Thanks to two Democrats for keeping this off the ballot, for now. From the
AP article:
"A state board voted along party lines Monday to keep a proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage off the ballot - even though supporters apparently collected many more signatures than required.
The Board of State Canvassers deadlocked 2-2 on whether to certify more than 464,000 signatures in favor of the amendment. Supporters needed only 317,757 valid signatures.
Two Democrats on the board voted against certification, while two Republicans voted for it."
I'm not sure of the legality of their actions, the courts will have to decide that. I also dislike the fact that bureaucratic maneuverings are needed to try and stop these kinds of amendments. It would be nice if some of the larger gay groups might actually get their act together and run a decent ad campaign so people don't sign petitions like this in the first place.
Lest you get too depressed with 464,000 citizens signing up to write discrimination into a state Constitution, here's an interesting
article on how anti-gay politicians didn't do so well in Michigan, in the
Republican primaries.
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