Last night,
I wrote a post, "Republicans are dumping McCcain -- and dumping on him," based on a
New York Times article chock full of GOPers trashing their nominee. The article is worth a read. And, while the GOP interviewees say McCain can still win, that's perfunctory. They don't mean it. Republicans across the country are starting to really panic over McCain's erratic campaign and what it means for their party at all levels.
Of course, this is not all McCain's fault. Republicans, under the leadership of George W. Bush, have done enormous damage to our country. And, Bush was the culmination of decades of failed and broken GOP policies. The 2008 elections are as much about rejecting the Republican brand as they are about defeating John McCain. Republicans want to blame McCain for the current situation, instead of acknowledging their role in the failed economy, the endless wars and the loss of American prestige in the world. That's why so many Republicans are trashing McCain. He's their scapegoat.
We've been seeing more of these articles with Republicans bad-mouthing McCain. Today's NY Times article gives a national perspective. But, this morning, we're treated to a Florida specific version.
Jed pointed us to this article in the
Miami Herald -- even Charlie Crist, who at one time was challenging Lindsey Graham for the role of McCain's biggest cheerleader -- is keeping his distance:
''There are a lot of folks who have never been in a foxhole before and are clearly nervous,'' said Brian Ballard, a major McCain fundraiser. ``There is some finger-pointing going on a little bit too soon.''
Even Gov. Charlie Crist, who helped deliver Florida for McCain during the primary, said he will spend the final weeks before Election Day minding the state's weak economy rather than campaigning for the Arizona senator.
''When I have time to help, I'll try to do that,'' Crist said last week, after he flew around the state with McCain running mate Sarah Palin. Saturday, he skipped a McCain football rally and instead went to Disney World.
Once considered a potential running mate, Crist had pledged to do all he could for McCain and spent several days this summer campaigning for the Republican nominee in and outside Florida. He faults the tough economic times for McCain's difficult time in Florida, where he trails rival Barack Obama by about 5 percentage points in the polls.
No Republican has won the White House in modern times without carrying Florida. The last to lose the state was McCain's former colleague, Sen. Bob Dole, in 1996. Some Republicans say the state party hasn't done enough, while others blame McCain's national campaign.
Roger Stone, a longtime McCain supporter, said the state party and the national campaign bear almost equal blame.
''This effort lacks coordination and a cooperative spirit and it's showing,'' Stone said. ``But it's more than mechanics. The campaign has no consistent message.''
Now is the time to push even harder for total victory up-and-down the ballot. The GOP is in disarray. They're panicking. Democrats have to redouble their efforts for Obama, Senate and House candidates, the Governors and the state legislative candidates. With our opponents on the ropes, we can't back down. We have to hit even harder.
This election is shaping up to be a total repudiation of the Republican Party. Let's all make sure that happens.
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