Monday, September 11, 2006

Just saw this on the corner

I'm in New York, and was walking home from dinner with my friend Kevin when I noticed the floodlights in the southern sky. I asked what that was about, and suddenly it hit us, the World Trade Center.

I've just read Bush's speech he gave this evening, supposedly commemorating the fifth anniversary of the attacks. It's all about Iraq. Surprise. What a pathetic little man. Rather than give a speech that Ronald Reagan might give, about our sorrow and the hope for our future, Bush decided to go political, giving the nation a laundry list of how great he is, how wonderful HE has done, and by implication, why everyone should vote Republican in the fall. The man is simply pathetic. Today isn't about Iraq. It's about the dead. It's about our grief. And about our future. It's about all of us. But it is most certainly not about Iraq nor George Bush's personal report card.

With all of that in mind, it was nice to turn the corner and see the lights. They reminded me of the beauty and energy and life of this city. Of what we've lost as a nation, and of the future that still awaits us.

Click the photo to see a larger version. Read More......

American Airline: ABC/Disney show "inaccurate and irresponsible"

UPDATE 9:47 pm. Just saw that ABC/Disney again kept in the scene showing American Airlines' check-in people at Logan Airport letting Mohammad Atta board the flight in spite of a warning coming up on the screen, and worse yet, the American check-in supervisor apparently ignoring the concerns of another staffer. That never happened.

American's press release from earlier today via Atrios:
"The Disney/ABC television program, The Path to 9/11, which began airing last night, is inaccurate and irresponsible in its portrayal of the airport check-in events that occurred on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

"A factual description of those events can be found in the official government edition of the 9/11 Commission Report and supporting documents.

"This misrepresentation of facts dishonors the memory of innocent American Airlines employees and all those who lost their lives as a result of the tragic events of 9/11."
Strong stuff. It was all fun and games for the right wingers and the media when they thought it was just the Clinton team that was portrayed badly in the ABC/Disney movie. This is now a clash of two business titans. Maybe in some parts of American culture, facts do matter after all.

More coverage of growing American Airlines scandal from Editor & Publisher, and the Star-Telegram. Read More......

For Bush "everything's political"

If you're torturing yourself by watching Bush give his "September the 11th" speech, give yourself a break and read Dan Froomkin's column today:
The White House would like you to believe President Bush is putting politics aside as he leads the nation in remembrance of the September 11 terrorist attacks of five years ago.

But it's not true.
Froomkin is right. It's all political. Most of the media are fawning over Bush's disgusting. They're playing right in to his (and Rove's) hands. As Froomkin points out, what Bush isn't saying is key. He's laying out their game-plan for the next eight weeks. Exploiting "September the 11th" (as Bush calls it, count how many times he says it during the speech) is the GOP campaign plan:
What's also telling, as usual, is what Bush didn't say yesterday, and doesn't say, period.

He doesn't say we won't allow ourselves to be terrorized, and we won't be afraid. (That would run counter to the central Republican game plan for the mid-term election.) He doesn't say that in our zeal to fight the terrorists, we won't give up the qualities that make America great. He acknowledges no mistakes, he calls for no sacrifice, he refuses to reach out to those who disagree with him.
Bush needs Americans to be afraid because it's the only way the Republicans can win.

It truly is amazing that reporters don't just guffaw when Bush and his White House flunkies say they are not being political. It's all they do. Read More......

Part II Open Thread

If you can bear to watch, document the inaccuracies. John's watched it already so we know there are plenty. How does ABC/Disney treat American Airlines tonight, one wonders?

And don't forget, at 9:00 pm EST, the President is giving another political speech about 9/11. It's not part of the Disney movie, but it will be filled with the same falsehoods and blurring of reality. Read More......

Disney/ABC appears to praise Bush reaction to PDB with meeting that never happened

The film shows a scene, dated September 4, 2001, in which Condi Rice tells Richard Clarke and George Tenet that President Bush is very worried about the contents of the Presidential Daily Briefing from August, the one that says bin Laden is determined to strike the US, and that the president is tired of swatting at flies.

Only problem? It was back in March of 2001 that the president was tired of swatting at flies, with regards to terrorism. I can find no record of Condi Rice bring up Bush's supposed concern about the PDB at any September 4 principals meeting. Note that the movie also does not show Bush receiving the memo a month earlier and doing nothing about it - what a convenient ommission.

I'm in NYC, can you guys do a bit more research about this supposed Sept 4 meeting and see if Condi Rice ever said anything about Bush being very worried about the PDB and wanting a new strategy to take on bin Laden as a result? If Disney/ABC made this scene up, it's incredibly damning to their credibility as this is the main scene, so far, that seems to suggest Bush was on the ball. Read More......

Disney/ABC shows scene defaming American Airlines AGAIN in second half of mockumentary

Well, I'm almost done watching the second half of Disney/ABC's "The Path to 9/11" and they replay the entire scene at the end of the show. That would be the scene showing American Airlines' check-in people at Logan letting Mohammad Atta board the flight in spite of a warning coming up on the screen, and worse yet, the American check-in supervisor apparently ignoring the concerns of another staffer. It never happened. Well, not only does it appear in the first half of the movie, and it did air last night, but Disney/ABC replays the scene about an hour and 21 minutes (or so) into the second half.

I've called American's corporate communications office and informed them to get ready for part II.

The fun never stops. Read More......

Open Thread

So, ''Are we safer?'' seems to be the question of the day. For Bush and Rove, the question is: are Americans more scared?

FOX News says we are safer, Think Progress reports. Read More......

A day of infamy

There is no shortage of remembrance and insight today, plenty of discussion about what we've lost and where we're going, and I honestly have little to add, as I don't particularly want to speak for others and it seems a little self-indulgent to just speak for myself. Still, in our ADD culture it's helpful to have self-imposed moments of reflection if only because they allow us to step outside the yesterday-today-tomorrow focus that tends to preclude strategic thought and overall understanding. In that spirit, there are two things that particularly strike me now, five years after our lives were divided into before and after periods.

The strategies and tactics of our nation's leaders have greatly harmed overall American interests. I must give credit where credit is due: we have not suffered a significant terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 2001, and that is a relief and a success. It is also in spite of, not due to, the strategic efforts of our counter-terrorism strategy. Osama bin Laden, the most wanted man in the history of the U.S., remains free to taunt us and plot against us, and the fact that he still breathes the same air as the rest of us is a continued affront and a national embarrassment. Our military is bogged down and discouraged in Iraq, not due to lack of popular or media support, but thanks to incompetent leadership and obstinate strategy. The U.S. government is hated throughout the world, partly for its policies, but perhaps more so because of its attitude and posture. We have squandered the opportunity to build a grand coalition of allies against authoritarianism, desparation, and humiliation, the major causes of hatred towards a West so far ahead of much of the world that we have little capacity to understand these concepts on more than a superficial level. I worry our failures since 2001 will haunt us for years to come.

Then there's our domestic response. Terrorism is designed to cause terror. The tactic is often used to further a political end -- which may be as specific as statehood or as nebulous as greater popular support -- but those are goals for the ones who are not terrorized; the point is to achieve those aims through fear created in the targets. In the days and months and years after that fateful day, we heard a great deal about the importance of continuing to live our lives, how if we didn't go about our daily routine (shopping, flying, having that 14th beer, whatever) the terrorists would "win." Somehow, though, continuing to embody American ideals became conflated with continuing to spend money and avoid introspection or sacrifice. While we made sure we still attended football games, bought gas-guzzling cars, and ignored anybody who said anything should change, millions of people lost sight of the changes happening before our eyes.

The true American values, the ones that have carried us for over two centuries, slowly eroded. Privacy. Speech. Assembly. Dissent. Cooperation. Debate. I believe in strong and effective national defense, as does virtually every American, and I believe part of that defense means staying true to our historical values. How is it that our quest for normalcy has brought us to spying on our own citizens without cause or judicial oversight, to torture, to warning against dissent, to accusations of treason against those who disagree with our leaders, and to the kind of hysterical fear that is the very aim of those we hope to defeat? What happened to "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself" and "Give me liberty or give me death"? Do we only hold fast to American values if they're threatened by outside forces? Someone else said it better than I:

"Different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful . . . if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The questing before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country . . . Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it."

Most people remember the words with which Patrick Henry closed this speech, in 1775, but the entire statement is something to behold. In his spirit, and the spirit of the millions of brave and committed Americans who followed him, let us fight for our values. Against terrorism, against oppression abroad, against our own fears, and against the menacing specter of willful blindness at home. There are greater American values than shopping, and to hold onto them, I, too, am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. Read More......

American Airlines is threatening to sue Disney/ABC

An email American just sent out:
Mr. xxxxxx,

I think it is important for you to know that ABC had factual errors in
its dramatization, and we are looking at possible legal actions as a
result. According to the 9-11 Commission report, it was not American
Airlines, nor was it even the right airport that was depicted. In
reality, it was another airline, flying out of Maine. Please know this
was a tragic incident in our company's history and we hope you will be
sympathetic to our employees and our airline on this day especially.
Again, we are outraged by this situation, and we alerted ABC about its
gross error. It is very unfortunate.


Roger Frizzell
Vice President, Corporate Communications & Advertising
American Airlines
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The lessons of September 11

  • The Constitution only applies when the going gets easy.
  • War is the answer, even when you forget the question.
  • The truth is for sissies.
  • America has never faced an enemy as dangerous and as intent on killing us as King George, the Civil War, World War I, the Germans, the Japanese, a nuclear Soviet Union Al Qaeda.
  • The real September 11 story was badly in need of editing.
  • Just because they say it makes it so.
  • We have always been at war with Oceania.
  • A fool is born every election day.
  • Due process is for the innocent.
  • Patriotism means never having to say you're sorry.
  • It's all Sandy Berger's fault.
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He's been treading on it for six years

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Please call American Airlines and ask them why they let Mohammad Atta kill 3,000 people

At least that's what Disney/ABC told us last night. According to "The Path to 9/11," American flight attendants had a big warning light flash when Atta tried to check in at Logan Airport on September 11, but the American employees shrugged it off and let Atta board the flight to Los Angeles, apparently in violation of the rules (at least that's what the show implied). What does American have to say about that?
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ABC, history the way the world has never seen it before

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Dems. need the NY House seats

The Democrats need 15 seats to take control of the US House. They need 15 seats in order to rein in George Bush. New York has several seats that should be in Democratic hands. According to today's NY Times, chances of picking up those seats are looking less and less likely:
In a year when Democrats hope to take control of the House of Representatives, New York would appear to be fertile ground for toppling Republican incumbents. Democrats have a statewide edge in enrollment, and a popular incumbent, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, is at the top of the party’s ticket.

In fact, just a few months ago, Democrats envisioned significant gains in New York, perhaps picking up as many as four seats, possibly even five. But that goal now seems increasingly remote, and there is an emerging consensus among political analysts that the party’s best chance for capturing a Republican seat is the battle to succeed Representative Sherwood L. Boehlert, one of the most liberal Republicans in Congress, who is retiring.

At the same time, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee plans to spend roughly $50 million on advertisements for races around the country, according to Republican estimates. But none of that money has been set aside for New York races, except for Mr. Boehlert’s seat in the 24th District in the Utica area, according to Democrats involved in the races.

The shifting local fortunes for Democrats could have serious political implications beyond New York. The party needs 15 seats to take control of the House. Even one victory in New York would be an important step toward that goal, giving the Democrats a cushion if they lose elsewhere in the nation.
We need more than one victory in NY....if the DCCC doesn't have the resources to pour in to that state, it's incumbent on the top of the NY Democratic ticket -- Eliot Spitzer and Hillary Clinton -- to make it happen. Both of them are going to win big. Hopefully, they are setting up a get-out-the-vote operation that will benefit Democratic House candidates. Picking up the State Senate would help, too, so NY can re-district the congressional seats to make sure the state's congressional delegation is as Democratic as the state is.

It should be a big Democratic year in New York -- up and down the ticket. It's not just about NY this year. There are major national implications. Read More......

Cheney attacks majority of Americans as well as GOP candidates

Why does Dick Cheney hate America? Why does Cheney prefer a Soviet style government where freedom of speech is banned? Armed with his classic finger-wag and arrogance, Cheney, the man who has lied about key facts related to entering the war in Iraq, is now telling America that they love bin Laden and al Qaida.

He also must have missed the reports from Iraq that say nothing of a pitched battle with al Qaida as we might have seen in WWI or WWII. Catching up on recent world history must be difficult. If Cheney can't even grasp the most simple reality that fighting al Qaida is not a "stand up fight" then we are completely screwed. How is the US supposed to fight an enemy when the VP can't comprehend what kind of war is being fought? Maybe Cheney can just ask al Qaida to change their style of fighting so the US forces can wipe them out. Is that what he's suggesting?
"They can't beat us in a stand-up fight -- they never have -- but they're absolutely convinced they can break our will, [that] the American people don't have the stomach for the fight," Cheney said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

The vice president said U.S. allies in Afghanistan and Iraq "have doubts" the United States will finish the job there. "And those doubts are encouraged, obviously, when they see the kind of debate that we've had in the United States," he said. "Suggestions, for example, that we should withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq simply feed into that whole notion, validates the strategy of the terrorists."
Cheney also continued with his fantasy about Saddam and al Qaida even though the GOP Senate report proves that the assertion is a lie. In the face of the truth, we can always count on Cheney to stay the course, no matter how many facts get in the way. Fortunately, the American public sees things differently. Read More......

Monday Morning, September 11th, Open Thread

It's a sad day for many Americans. It's a political day for George Bush and his team. They've been on a spin offensive for weeks now. Tonight's speech marks the culmination of that effort. But, like the Disney/ABC movie, much of what Bush says these days is fiction.

It's sick the way Bush, Cheney and the other members of the Bush administration exploit this tragedy for their partisan political purposes. By the end of this week, we'll have a good idea as to whether the American people have fallen for it again.

Thoughts? Read More......

Webb has caught up to Allen in VA

Pretty impressive considering he was down 16 points.
The Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. found 46 percent of those interviewed supported Allen in his bid for a second term and 42 percent backed Webb. Twelve percent were undecided.

Because the margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 4 percentage points, the race could be seen as about even.
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Open thread

Well, that was a rather boring TV show. Other than the defamatory stuff, I learned that I have no idea what was fact and what was fiction in the thing - so I learned absolutely nothing. Also, Arab guys have bad accents and cry a lot when you capture them. And their little children like to play the drums. Oh, and FEMALE cops are very good people - emphasis on FEMALE. And two more things. Sandy Berger hates America, and American Airlines is responsible for September 11. Yep, that's what I learned from Disney/ABC.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I learned that neither Disney nor ABC has any scruples whatsoever. Read More......

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