In Sunday's New York Times, Mark Mazzetti has a fascinating article about a failed effort by the U.S. to nail al-Zawahri. The Al Qaeda leader could have been killed or captured in 2005 but Rumsfeld called off the mission so he wouldn't piss off Pakistan (the country that has harbored Bin Laden and his top allies since 2001):
A secret military operation in early 2005 to capture senior members of Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal areas was aborted at the last minute after top Bush administration officials decided it was too risky and could jeopardize relations with Pakistan, according to intelligence and military officials.Al Qaeda is back. On George Bush's watch, Al Qaeda attacked America. Bush failed to kill or capture Al Qaeda's leaders because he got distracted by the war in Iraq. Now, Al Qaeda is getting stronger because of George Bush's war in Iraq. It's almost unbelievable. Every time George Bush invokes Al Qaeda -- and we know he loves to invoke Al Qaeda for political reasons -- every time he does that it's an admission of his complete and total failure to destroy the terrorists who attacked America.
The target was a meeting of Qaeda leaders that intelligence officials thought included Ayman al-Zawahri, Osama bin Laden’s top deputy and the man believed to run the terrorist group’s operations.
But the mission was called off after Donald H. Rumsfeld, then the defense secretary, rejected an 11th-hour appeal by Porter J. Goss, then the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, officials said. Members of a Navy Seals unit in parachute gear had already boarded C-130 cargo planes in Afghanistan when the mission was canceled, said a former senior intelligence official involved in the planning.
Mr. Rumsfeld decided that the operation, which had ballooned from a small number of military personnel and C.I.A. operatives to several hundred, was cumbersome and put too many American lives at risk, the current and former officials said. He was also concerned that it could cause a rift with Pakistan, an often reluctant ally that has barred the American military from operating in its tribal areas, the officials said.
The decision to halt the planned “snatch and grab” operation frustrated some top intelligence officials and members of the military’s secret Special Operations units, who say the United States missed a significant opportunity to try to capture senior members of Al Qaeda.
Their frustration has only grown over the past two years, they said, as Al Qaeda has improved its abilities to plan global attacks and build new training compounds in Pakistan’s tribal areas, which have become virtual havens for the terrorist network.
Now, whether or not this plot to capture al Zawahri was a good idea, I don't know. But, it just shows again that Bush has failed us. al Zawahri and Bin Laden should have been killed or captured in 2001. We shouldn't even be talking about them in 2007. Read More......