November 2003: Rummy says we have 118,000 Iraqi security personnel
"In the period ahead, we will be accelerating the training of Iraqi forces, with the objective of going from the level today, which is
118,000 Iraqis in the Army, police, site protection, civil defense and border patrols, 118,000 Iraqis under arms, to somewhere in excess of 220,000 sometime during the year 2004." -
Rumsfeld, 11/10/03
December 2003: We now have 140,000
"The number of Iraqis in uniform is said to be about
140,000" -
Wash Times, 12/8/03
August 2004: Rummy says we now have 220,000 Iraqis in uniform, but only 110,000 functioning
"We’ve gone from zero to something like
220,000 Iraqi security forces of which
110,000 are properly trained and equipped and functioning." -
Rumsfeld, DOD Web site, 8/26/04
September 2004: Rummy says we have only 95,000 Iraqis trained and functioning
"[Rumsfeld] said the coalition has fully trained and equipped
95,000 Iraqis in the army, National Guard, Border Patrol and police." -
DOD, 9/10/04
September 2004: Biden disects the mess
"The Secretary of Defense said in February we have trained
220,000 Iraqi military - what did he say? - 'an amazing accomplishment'. And that was malarky. Then he said last Friday, a week ago Friday, we've trained
95,000. We had a witness before us from the State Department on Thursday at Dick's hearings, I asked them, I said: 'To the best of my knowledge, Rumsfeld is saying 32,000 cops have been trained, to the best of my knowledge not one single Iraqi policeman has gone through the full compliment of training, is that true?' And the administration witness said 'yes, that's true.'"
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