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[click image for larger] To paraphrase John Lennon, "if you go carryin' money for Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow." It's a great day when Democrats dot com tells everyone we have to stop the foreign takeover of America.

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From 2008 and still true today! Open thread below.....

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The Travel Teleprompter via The Full Ginsburg, whose "people" run the media, not that I'd ever admit that in print. Salty language, may not be safe for work.

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Bill Maher via Heather. Christine O'Donnell: "I would have become Hare Krishna but I'm Italian and I love meatballs." [click image for larger]

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James O'Keefe as super-spy "Cold Showers" via Hysterical Raisins. Open thread below....

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Rachel Maddow: Jim DeMint's Shenanigans

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h/t Heather for the video.

Rachel Maddow argues that we should have seen it coming: Jim DeMint's insane threat to shut down the federal government through mis-use of Senate rules is part of a long and nefarious tradition of "government is bad" rhetoric from the Right.

My favorite part:

MADDOW: Mr. DeMint, when you spoke to your guidance counselor in high school, did that person really suggest governing as a good career path for you? Because the country does need running, it does need governing. And if you are against that on principle, then government service maybe shouldn‘t be the right fit for you.

Three things Rachel Maddow doesn't mention: first, the total disconnect within the Right-wing mindset between hating the "government" and depending on the government -- Social Security and Medicare -- for their day-to-day lives.

Secondly, that Jim DeMint is doing this to raise his profile among the completely batty GOP base for 2012.

And finally, that these guys have no idea about karma.

Transcript (via MSNBC) below the fold.

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Rolando Villazon on the Paris Metro proving that with talent, drive, and a complete lack of embarrassment, one person can be a flash mob. h/t Opera Chic

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Via Brave New Films: "Good News! You Can Take Back our Elections." More at the BNF Facebook Page.

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Looking for "conservative common sense solutions"? Like it or not, Mr. Geithner, that's why we're giving Ms. Warren a pitchfork.

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