Joe recently pointed to something that's more than a little concerning. He quotes a Wash Post article that says the BP oil spill hasn't really impacted either public opinion or public policy regarding fossil fuels. After a list of all the ways nothing has budged, the article concludes:
The Senate is still gridlocked. Opinion polls haven't budged much. Gasoline demand is going up, not down.Joe comments:
[W]e've heard mixed messages from elected officials from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. On one hand, they want more federal aid. On the other hand, they want more drilling, even though we now know that it's not safe.Shamelessly in bed with BP, and three crisp hundreds on the night stand. Oops. Couple that with recent GOP "mistakes" like this one from John Kyl:
You do need to offset the cost of increased spending. And that’s what republicans object to. But you should never have to offset cost of a deliberate decision to reduce tax rates on Americans.Make that four crisp hundreds. Or the Joe Barton BP apology. Or Sharron Angle calling the $20 billion in BP escrow cash a "slush fund", something Time's Swampland called "Sharron Angle's latest gaffe" (emphasis on "latest"). Or any of the countless attacks on the unemployed that stream over the transom and under the GOP door these days.
So many — can they really be gaffes? What if all of these "mistakes" aren't mistakes at all, but careful calculations? If so — and here I return you to Joe's point at the start of this post — it's working. No needle of outrage has moved; no Obama policy has been nudged toward change I can believe in. (In fact, "Team Change You Can Believe In" has managed to rebrand itself — "Team No Change You Can Notice" is sadly closer to the mark.)
A strategy this successful (admit it — it really is successful) is neither a series of "gaffes" nor the product of idiots. So best be prepared. I think we need to batten down, folks.
I've said a million times — Big Money enables Republicans and neuters Democrats. Money is handing a fortune to Republicans for this next election, and threatening Dems if Dems don't toe the line.
Money has all the bases covered. Money controls both opponents and the media who report the contest. (If you have time, check out this from Digby — I think Jon Alter has seriously soiled himself here. I wish I had the video.)
And the people? They seem to be passing through this staged event like Disney patrons in super-size shirts and shorts moving to the next faux presentation. (And it probably won't surprise you to learn that, according to this new study, the only effect that facts have on the already-cemented-in is to harden the cement.)
Yes, it may be a seriously bumpy night.
But I don't want to focus on the feeling of impotence — that's really part of the plan, isn't it — but on the need for planning and action. This note is not about them, but about you, about us, and our response to the rest of our school year with Team Change You Can Wait For.
Money's plan for them is to cave. Money's plan for you is to grumble and take it. My suggestion — cross them up. Do the first; don't do the second. (Some suggestions here.)
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