Are any of you doctors and/or experts in oncology?
I've been reviewing a
new Web site that details John McCain's medical records concerning his various bouts of deadly melanoma skin cancer. And I'd appreciate having some readers who are doctors, or cancer specialists especially, weighing in regarding what this all means. You can find my email address at the top of this column, where I ask you to send me tips - or you can post your analysis in the comments.
Here is what I'm curious about.
1. Overall, I'd like some real doctors to review the information in the site and give me their analyses of how serious McCain's cancer was, is, and some day may be.
2. You'll note in the Web site that I link to that there is an issue as to whether McCain's cancer really was stage 2, as he claims, or the far more deadly stage 3. Is the controversy legit? Is there sufficient evidence presented to call into question the diagnosis as stage 2?
3. The site says:
The overall survival rate for Stage IIA melanoma, not considering thickness of the tumor or other characteristics, was approximately 80 percent at five years after surgery and approximately 60 percent at ten years after surgery...
I'd like a doctor to walk us through this. McCain's most dangerous melanoma was diagnosed in August 2000. Does this survival rate data mean that McCain had, and STILL HAS, only a 60% chance of surviving until the year 2010? Do his chances get any better now that he's survived 8 years after the surgery and diagnosis?
It's disturbing that I even need to ask these questions. But unfortunately, the McCain campaign has refused to reveal the details of McCain's medical records in any meaningful way. As you may recall,
McCain finally released 1,173 pages of medical records, all jumbled up, for a period of 3 hours. He didn't actually release them at all. He invited a small, select group of reporters - among them only one doctor - to peruse the records and take notes, but they were not permitted to remove or copy anything.
Now, how effectively can someone review 1,173 pages - pages that are in a jumbled order, so that a multi-page report is scrambled throughout the entire 1,000+ pages - in only 3 hours? (And I'm not even counting the additional 1,500 pages of records that were also there from McCain's previous presidential run in 2000.)
Think of it this way. 1,173 pages in 3 hours is equal to reading 391 pages of medical records in one hour. That's equal to reading 6.5 pages every minute, or one page every ten seconds or so. Yes, if those reporters sat down for 3 hours, took no breaks for water or food or bathroom, and took no notes,
they would have only ten seconds per medical document. And mind you, that means that every ten seconds they'd have to flip a page, and then another, and another and another. If they took notes, then that would cut the time down to even fewer seconds per page.
For fun, I set a timer for ten seconds and read as much as I could on a random Web page. I got to 75 words in those ten seconds, or five lines of text (try it yourself). Yes, McCain gave the reporters enough time to read only 5 lines of every page of his medical records, and that's assuming they took no notes. This is a farce, and it's amazing the media even agreed to it.
Thus, I'm asking if there's a doctor in the house because McCain has been behaving erratically, he's been getting confused of late, and just today we noticed
his face going into spams, or mini-strokes, or something. The public deserves answers before we get President Palin overseeing the economic crisis and the war in Iraq.
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