Blogged by Brad Friedman on 6/2/2006 12:03PM  
Paper Reports GOP Extremist/Pundit Retains Bush Law Firm to Fight Allegations in Palm Beach

Palm Peach Post columnist, Jose Lambiet gets another scoop in the ongoing saga of Ann Coulter's apparent vote fraud felony down in Palm Beach.

Lambiet reports today that Coulter is now lawyering up to fight the charges that she knowingly registered to vote in Florida at the wrong residence (using her real estate agent's address). That, despite signing an "oath" on the registration form swearing to the truth of the information provided.

After committing what then appears to be Step One of a felony charge that could bring her a $5,000 fine and 5 years in prison (as she agreed she understood on the form when she signed it), she then went on to vote in an election last February and was told she was registered elsewhere and needed to change her address. Instead of doing so, she hurriedly left the precinct without changing her information, and apparently went on to illegally vote at the precinct where she was fraudulently registered.

Faced with losing her right to vote in Florida, the rightwing hatemongering extremist (and Republican party superstar) who mercilessly criticized Florida voters in 2000 for their failure to follow directions at the voting booth, looks to be preparing to fight back. According to Lambiet...

What? Ted Olson wasn't available?

Conservative pundit and best-selling political writer Ann Coulter has hired a white-glove, White House-connected law firm to fight allegations she voted illegally in February's Town of Palm Beach election.

And the attorney from the Miami-based Kenny Nachwalter firm is no stranger to Palm Beach voting. Marcos Jimenez --- who was, along with the more famous Olson, one of the lead attorneys who fought for George W. Bush's side in the 2000 presidential election snafu here --- was assigned to Coulter.

Jimenez, by the way, also knows a thing or two about criminals. Appointed by Bush as U.S. attorney for the southern district of Florida in 2002, Jimenez was charged with going after terrorists, drug dealers and wayward union bosses.

The BRAD BLOG has posted several Exclusive documents from this sorry tale over the last several months since it broke. Amongst them:

  • Coulter's felonious Voter Registration Form. LINK...
  • Documents proving Coulter lives in Palm Beach at a different address than the one she gave. LINK...
  • The official incident report from the Palm Beach precinct where Coulter skipped out when she was told she was at the wrong precinct. LINK...
  • The letter from the Palm Beach County Election Supervisor asking for an explanation from Coulter (which went unanswered). LINK...
  • As well, as we reported previously, the $25,000 homestead tax deduction she claimed for her new $1.3 million crib in Palm Beach would also now seem to be in question as possibly fraudulent since, according to Florida state law, one can only take such a deduction if the property in question is one's primary residence.

    Lambiet reports today that the Palm Beach Elections Supervisor, Arthur Anderson, who had previously given Coulter until April 30th to explain herself (she didn't respond), will now wait "a few more weeks" before beginning a procedure to revoke her voting rights and then possibly refer the case to the State Attorney for prosecution.

    Then again, she's a Republican. And this is Florida. So "the rule of law" no longer necessarily applies in such cases.

    Buzz this story! C2NN: Submit it!

    "Ann Coulter 'Lawyers Up' to Face Felony Voter Fraud Charges"
    (57 Responses so far...)

    COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
    ... Dredd said on 6/2/2006 @ 12:52 pm PT...



    Laws are something god made for republicans to use against other people. Don't you liberals know that we republicans are immune from law.

    Why, my ... wink wink ... stuff is a state ... wink wink ... secret (link here).

    COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
    ... Kathleen said on 6/2/2006 @ 2:05 pm PT...

    If the Florida home is not Ann Coulter's primary residence, where is her primary residence? Maybe she voted by absentee ballot at that address. You know how Repugnicans like to say, Vote and vote often. I go back and forth between my two homes and have changed my voter registration back and forth depending on where I am going to be the most that year and have found that rather than take my name off the list, in one state, I'm listed three times, so who knows what NeoNutzis do to advance their cause. I thought when you registered in a different state, they notified your previous voting place to remove your name from the list.

    COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
    ... Charlie L said on 6/2/2006 @ 3:15 pm PT...

    If Ann Coulter was Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. she would already be at Gitmo, and perhaps in the "men's" wing if they did a DNA test.

    When the history of the Republican party from 1980 to 2010 is written, the title will be: "The Hypocrites who Destroyed America (or at least Tried To) and the Corpratists who Helped Them."

    Charlie L
    Portland, OR

    COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
    ... bluebear 2 said on 6/2/2006 @ 4:17 pm PT...

    Damn it Dredd - ther you go again making me blow chunks all over my keyboard!!!

    COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
    ... bluebear 2 said on 6/2/2006 @ 4:20 pm PT...

    Brad -

    Check out the bottom of the RAW STORY article - just above the car advert!

    Getting to be well known!

    COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
    ... big dan said on 6/2/2006 @ 5:52 pm PT...

    Ice to see you, Dredd. Where's BVAC?

    COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
    ... big dan said on 6/2/2006 @ 5:57 pm PT...

    Dredd, we ought to update that picture, to the anorexic Ann Coulter, like the picture in this article. She has some beef on her jowls in the "Ice to see you" BVAC picture. If you took her present picture, sans hair, she would be....................


    (or Keith Richards...which ever...)

    COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
    ... big dan said on 6/2/2006 @ 6:30 pm PT...

    "Step right up, ladies & gentlemen...the Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Baily Freak Show has just rolled into town!!!!!!!!!!! Get your tickets!!!!!!!!"

    COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
    ... big dan said on 6/2/2006 @ 6:33 pm PT...

    Come on...that's funny! Nuthin? No comments? Sorry....

    COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/2/2006 @ 6:59 pm PT...

    Where"s ricky ? . . . . Busy gluing the pages together of ann's latest book . . .

    COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
    ... Tony Cambece said on 6/2/2006 @ 7:09 pm PT...

    Ok "Big Dan" FUnnie, very FUnnie.

    COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/2/2006 @ 7:23 pm PT...

    Big Dan - This can be a tough room to work. . . . . Sometimes . . .

    COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
    ... Bluebear2 said on 6/2/2006 @ 8:15 pm PT...

    Hey Dan -----

    COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
    ... Mike J. said on 6/2/2006 @ 8:51 pm PT...

    Boy, Brad. You and your friends have some kind of personal vendetta and hatred of Ann Coulter. Kathleen #2 at least admitted that she has been registered in multiple locations to vote. Do you pounce on her? Scheez.....

    COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
    ... Mike J. said on 6/2/2006 @ 9:37 pm PT...

    I read the Lambiet article. Saying that "Ted Olson wasn't available" implies a dislike of Mr. Olson, probably for representing Pres.Bush in the 2000 Supreme Court case. What Mr. Lambiet is not being respectful about is that Mr. Olson's wife, Barbara, was killed on the terrorist hijacked flight that hit the Pentagon on 9-11-2001. Oh, yeah, you people don't believe that the plane hit the Pentagon, it was a missle. Yea, right. Anyway, Barbara Olson is dead. She called Ted at his office after learning the plane had been taken over and her last few minutes talking to him before the plane crashed have been described by Ted on interviews without getting into much personal private details. So say what you want about Marcos Jimenez, Mr. Lambiet, but please be respectful to Mr. Olson.

    Thank you.

    COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
    ... Larry Bergan said on 6/3/2006 @ 4:20 am PT...

    There's a part in David Brock's book "Blinded By The Right", where Ted Olsen is madly shredding documents that could send him to prison.

    You mean Ann isn't going to represent herself, I always wondered if she was bright enough to actually be a lawyer! Is her dad connected somewhere!

    That picture of Hannity is one taken by a filmmaker who covered Michael Moore's pre-election "slacker" tour here in Utah. He cornered Hannity, but since Hannity doesn't like to GIVE interviews, it was cut WAY short. The movie is called "This Divided State" and has some great footage of Moore, Hannity, and a crazy right winger who thinks he owns a town just south of Salt Lake making a complete ass out of himself!

    By the way Hannity used to be invited here once a year to do a fouth of July show called the "Stadium Of Fire" in the same little town. After the Moore visit, he wasn't invited back because it was getting a bit to heavy. Ha Ha!

    COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
    ... Kent said on 6/3/2006 @ 4:30 am PT...

    Ann Coulter is probably using her Florida address to avoid paying New York's high state income taxes. It is quite likely that she has failed to establish legal residency in Florida.

    Someone in New York should investigate this matter.

    COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
    ... Dredd said on 6/3/2006 @ 4:34 am PT...

    Mike J #15

    Did she use a cell phone to call Ted?

    COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
    ... barrelhse said on 6/3/2006 @ 5:22 am PT...

    mike j #15
    That gives him an excuse to fuck everybody? He seems to managing just fine,btw.

    COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
    ... mr.ed said on 6/3/2006 @ 8:01 am PT...

    She needs an attorney? She IS one. Does she face the disciplinary board if convicted? Does she lose her license because she's a felon? Stay tuned. Hang on. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

    COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
    ... Old Turk ---- SEND BRAD $$$$$$$$ !!!!! said on 6/3/2006 @ 11:10 am PT...

    Now,.. Now,.. Now,..

    Ann Coulter was at one time a sweetheart,..

    who just went bitter,... real bad,..

    Ann Clouter was once a sweetheart : link

    COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
    ... Savantster said on 6/3/2006 @ 12:16 pm PT...

    Mike J., why should we respect someone just because they lost a family member? You fucks don't care to respect people, like, say.. Cindy Shehan.. SHE lost a son in Iraq, fighting an ILLEGAL and UNJUSTIFIED war..

    No.. I don't think anyone deserves "respect" just because they lost someone. Most older people in our society have lost people (husbands, wives, parents, children).. we don't automatically "repsect" them in our society because of that. We respect people (or don't) based on their ACTIONS, nothing more.. At least, intelligent honest fair people use action as their litmus test. I don't know what right-wing lunatics use as a yardstick to determine if someone deserves respect.. though, I think at least part of the measure is accumulated wealth (and perhaps that's the only measure of one's character for wing-nuts...).

    And, being "registered" in multiple places isn't what Ann is being charged with. She registered with an address that wasn't hers. Kathleen was registering with HER address as she moved around. That's something compelety different.. not that I'd expect you to understand that, or admit that. Ann lied, Kathleen was pointing out that the elections people weren't doing their jobs and removing people from lists. If you can't see the difference, you probably should stay out of the adult conversations..

    COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
    ... Floridiot said on 6/3/2006 @ 12:24 pm PT...

    In the comments at Raw Story
    June 3rd, 2006 at 10:48:18 From: j-m
    "I just discovered and found out from a friend that Ann Coulter is a former drag queen from Key West who used the name Pudenda. Also friends have caught pictures of him during Mardi Gras visits in New Orleans. So there you have it! Ann Coulter is a pathetic guy in drag posing as a Conservaturd. Stupid fool hasn't realized that women do not have an Adam's Apple yet Ann (Pudenda, the Drag Queen) Coulter is walking around with one."

    Pud-enda Coulter, gotta be unreal, LMAO

    COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/3/2006 @ 12:45 pm PT...

    I wonder how long it will take ricky & mike j. to Glue all the pages together in ann coulter's latest book ? ? ?

    COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
    ... Bluebear2 said on 6/3/2006 @ 1:10 pm PT...


    If they pick up on that new prostrate health product I keep getting spam for it shouldn't take too long at all!

    COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/3/2006 @ 1:19 pm PT...

    I never got that "prostrate health product" spam . . . . . I'm so disappointed . . .

    COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
    ... Old Turk ---- SEND BRAD $$$$$$$$ !!!!! said on 6/3/2006 @ 2:38 pm PT...

    Judge of Judges,...

    Link Judge of Judges directly to your email in-box

    I'll forward my spam to you,.. approx. 78 to 85 per

    24hr period,.. Vi--agra,.. prostrate,.. etc.....

    Nice mix of stuff,.. oy,..oy,..oy !

    COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/3/2006 @ 2:46 pm PT...

    I get about 10 spams per day now . . . . . Thanks to the NSA screening . . .

    COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
    ... big dan said on 6/3/2006 @ 5:07 pm PT...

    Mike J: Don't say anything about Olsen because someone died; don't bash Bush on Memorial Day so we're not political, etc.. etc... What you're saying, is "I will try to shame Brad Bloggers out of talking about things I don't like." Doesn't work, Mike J.

    COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
    ... Joan said on 6/3/2006 @ 5:12 pm PT...

    I gotta confess that part of me is uncomfortable with all the "drag queen ..adam's apple..skeletor" talk. That part of me thinks it's kind of beneath us & just makes us look bad.

    Only, then I recall all the hideous, whacked-out, hateful things she's said, really vicious stuff often directed at decent people.

    And funny how she & others like her who spew all this venomous garbage 24/7 don't ever seem to worry about "looking bad"!

    Yeah. She deserves it. Still, I can't imagine Al Gore or Russ Feingold or John Conyers letting loose a string of epithets like that, can you? I'm kinda glad there are a few people who seem to LIVE on the high moral ground.

    Ok, sorry. Damn! Getting off my high horse now...too damn bony up there for me anyway.
    Kinda like ann.

    COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
    ... big dan said on 6/3/2006 @ 5:16 pm PT...



    COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
    ... big dan said on 6/3/2006 @ 5:17 pm PT...

    I made that collage myself, you can tell.

    ...I'll be playing here all ze veek............

    COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
    ... Bluebear2 said on 6/3/2006 @ 5:49 pm PT...

    Big Dan

    You need one more to fill in that bottom corner!

    COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
    ... Blow ME said on 6/3/2006 @ 7:14 pm PT...

    You fucking Liberals just kill me. Grasping at straws.
    voting conspiracy theories, it goes on and on.
    Republicans are in charge and we will do as we please . GET OVER IT IDIOTS !!!!!
    ANN COULTER RULES. Evey time she debates a stupid liberal they lose big time.

    COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/3/2006 @ 8:28 pm PT...

    Possible Regressive (Repubican) Party tickets for 08:

    "Frist Schiavo (Terri) ". . . . . Ya, I know she dead. . . But that never stoped 'em before.

    "mCcain Fowlsmell" oops (falwell)

    COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
    ... Savantster said on 6/3/2006 @ 8:33 pm PT...

    LOL.. Wonder who "Blow Me" is..

    Sure sounds like one of the narcissits who feel it's ok for them to abuse other people so they can gain more. Sure sounds like someone that pretends "survival of the fittest" is a decent addage, up until someone steals something of theirs. Sure sounds like someone that doesn't care if the law is broken, or you cheat at a game... so long as you win!

    Integrity isn't a Republican strong suit.. You have to be pretty amoral to still support these sick fucks..

    And Joan.. it has nothing to do with a "high horse". Non or us are "in the public trust", nor do we have any obligation to anyone to "be nice". Politicians, on the other hand, do.. I'd agree that you won't see Feingold "mAnn bashing", not in public... But I bet when he's home with his wife seeing something mAnn did in the news, he says "what a stupid fucking cunt!".. You can't be as smart and upstanding as Russ and not have that thought run through your mind every time mAnn opens her mount ;)

    COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
    ... Savantster said on 6/3/2006 @ 8:37 pm PT...

    heh.. "none of us", and mount=mouth.. Guess that's what I get for typing and not looking at the screen..

    Note to self, stop posting while watching the dog play..

    COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
    ... Old Turk ---- SEND BRAD $$$$$$$$ !!!!! said on 6/3/2006 @ 10:14 pm PT...

    COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
    ... Old Turk ---- SEND BRAD $$$$$$$$ !!!!! said on 6/3/2006 @ 10:16 pm PT...

    Laura and George's marriage on the rocks,..

    seems Laura has checked in at the Mayflower Hotel

    five blocks from the White House.

    Come Monday gwb has a big speech on the

    Defence of Marriage Act,.. with he and Laura on the

    outs,.. he may looks like a hypocrite,..

    cancel that speech.....

    Chimpy and Pickles on the outs ? : link

    COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
    ... czaragorn said on 6/4/2006 @ 4:22 am PT...

    Yo, Old Turk - I heard Randi Rhodes the other day: "George and Condi, sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G!" Poor Pickles... And to think people were piling on Bill Clinton for his choice of bimbos...

    COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
    ... Dredd said on 6/4/2006 @ 6:36 am PT...

    OLD TURK #38



    COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/4/2006 @ 11:58 am PT...

    38 This may be the only to save the bush dynasty.....A Drastic gene infusion to counter the inbred mutants...

    COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/4/2006 @ 12:12 pm PT...

    39.0 Y'all can take d' massa outta d' plantation . . . . . but you Can't take d' Plantation outta d' massa. . .

    COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
    ... gefilte said on 6/4/2006 @ 9:29 pm PT...

    Oh, that Pudenda Shenanigans thing is real, I saw her in Key West. It's not an insult, just a recognition of her true self. Let's celebrate it, not denigrate it!

    COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
    ... Old Turk ---- SEND BRAD $$$$$$$$ !!!!! said on 6/4/2006 @ 10:15 pm PT...

    Ann Coulter is a fascist bitch,..

    nothing to celebrate there.

    Just sharpening the claws up,..

    November 2006 will be here real quick.

    Fight fire with fire,.. this time around.

    COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
    ... ImmaturityRules said on 6/5/2006 @ 9:11 am PT...

    Wow! Talk about serious journalism here.

    Did it ever occur to you nitwits that Coulter has a book coming out on Wednesday.

    Hiring a high-powered attorney to get one last headline on this stupid-useless story was a ploy to get a bunch of Democrats to pay attention to her before the book hits the stands on 06-06-06.

    Democrats' reactions are their own poison. It seems to me that a lot of these bloggers are trying to use Coulter's approach of striking nerves among the opposition. It just doesn't seem to be working.

    Ann gets all the attention I know. Eat your hearts out.

    COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
    ... JUDGE OF JUDGES said on 6/5/2006 @ 1:53 pm PT...

    38.0 - Oh Shit ! ! ! . . . I forgot to take my . . . . . Pill . . .

    COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
    ... Zimmy said on 6/5/2006 @ 4:34 pm PT...

    #46 Dude, time to buy a new calendar. 06-06-06 is not on Wednesday. How funny it is released on the Number of the Beast date.

    COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
    ... Dan Borchers said on 6/5/2006 @ 4:50 pm PT...

    Coulter is scheduled to be on the Sean Hannity Radio Show on Wednesday, June 7th, from 2 to 5 pm.

    Can anyone capture/record it for me?

    Details at http://www.freerepublic....cus/f-news/1643300/posts

    COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
    ... ImmaturityRules said on 6/6/2006 @ 7:31 am PT...

    " How funny it is released on the Number of the Beast date. "

    Sorry I was off a day Zimmy.

    The book is called "Godless". I can't wait to read it.

    She purposely had it come out on 06-06-06 because in her words:
    "It's my little tribute to liberals, have it come out on 06-06-06."

    COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
    ... Karen Copeland said on 6/6/2006 @ 8:25 am PT...

    Ann Coulter is one of the meanest people in the universe. She makes Rush Limbaugh look like a boy scout. I suppose it's not very nice, but when someone that vicious gets a little payback it's hard not to cheer.

    And you better believe that if it was some Democrat-biased non-author who got into this kind of trouble she would be screaming for his or her blood.

    I think they call it being hoisted by one's own petard.

    COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
    ... Old Turk ---- SEND BRAD $$$$$$$$ !!!!! said on 6/6/2006 @ 10:39 am PT...

    Ann - TRASH MOUTH - Coulter,..

    defends her diatribe against 9/11 widows,..

    video Today Show,.. Matt Laurer

    Video : Ms. Facsist Spin - M/ann Coulter

    COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
    ... Barbara T. said on 6/7/2006 @ 8:40 am PT...

    Hatmongering extremist? You must be talking about Al Gore. Coulter just tells the truth and says things people want to say but are to PC to.

    COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
    ... Buck B. said on 6/7/2006 @ 9:40 am PT...

    There is always the fringe on either side of the political spectrum. On the right we have people like Ann here, and Rush. The Left also has their fair share of loony pundits like Palast, Al Franken, or anyone off of Air America for that matter.

    Altered pictures and creative names only serve to those who have no substance or quality in their words. The well made collage above serves as a great example. Could I produce a collage of bad pictures of notables on the fringe left? Yes, very easily.

    What does this kind of thing accomplish really though? Not a whole lot.

    I would like to bring up comment # 34 by Blow me. Obviously the person is an idiot. I also notice that he was immediately scorned for "abuse." These things I find interesting since the person scorning this individual failed to recognize the same kinds of "abusive" remarks in a majority of the posts above.

    It is these kinds of things that alienate the two sides. Each side seems to want to identify the other by their quirky fringe element.

    This is never an accurate portrayal of a situation. A lot of people here, when face to face, and discussing issues in a rational manner would end up being very moderate. You would be more inclined to listen to what a person said, instead of scanning halfway through a post and figuring out a person was a conservative or liberal and going on the defensive.

    This Coulters issue will play out. She might be guilty or she might not. Does it really matter if she is cleared of this charge? It will probably still be passed around fringe blogs as another example of Republican corruption regardless.

    My main point here is: why not debate these issues using the facts that are available, and the old saying "innocent until proven guilty." Anyone would demand this for their favorite political pundits. '

    Let me clarify that Coulter is not a favorite of mine. I am a conservative person but I have never read one book of hers nor do I ever plan on doing so. I steer clear of the fringe. This is where you find the manipulation and disinformation.

    COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
    ... GOPBabe said on 6/8/2006 @ 6:20 pm PT...

    Buck B, Thank you for an intelligent post. I, too, steer clear of the fringe- The fringe on BOTH sides is what makes each look bad.

    Ann Coulter is as much a caricature as any of the radical lefties.

    COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
    ... phil davis said on 6/9/2006 @ 10:50 am PT...

    Jeb Bush will take care of her the way the took care of

    Rush Limbaugh, drug addict......its all taken care of.

    If we had a real justice system in Florida, Jeb would be

    arrested and put in an Orange Jump suit for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

    BUT HERE IN FLORIA , I mean Jebland, nothing is real
    and the wealthy and the priviledged are well taken care of.

    COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
    ... Pied Piper said on 11/2/2006 @ 4:27 pm PT...

    All of you Democ-rats need to have some cheese with your "whine".

    -=- Comments on this item are now closed. -=-


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