President Bush's re-election insures that more federal money will flow to abstinence education that precludes discussion of birth control, even as the administration awaits evidence that the approach gets kids to refrain from sex.What is this crowd's obsession with sex? If it's not breasts, it's gay people or now, abstinence. Of course, these Bush administration programs preclude any mention of safe sex, too. Their message is: Just Don't Do It.
Based on this sex agenda, isn't it about time we ask President Bush what his personal abstinence policy is. What's the Bush family abstinence policy? Is there some kind of no sex policy for unmarried members of the Bush Administration? If not, why not?
We should also know the sex abstinence policies of every Member of Congress who supports this legislation. Are single Representatives and Senators practicing abstinence? (Let's not even get into the sex practices of married members...that's another subject.) And what about their staffs? Is there some kind of abstinence pledge required to work for conservatives?
If Bush wants to make sex a major issue, and clearly he does, we should be able to know how just exactly how he discusses sex with his daughters. Does he require them to be abstinent? Do they know about safe sex? Are they allowed to practice contraception?
Ok, some people will limits. But, Bush and his administration are putting these issues front and center. Bush chose to make an issue of abstinence. He decided it was appropriate to use homosexuality as an issue. They made all these questions relevant. And, we all know, we will never get any answers.
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