN by the Dove World Outreach Center, Right Wing Extreme founder Shannon Carson said: "We fully support Dove World Outreach Center and its efforts to put an end to the notion that Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam is a violent cult with the goal of world domination." Muslims and many other Christians, including some evangelicals, are fighting the church's plan to burn the Quran.
Oh, yes. This is going to be very interesting.

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Nate Silver's 2010 Senate Predictions

Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight makes its debut as part of the New York Times today, where he gives us the above predictions for this year's Senate races. It looks like Silver is predicting that the Democrats will lose about seven seats, yet retain a slim majority.

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Last Night At Scissor Sisters

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WYOMING: Gay Couple Challenges Ban On Same-Sex Marriage

A young gay couple has filed a federal court challenge to the constitutionality of Wyoming's ban on same-sex marriage. So far, they are representing themselves.
The lawsuit, filed Aug. 13 by David Shupe-Roderick, 25, and Ryan W. Dupree, 21, is the first legal challenge in recent memory to Wyoming’s law defining marriage as being a contract solely “between a male and a female person.” The couple, who are representing themselves, filed the lawsuit after the Laramie County Clerk's Office refused three times to issue them a marriage license. That's unequal treatment, they said, and they're asking U.S. District Judge Alan B. Johnson to stop the state from enforcing any laws that block gays and lesbians from access to civil marriage. “We determined that a lawsuit was the only possible way for them to get to recognize us as people,” Shupe-Roderick said. “I think it’s time that Wyoming lives up to its title. You know they call themselves the Equality State? Well, they’re not so equal.”
The plaintiffs say they cannot afford an attorney and can't find one to take their case for free. They add that so far they are relying on knowledge one of them acquired while interning for the ACLU.

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FLORIDA: Trans Candidate Loses Primary

Transgender GOP congressional candidate Donna Milo finished last in a three-way race in yesterday's Florida primary, garnering 22% of the total votes. As we noted here in May, Milo opposes marriage equality and believes that "traditional parents" should have precedence when it comes to adoption decisions. So long, Donna. You were a mildly interesting, if very annoying, blip on our radar.

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Seventeen Attorneys General Demand That Craigslist Remove Its Hooker Ads

Saying that the site is enabling prostitution and child trafficking, a coalition of 17 state Attorneys General are demanding that Craigslist remove its adult services section.
"Only Craigslist has the power to stop these ads before they are even published," Kansas attorney general Steve Six said in a statement. "Sadly, they are completely unwilling to do so." The joint letter acknowledged Craigslist faces the prospect of losing revenue if it were to remove the adult services section. "No amount of money, however, can justify the scourge of illegal prostitution and the suffering of the women and children who will continue to be victimized, in the market and trafficking provided by Craigslist," the letter said. Craigslist supports states' efforts to stop illegal exploitation, spokeswoman Susan MacTavish Best said in a statement that did not indicate whether the website plans to get rid of its adult services section. "We hope to work closely with them, as we are with experts at nonprofits and in law enforcement, to prevent misuse of our site in facilitation of trafficking," she said. Some encounters set up through Craigslist have ended in violence and even death, authorities have said.
The adult services section of Craigslist is one of the few areas of the site which charges for postings.

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From The National GOP Senate Committee

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Last Address

JMG reader Carol tips us to Last Address, a website that chronicles the last known homes and work of NYC-based artists lost to AIDS over the years. Among the notables listed so far: Robert Mapplethorpe, Keith Haring, Klaus Nomi, Vito Russo, Ethyl Eichelberger, and many others. The website is a side project by the makers of a short film by the same name. Watch the film, then hit the site for performance clips, biographies, and interviews.

Last Address from Ira Sachs on Vimeo.

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Previously Vaccinated

Cafe Figo, First Avenue, 8AM

A group of boisterous old ladies is seated next to me...

Old Lady 1: Are all these old biddies making too much noise for ya?

Me: No, I used to live in South Florida, I'm used to it.

Old Lady 2: Hah! He's immune!

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MGMT - Congratulations

Strangest clip from them yet.


FLORIDA: Anti-Gay AG Bill McCollum LOSES Gubernatorial GOP Primary

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, the man who paid Dr. George "Rentboy" Rekers $130,000 in his bid to keep gay adoption illegal, has lost his GOP primary bid to become his state's next governor.
Former health-care executive Rick Scott clung to a narrow lead over Attorney General Bill McCollum on Tuesday night in the race for the Republican nomination for governor, as the most-expensive primary -- and one of the ugliest -- in Florida history staggered to a bitter conclusion. News services began calling the race for Scott shortly before 11 p.m. With 89 percent of precincts reporting, Scott had 47 percent of the vote to McCollum's 43 percent, a lead he had held most of the night. A third GOP candidate, Mike McCalister, garnered a respectable 10 percent for having spent only $8,000 -- a vote some attributed to voter disgust with the two leading candidates.
GOP winner Rick Scott is an teabagger anti-gay scumbag too, but we'll worry about him when he faces Democrat Alex Sink in November. For now, let's fucking celebrate the loss of Pig McCollum.

UPDATE: McCollum's concession speech continued his pandering to bigots: "My campaign for Governor may be over, but I remain committed to serving our state and serving out the rest of my term as Florida’s Attorney General. We will continue our fight against Obamacare, continue to support states’ rights and their authority to crack down on illegal immigration and fight for all Floridians."

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today In Teabagger Music Videos

The American Family Association is claiming that the co-author of this dreck was fired from his job because of it.
Twenty-six-year-old Bryan Glover is a Christian who co-wrote a song called "When You're Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail," which takes a dig at the current administration and what he believes to be the wrong moves for the U.S. He sent a link to his song to everyone in his personal e-mail inbox, which included parents from Grassland Middle School, where he coached football. "An hour-and-a-half after sending out the e-mail, I got the phone call from the head coach saying that he had had complaints from parents; he was told to fire me," the former coach accounts. He notes that he was surprised by the allegations against him."When the coach first called me, he said his phone was blown up with parents saying that I was being politically incorrect -- quote, unquote -- if you will, and that some of them were even reading into racial overtones in the song," Glover explains.

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Michele Bachmann's First 2010 TV Ad

Michele Bachmann's first TV ad of the campaign season introduces us to "Jim, the election guy," who promises "I'll be back later," presumably in follow-up commercials. Maybe Crazy Eyes knows how grating her voice is.

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For Rectal Use Only

Infantile? Absolutely. Did I LOL? Hells yeah.

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Quote Of The Day - Frum Report

"What is happening to the GOP? First our elected officials tire of bashing gays and now our pundits? Perhaps Republicans are beginning to see the writing on the wall. Public opinion is changing rapidly in favor of gay marriage rights. In just 10 years gay marriage has become legal in 10 countries, 5 U.S. States and the District of Columbia. A just released CNN poll found half of all U.S. citizens now support gay marriage and Columbia researcher Suzanne Goldberg reported on CNN that 'research indicates younger people are beginning to see sexual orientation as a benign variation'. Even the Tea Party has generally sat on the sideline on social issues, preferring to focus on matters of economics and less government.

"The religious right may be having a conniption, but younger Republicans increasingly appear to believe that opposing gay equality is inconsistent with a belief in increased liberty and smaller government. Although the religious right will continue to be a strong presence in the GOP for years to come, changing demographics are not on the side of anti-gay forces and the GOP appears to be awakening to this reality." - From guest blogger RD on the website of conservative commentator David Frum, in an essay titled GOP Drops Fight Against Gay Rights.

The Freepers, of course, have already labeled their erstwhile hero a traitor. And as always in Freepistan, all things LGBT boil down to buttsecks.

-"Frum is all excited about our children being taught that anal sex is normal and natural. How will Frum feel when his son is in a hospital at age 35 or 40, unable to hold his own feces in anymore? Something for the GOP parents to look forward to I guess."
-"Let's not forget the painful hemorrhoids requiring painful surgery leading up to the rectal prolapse, the genital warts, and the genital, oral or anal cancers."

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Bjork - The Comet Chase Song

Released today on iTunes, all proceeds to Pakistan.

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USMC Commandant: Religious Soldiers May Be Granted Separate Housing From Gays

USMC Commandant James Conway says that homo-fearing religious Marines may be granted separate barracks should DADT be repealed.
Conway suggested that if the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” law is repealed, the Marines may consider allowing Marines not to share quarters with homosexuals. Conway said the Marines may make such housing arrangements "voluntary" to accommodate any "moral concerns." He said many Marines are "very religious" and because of their moral concerns "don’t want to room" with homosexuals. But Conway stressed that if the law is repealed, the Marines would take the lead in implementing it. "We cannot be seen as dragging our feet. We've got two wars to fight. We'll implement it and move on," said Conway.
The last time this came up, the Pentagon claimed that they had only been considering adding shower curtains in barracks bathrooms.

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TENNESSEE: Citing Lack Of Support, Backers Pull Proposed LGBT Rights Law

Saying that they have no support on the Memphis City Council, the Tennessee Equality Project has withdrawn their proposed anti-discrimination ordinance which would have protected LGBT residents in hiring and promotion decisions.
TEP members said it was clear the ordinance, which was scheduled for the second of three readings this afternoon, lacked support from the 13-member council and Wharton’s administration, which said two weeks ago that it favors a more general ordinance approved by the Shelby County Commission earlier this year. Michelle Bliss, vice chairwoman of the Shelby County Committee of the TEP, said council members were making decisions based on “fear and prejudice.” “At this time we don’t think we can get a fair hearing,” said Bliss.
A spokesperson for the Tennessee Equality Project says Memphis Mayor AC Wharton has broken campaign pledges to support the LGBT community.

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Researchers Make HIV Breakthrough With Existing FDA-Approved Meds

Scientists at the University of Minnesota believe that two existing FDA-approved cancer medications may work jointly to eliminate HIV infections.
The two drugs, decitabine and gemcitabine -- both FDA approved and currently used in pre-cancer and cancer therapy -- were found to eliminate HIV infection in the mouse model by causing the virus to mutate itself to death -- an outcome researchers dubbed "lethal mutagenesis." This is a landmark finding in HIV research because it is the first time this novel approach has been used to attack the deadly virus without causing toxic side effects. Because decitabine and gemcitabine are already FDA approved, researchers believe that if their research is effective in large animal models, it will be much easier to expedite the development of the drugs for human use.
Researchers found that the drugs caused no cell toxicity and were effective against HIV in levels below "well below" those used for cancer. The drugs are now being reformulated for oral use.

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Pageant Queens

Over at Boy Culture, Matthew Rettenmund tips us to this really cute clip of four Filipino gay boys reacting to Miss Philippines making the top fifteen at last night's Miss Universe pageant. Tuesday morning pageantbacks are saying that it was her question response that lost her the crown.

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PhoboQuotable - Wally Leimgruber

I don't judge any person because they don't participate in the same heterosexual lifestyle as my wife and me. But when you tell me that homosexual marriage is a normal thing, it's like telling me the Earth is flat. I took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and the law of California says that homosexual marriage is illegal. So if nobody else in government will defend the law, then I guess it's up to us. The Alliance Defense Fund called me in November and told me it was necessary that a governmental entity get involved. I knew right away it was the right thing for us." - Imperial County Supervisor Wally Leimgruber, explaining why his county has filed to defend Prop 8.

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Short Sleepers

About 5% of the population are short sleepers, folks who rarely get or need more than four hours of sleep to feel refreshed. I think I'm more of a shift-sleeper, as I typically grab my z's in two widely separated three hour blocks. (Not that I'm bothered by most of the things that keep New Yorkers awake.) What's your story?

A Very Special Message From Fox News

Media Matters takes on Rupert Murdoch over News Corp's $1M donation to the Republican Party. By the way, the voice over is by D.C. Douglas, whom you may recall was fired by Geico after he left a ranting voicemail for Dick Armey's astroturf outfit.

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Exodus Saves Cindy From The Gay

(Tipped by JMG reader Homer)

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Daily Grumble

I know I've already told you at least three or four times, but Christwire is a freekin' parody site, people. A very fucking hilarious parody site. But thanks for your outraged emails. It just goes to prove how brilliant Stephenson Billings is.

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The Big Gay Ice Cream Song

Former Go-Go's guitarist Jane Wiedlin has released Big Gay Ice Cream Song, her tribute to NYC's Big Gay Ice Cream Truck. The clip hasn't appeared on YouTube yet, but can be previewed and downloaded on iTunes. Wiedlin calls the tune "three minutes of sugary pop goodness, sort of like ice cream for your ears." You can follow Big Gay Ice Cream Truck proprietor Doug on Twitter to find his location and today's specials.

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Ten Key Moments In Marriage Equality

The National Law Journal has published its top ten key moments in the fight for marriage equality. Here are three excerpts.

The U.S. Supreme Court dismisses Baker v. Nelson, an appeal of a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling that found limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples did not violate the state constitution. The Court finds the case does not ask a substantial federal question, and some argue that dismissal set a binding precedent that could influence the Court's eventual consideration of Proposition 8.

The Hawaii Supreme Court rules in Baehr v. Miike, finding that laws denying same-sex couples the right to marry violated state constitutional equal protection rights unless the state could show a "compelling reason" for such discrimination and sending the case back to trial court. The ruling was later credited with sparking a backlash in the form of laws and constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Hawaiian voters later passed a referendum giving the legislature jurisdiction over marriage, bypassing state courts.

In two separate cases, a federal judge in Boston rules July 8 that the federal Defense of Marriage Act violated the Constitution by denying federal benefits to married gay men and lesbians and by forcing Massachusetts to discriminate in order to obtain federal funds. Meanwhile, in California on Aug. 4, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker rules that Proposition 8 violated gays' and lesbians' due process rights. The decision is currently on appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

Read the entire list.

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CALIFORNIA: Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado Attacks SF Mayor Gavin Newsom

In one of the longest and strangest attack ads we've seen yet, California Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado goes after his 2010 opponent, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom.

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NY Post Readers Weigh In

A hilarious and very NSFW spoof of the New York Times Weekender commercials. Get da fuck outta heeyah.

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Do Not Use The Green Or Yellow Lines

Glenn Beck's big teabagger rally takes place in DC this weekend and attendees are being warned to stay off certain subway lines. You know what kind of people ride those lines.
If you are on the subway stay on the Red line between Union Station and Shady Grove, Maryland. If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don't know where you are, so you should not explore them.
In an act of civic charity, the DCist has thoughtfully created the below map of DC's predominantly white neighborhoods so teabaggers can encounter as few black people as possible.

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