It's now official that
2007 has been the deadliest year for US troops since the start of the war.
5 troops
killed just in the past day.
I hate to state the obvious but
more troops = more targets for those who want to kill us.
As a former soldier I love, honor, and respect our troops with all of my heart. However, they are not the only victims as a lot of people would like to believe.
We as Americans need to look past our own narcissism and look deeper into the disturbing statistics in regard to the suffering of the Iraqis.
2.3 million have been displaced because of this illegal war and an average of 56 are killed each day.
Two-thirds of those displaced in Iraq are children under the age of 12.
How does the US military plan to help the situation? By conducting another major
military operation in Iraq.
Did it ever occur to the idiots who started this war and continue it that military force has proven time and time again to be not only a failure but a contributor to this entire chaotic mess ?? Apparently not.
I'll bet that one of Bush's lackeys like Dana Perino will conduct a press conference sometime today to promote
the continued success of the "surge." I guess they think they can put whipped cream on shit and expect that to taste good too ?? There is no way to sugarcoat this.
I hate being lied to , but when you insult my intelligence it just ads insult to injury -- probably speaking for us all.
The pro-war crowd will tell me that posts like this are bad for the morale of our troops. That I have my facts wrong. That I'm drinking the liberal "kool-aid." That I can't support the troops without supporting their mission. To them I'm worse than the guy who goes around telling all the little kiddies there is no such thing as Santa Claus.
Give me a break.I wonder how good it is for the morale of US soldiers who will open up the
Army Times just to read that after 5+ years of war we are losing more troops then ever in a ravaged war-torn country that they are told they are liberating.
The bottom line: US troop deaths have hit a record high and the Iraqis have no freedom. Only death, destruction, displacement, sectarian civil war, and misery -- courtesy of George W. Bush.
It is a tragic time in American history when the people look at the
Commander in Chief of their armed forces as a fraud with no honor.
John Bruhns
Iraq Veteran
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