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  1. Cleveland video is horrifying. Worse than the fire on the Cuyahoga!
  2. Who will wait longer to make his decision: LeBron or Favre?
  3. How many times has Calipari said he'd stay and then he left?
  4. Saturday's column: on Selig, Texas Rangers and "best interests of baseball":
  5. More on the Texas Rangers financing mess:
  6. @jagtahr @kelly_carlin OK, sheriff, we're gonna fuck ya, but we're gonna fuck ya good
  7. @tvtopr It's a very good thing. It means it will get good display!
  8. Memorial service tonight at 7 in Manhattan for Jane Jarvis, one-time organist at Shea Stadium.
  9. CBS Considered Paying ESPN to Take N.C.A.A. Tourney -
  10. The House That Built Ruth fights Baltimore Archdiocese to stay alive:
  11. My take on Nike's new Tiger ad--or is it Tiger's new Nike ad?
  12. Selling a franchise isn't what it used to be:
  13. If you've never had Jets season tickets and never been on waiting list but were recently been cold-called to buy a PSL, tell me
  14. Post-Chip Caray baseball era begins at TBS:
  15. The only book you'll ever need for March Madness: "The Final Four of Everything"
  16. Tiger's Friday mea culpa. Should he give it at all?
  17. NBC analyst John Morgan saw brother die on bobsled track
  18. @katie_thomas I suggest some Maalox
  19. First opening ceremony where a performer extolled a country's politeness!
  20. Right there: the obligatory Opening Ceremony flying person!