Passed through some very cool thunder clouds on the way into Austin this evening. Here for the Netroots Nation annual liberal blog conference. Already ran into a slew of people in the hotel lobby, including Cliff Schecter (whose name I'll never spell correctly), Traci Russo (former blog outreach coordinator for John Edwards), and the Rude Pundit (who ironically was quite nice). Looking forward to the morning when I'm over my 18 hour flight back from Greece today. I had a fascinating twenty minute or so interview back in Greece with economist Joe Stiglitz. Really really interesting, about oil prices, gas prices, the mortgage mess, Iraq and more. I have it on film, about 22 minutes worth, but with the conference going on now, I probably won't be able to get it posted till Monday. I think you'll find it very interesting, he's an amazingly smart, and coherent, in addition to interesting, guy. Anyway, back here in Austin, Joe and I are thinking of trying to do a very informal AMERICAblog get together, for coffee or whatever, on Saturday. If anyone any suggestions for somewhere easy and obvious, near or in the convention center, hit me up. Read More......