Thursday, May 20, 2004

Lynne Cheney Rebukes Kerry Over Education

Oh, thank you God, thank you thank you thank you for this article.
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's criticism of President Bush's education record drew a rebuke Thursday from an unlikely source - Vice President Dick Cheney's wife. Cheney has been Kerry's chief White House critic.

But his wife, Lynne, who addressed the conservative New York-based Manhattan Institute, picked up the Bush re-election team's charge that Kerry often takes both sides of an issue. She noted the Massachusetts senator's vote for the president's No Child Left Behind education initiative, which he now criticizes. - AP
Dear Mrs. Cheney,

You've got some nerve, lady.

Your daughter Mary is a lesbian, and your own husband - Mary's father - is now supporting a constitutional amendment making Mary and her lover Heather second-class citizens.

Yet you and Dick still talk to Mary. Hell, you and Dick are apparently on GREAT terms with her (and Heather too, we assume). Yet when Dick goes on national TV, he has nothing but bad things to say about gay relationships and how those relationships must be explicitly banned in the US Constitution.

Yep, your husband wants to ban other people from having the very relationships that you seem to tolerate and welcome in your own home.

As for you, while your husband sells your daughter up the river for votes, you don't say a word.

Lady, you are the last mom who should be chiding others about leaving children behind.

Love, JOHN (creator of Read More......

Absolutely hysterical

When Crest toothpaste teamed up with the cast of 'The Apprentice 2' for a promotional stunt on Tuesday, it was supposed to be a marketing coup for the corporate dental-care giant.... A spy tells Lowdown that after handing out tube after tube of the decay-preventing dentifrice to passersby, the 'Apprentice' team enlisted a plump 51-year-old woman to haul the unsightly empty boxes back to a nearby truck and haul back armsful of sparkling-new boxes.

For this, they offered her $20.

As the woman lumbered from the table to the truck and back - 'working her a- off,' says our spy - she was overheard mumbling, 'I have to do a good job for Crest.'

After about an hour, she had worked herself into a beet-faced, sweaty daze. At one point she tumbled over and began to roll around on the ground, chanting 'Crest! Crest!' over and over.

'It was just spooky,' said our spy.

Finally, while the 'Apprentice' folks stood by watching, an off-duty EMT worker and an onlooker picked up the distressed woman and carried her back to the truck. But as soon as they had deposited her in the driver's seat, she started to shake - 'It looked like she was going into cardiac arrest' - and suddenly passed out cold, falling limp into the passenger side.

When she finally awoke after a full three minutes, she promptly vomited and demanded, 'Where's my money'... - NY Daily News
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Does Bush want to jail all gays?

One issue ignored in the entire gay marriage debate is the simple fact that most, if not all, of the leaders of the anti-"gay marriage" movement believe that gay people should be jailed simply because of who they are.

These leaders believe the Supreme Court wrongly decided Lawrence v. Texas last year, a case that said states can not jail gay people for having consensual adult relationships. The anti-gays were, and remain, livid about that decision, and it's a point the "liberal" media has totally ignored. Namely, does President Bush agree with his top supporters that gay people should be thrown in jail simply because of who they are? Bush believed it ten years ago in Texas when he supported the state sodomy law, and his true-believers believe it today. So where is the president on this? Should states have the right to jail gay people simply because of who they are?
"U.S. Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, sponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment legislation current working its way through the House of Representatives, says this summer of upheaval is courtesy of the pro-homosexual judiciary in Massachusetts.

'Armed with such an unprecedented ruling by the four Supreme Court justices in Massachusetts, and the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Lawrence v. Texas case, homosexual couples will fiercely attack well-founded state laws,' the Colorado Republican says." - AgapePress
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"The Lion King" promoted homosexuality?

I was doing a little research on the Gay Days story (below) and came across this little gem from 1997. Apparently, among the reasons the religious is boycotting Disney and its Gay Days is:
"The American Family Association claimed The Lion King' included a homosexual relationship between a meerkat and a wart hog."
Damn, I know there's a good pun here... Read More......

KKK joins Christian right in protesting Gay Days

You know, you gotta love it. For years, the American Family Association and the Southern Baptists have been boycotting and protesting Gay Days at Disney (basically, one day a year when lots of gay folks go to Disney together), because the Bible thumpers felt gays were an affront to families. Well, now the homophobes are in good company.
The Ku Klux Klan has announced plans to demonstrate at this weekend's Gay Day at Dollywood.

The Klan said it would send 20 protestors to the Pigeon Forge, Tenn. theme park Saturday where about a thousands gays and lesbians are scheduled to hold their annual party. The Klan announcement said its demonstrators will carry banners denouncing homosexuality but will not wear their traditional white robes and hoods.

The KKK protest was organized by Randy Gray, a Klansman who has coordinated Klan rallies throughout Tennessee....

''Theme parks have always been for families. They're going there, I believe, to rub it in our faces, to be like 'ha, ha, we're finally getting our way,' '' he told the Tennessean newspaper.
The American Family Association, the Southern Baptists, and the Klan - all fighting for the same cause. I couldn't have written this script any better.

(Thanks to Gerry for sending this in.)
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Bush to turn gays away from sperm banks

The US government said it would ban homosexuals from making anonymous donations to sperm banks, in the name of preventing transmittable diseases, in a move swiftly condemned by gay rights groups....

There is a 72 hour test which would provide information as to whether a person was HIV positive, we know that even the International Red Cross accepts blood from men who have sex with men," said Roberta Sklar, spokesperson for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

"This is another instance of the Bush administration ignoring scientific information and putting forth their own agenda to satisfy the extreme right wing conservative voters. It does not take in current scientific findings and recommendations. - AFP
What a total fucking asshole. Folks, Bush is doing this because it's an easy slap at gays that will help him kiss up to the religious right at a time when they're angry at him for not doing more on gay marriage. How many more reasons do gay people need to get the hell out of that party? The party leaders hate us, folks. You are a second-class leper to these people. Get the hell out.

And another thing. Is it just me, or is this entire Bush-endorsed far-right agenda getting more than a bit creepy in a Nazi-esque (and I mean that in the literal sense of the word) kind of way? Bush is now making governmental moves to stop gay people from procreating, in essence. Think about that, folks. Shining beacon on a hill, my ass. Read More......

Is Romney going to undo inter-racial marriages in Mass. too?

I wonder how many inter-racial marriages took place in Massachusettts prior to June, 1967, the date the Supreme Court ruled that state bans on inter-racial marriages were unconstitutional? If prior to that date Massachusetts conducted marriages for inter-racial couples who were from states that banned inter-racial marriage, then those marriages would have been invalid in Massachusetts, and thus those folks aren't married. Sure, the Supreme Court now says the ban was unconstitutional, but that's not the point. The point is that at the time the marriages happened, they were not legal marriages under the law of Massachusetts, thus those people are not married today unless they had another ceremony. Perhaps some some smart young whipper-snapper in Massachusetts should start reviewing those marriages as well - all in the interest of upholding the law as Mr. Romney is asking us to do, of course. Read More......

Bush Will Attend 3 Commencements, His Twins' Not Among Them

Mr. Family Values. What a freakin' liar. Bush has been saying for weeks that neither he nor Laura are going to attend their daughters' college graduation ceremonies because of the disruption it would cause for other graduates due to increased security requirements. Yet, Bush is attending 3 other college graduations instead of his daughters, including the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Louisiana State University, and Concordia University in Wisconsin.

Obviously, inconveniencing the families of graduates isn't the concern since Bush will be doing just that at the other graduations. And if the issue were Bush's fear of protests, sure, he won't get any at the Air Force Academy, but I'm not so sure about Louisiana State (and anyway, daughter one's graduation is at Yale, where there would be protests, but daughter 2 is at the U of Texas - is that really going to have any more protests than Louisiana State?)

And more importantly, if Bush is worried about protests and that's why he's not going, then he lied to us - and whether it's about his travel plans or WMD, I'm getting a little tired of this man's serial lies.

But most important of all, the man is blowing off his daughters' college graduation. And he wonders why they drink. Read More......

Now the Bushies are enviros who hate oil - uh huh...

That's nice. Only two weeks ago Bush's people were saying that oil prices should be set by the market, and now they're saying "We believe the price of oil is too high as demand is outpacing supply." Also, at the beginning of the administration, their answer to the energy "problem" was to drill for more oil (ANWAR, anyone?), leaving us increasingly-dependent on this high-stakes addiction. Now the Bushies are claiming that "in the long term, the U.S. was looking at ways to diversify its fuel sources as well as meeting environmental concerns with new technology." Yeah right, I think our pulling out of Kyoto pretty much summed up this administration's level of concern about the environment and technology.

Funny how during an election year these guys totally reinvent (i.e., lie about) themselves. It's almost like they're embarrassed to admit who they really are. Read More......

Kerry Edges Bush Among N.J. Voters, Should Be a No-brainer, but isn't

This is the most troubling part of the article:
'Despite all the bad news out of Iraq, President Bush is threatening to make a horse race out of New Jersey, a state everyone had put in the 'safe' column for John Kerry,' said Clay F. Richards, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
As always, the issue is how to not just make Bush appear unlikeable (which should be a no-brainer), but rather, how to make Kerry appear likeable. Read More......

Now we're abusing children in Iraq

Yahoo! News - GI: Boy mistreated to get dad to talk: A military intelligence analyst who recently completed duty at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq said Wednesday that the 16-year-old son of a detainee there was abused by U.S. soldiers to break his father's resistance to interrogators.

The analyst said the teenager was stripped naked, thrown in the back of an open truck, driven around in the cold night air, splattered with mud and then presented to his father at Abu Ghraib, the prison at the center of the scandal over abuse of Iraqi detainees.
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Bushes not attending daughters' graduations

They say it's because they don't want to trouble the other graduates' families with all the extra security. Perhaps. But I would think the other graduates' families would think it pretty cool that the president was attending. Not showing up to your daughters' graduations? That just strikes me as odd. It also strikes me as, legitimately, falling into the "then we let the terrorists win" category. You don't crap out on your kids. Well, actually, in the Bush-Cheney administration, you do (can anyone say Mary Cheney?). Read More......

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