Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The pathology of the closet

WingNutDaily denizens on Craig...see, it's all about the sex in the minds of these folks. These GOP closet cases who cannot reconcile their carnal desires with their desired orientation ("straight") are the real problem.

What do you think of Sen. Larry Craig's arrest on restroom-sex allegations?

He took no questions at that presser, and declared that "I am not gay. I never have been gay." Hey, he could be telling the truth -- maybe he's bi. Or, as many guys on the down low believe -- they are heterosexual men who just have sex with men from time to time.

OK, boyz, if you've diddled with Sen. Craig in a washroom, he's apparently daring you to come forward.


When a pol gets booted from the closet, some are not closeted in their social circles mind you; their friends, staffers and colleagues know of the person's orientation. It's clear the rumors were swirling about Craig, but it doesn't appear at this point that he was socially out.

The ones who are socially out, simply are just not politically/professionally out, they choose to lie by omission because it suits their day jobs sucking up to the likes of the Christian Coalition. We're not only talking about elected officials. This closet is full of campaign managers, fundraisers and legislators in the corridors of power, ready to elect homophobic officials with homo-hating tactics, and pass anti-gay measures, even as they enjoy homosexual activities themselves under the cover of anonymity.

These folks are addicted to access and power, and know that publicly kicking the closet door open will jeopardize that power in the gay-hating, gay-baiting wing of the GOP that currently rules the roost.

However, there is a subset of these hypocrites that are truly self-loathing homosexuals -- the Larry Craigs of the world -- cruising for homo-sex in the shadows, hating themselves the next day and atoning for their "sin" by casting votes against taxpaying citizens that choose to live their lives honestly and openly. As long as their anti-gay boss treats them well personally, it doesn't matter that they work together to deny civil rights to LGBT citizens.

As I've said before, they all need to be exposed because some of them are clearly unfit to lead, particularly those that fall in the latter category; I think those folks will never see the light. Read More......

Senator Tim Johnson is back in public

This is great news:
After being introduced by several state figures, including Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D) and Gov. Mike Rounds (R) in person and Sen. John Thune (R) via a taped video, Johnson was rolled out on a wheelchair and hoisted himself to the podium with little or no assistance.

“You guys are a sight for sore eyes,” Johnson said to widespread applause.

“It must already be clear to you that my speech is not 100 percent, but doctors tell me that it will get there. In fact, if you ask [my wife] Barb, she will say that I’m already talking too much,” he joked.

Johnson spoke for just more than 10 minutes before stepping back into his wheelchair and being wheeled off. He said he feels like he has a second chance at life and promised to work harder than ever for his state.

He is expected to return to voting in the Senate in the coming weeks.
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Louisville Kentucky Take A Stand participants march to Mitch McConnell's house

Got goose bumps reading the live blogging post from DitchMitchKY when I got to these updates:

Aniello Alito, who has been absolutely tireless in his efforts, and he is closing now, leading the group to Mitch McConnell’s house.

Apparently, HE IS HOME!!

I’ll have more when I can.


Oh. My. God.

There was an absolute army, an seemingly endless stretch of people marching from Frazier Hall to Mitch McConnell’s home. Simply mind blowing.

Mitch had corralled about 20 bikers to stand in front of his house and intimidate us, but they pissed their pants when they saw 300 chanting, sign carrying protesters.

This was one of the most amazing scenes I’ve ever witnessed. Just 15 yards from Mitch’s house 300 people “screaming support the troops end the war”, “Hey Mitch, come out and face the people”. I can’t really put it into words so I’ll just post all of the pictures.
This is why I love live blogging. Very, very cool.

Mitch McConnell wouldn't come to Take A Stand, so they brought Take A Stand to Mitch McConnell.

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Updates from Take A Stand Day

It's wild out there. Across the country, thousands and thousands of Americans are showing up to take a stand.

Here's one of the latest updates:

From Philadelphia, PA town hall targeting Sen. Specter:

"It's Standing Room only at least 30 people are standing up!!! There is over 100 people here and they are still coming in !!!! We keep asking for more chairs but the Library can't get them in here fast enough. I am looking around at young people, seniors, men, women, and children are all here demanding that Senator Specter Takes a Stand against the War. John Grant is up now speaking.. He is a Vietnam war veteran who has traveled to Iraq several times. "The Petraues Report is only a Distraction--- to keep our sons and daughters in Iraq"

More to come--- Up next is Rand Beers--- Director of the National Security Network." -- Jotaka, PA organizer

From Springfield, NJ town hall targeting Rep. Ferguson:

"The turnout for the event is great. We have about 75 to 80 people and there are still activists trickling in. Congressman Ferguson did not show up therefore we have a cutout of Ferguson for the activists to address their questions to him. The 7th district constituents are upset that Ferguson did not take the time to listen to their concerns about the war. Our mfso speaker just asked the question what would life be like if your son or daughter diƩd in Iraq, or who returned but has ptsd?" -- Esther, NJ organizer

Breaking -- "Wait -- we just surpassed 100!"

From Sarasota, FL town hall:

MOBILE Text Message Rpt: "250 people at Take a Stand Event in Sarasota. We've been working for a long time to get Representative Buchannan and Putnam to Take a Stand with Florida and not Bush!!"

From Orono, ME town hall targeting Sen. Collins:

"Craig Cote, father of an Iraq War Sergeant, speaks from the heart--he
warns us beforehand that he is apt to get emotional both about his son
and the role the Bush administration has had in putting him there.
"It is unfair for these politicians to play Russian Roulette with our
sons' lives."

Talking to a few attendees outside, there is general amazement (yet
lack of surprise) that the Maine Iraq Summer project has received a
submission from EVERY member of the Maine contingent in congress--a 4
page letter from Senator Snowe, a videotaped statement from
Congressman Michaud, and an appearance from Congressman Allen
himself--EXCEPT Senator Collins. Their disgust is palpable." -- Lilia, ME organizer

From Ohio town halls across the state"

MOBILE Text Msg Rpt: "350 plus in columbus. 200 in painesville. 250 in cincy."

Breaking MOBILE Txt Msg -- "Over 400 in columbus!"
"The event is going great! The place is packed to capacity. The pics say way more than I can. We're taking a stand here in Columbus and we're making it BIG! -- anita"

Here's a photo from the packed house in Columbus:
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Take a Stand takes off across America

Today, there are over 700 Take A Stand events being held across America. If you haven't seen the video featuring John Bruhns, check it out. The goal is simple: Bring the troops home. End the endless war.

There is so much going on...and we'll be getting reports throughout the night. Here's a sampling:

The event in Ames, Iowa will be live blogged at Loopysite, the blog of Tony Jeffries.

Here's a link to photos from Salisbury, Maryland.

Congressman Tom Allen is attending the event in Orono, Maine -- and you know Susan Collins will never show up. Ever. Our very good friend, Chris Achorn, will be liveblogging tonight.

Ditch Mitch
and BlueGrassRoots are covering the event in Kentucky.

Mean Jean Schmidt showed up at the event in Southern Ohio according to Field Director Matt Hurm who reported: " AAEI had 20 people at their stakeout in front of Congresswoman Jean Schmidt's office. A dozen counter-protesters arrived and Jean Schmidt, herself, joined the counter protesters. We took the opportunity to invite her once again to tonight's town hall." Jean Schmidt, herself. A local station reported that "Schmidt Jousts With Anti-War Demonstrators." Mean Jean is such a jouster.

And the crowd is growing in Erie, Pennsylvania:
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Craig: It's the Idaho Statesman's fault -- and remember I'm not gay, never have been gay

Here's the crux of Craig's press conference: It's the newspaper's fault -- and he's not gay. Note the vitriol with which he utters the words that he's not gay. It is very, very disturbing. It's as if being gay is the very worst thing in the world ever. Ever. And, for the people with whom Larry Craig allies himself, that's probably true.

Here's a link to the Idaho Statesman article to which he is referring.

The closet is a nasty, sad, disturbing place. Read More......

Larry Craig speaks: "Let me be clear: I am not gay and never have been."

The press conference starts at 4:30 pm. We'll liveblog it and put up some photos or video. Wolf Blitzer isn't sure Craig will answer any questions. Don't count on it.

4:37 P.M. Craig apologizes to family, friends, staff and fellow Idahoans.

"I did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport." "I overreacted and made a poor decision."

Big mistake not to retain counsel. Now, he has retained counsel.

For eight months, my family has been viciously harassed by Idaho Statesman. I am not gay. Have never been gay. Statesman has harassed me.

That's why I overreacted.

"I am not gay." (Again, for emphasis.)

Next month, I'll decide if I'm seeking re-election. I take full responsibility for a lapse in judgment I made trying to handle this myself.

Asked people of Idaho to forgive him.

"I'm sure this is an issue that is not over"

Posting the statement on website (and here's the link)....and will respond from there.

Legal analysis from CNN's Jeff Toobin: "In the many bizarre...statements that politicians have made over the years, this certainly has to rank among the strangest ever by an American politician."

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Open thread: Craig news conference coming up at 4:30 PM ET

ABC News is reporting that Larry Craig will hold a press conference this afternoon. The local fundies are calling for his head.
His future in doubt, allies denouncing his behavior and former staffers voicing disbelief at his arrest, Senator Larry Craig, R-Idaho, is expected to hold a press conference this afternoon that may answer questions about his political future.

..."If the accusations are true, then we think that he needs to resign," Bryan Fischer, the executive director of the Idaho Values Alliance told ABCNews.com. "We believe that character is an important qualification for public service and we believe if these accounts are true, then the Senator conduct has fallen short of what we should expect from public officials."
So, what do you think Craig's going to say? Will he be: 1) insanely defiant (a la Bob Allen), 2) resign, 3) say he's heading to the nearest ex-gay or booze rehab facility/found Jesus? Read More......

Better To Be Thought A Fool

I find the whole Larry Craig thing quite sad. It's sad for his family, for his constituents, but mostly, sad for Craig.

Craig hates himself, and that is sad, no matter how you slice it. His explanations for the events in Minnesota are so ridiculous, they defy logic and credibility, even in Idaho:
If Craig's actions in the restroom were misconstrued and he was not involved in any inappropriate conduct, as he said in a statement Monday, then why did he plead guilty?

Craig says, in hindsight, he should not have pleaded guilty and "should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter." On the surface, it seems implausible that any educated professional — much less an elected official — would face criminal proceedings without hiring an attorney.
By putting out such ridiculous statements, Craig makes it obvious - he'd rather be thought of as an idiot than be thought of as gay. He hates his own orientation that much. How truly sad. Read More......

Larry Craig defended DADT in letter to constituent after sex sting guilty plea

[UPDATE: CREW has filed an ethics complaint with the Senate ethics committee against Craig, calling for an investigation into whether the senator violated the Senate Rules of Conduct for his restroom sexual foray.]

It just keeps getting better and better. This is just pathetic. Just days after his guilty plea for cruising an undercover officer in the mens room of the Minneapolis airport, Larry Craig wrote a constituent a letter propping up the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.

Steve Ralls at The Frontlines:
In what could be called another of Craig’s "he said/he said situations," the Senator corresponded with a constituent (and SLDN supporter) earlier this month about why he’d never support repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." In the August 17 letter to his constituent, Craig wrote that, "The armed forces exist to wage war. It is unacceptable to risk the lives of American soldiers and sailors merely to accommodate the sexual lifestyles of certain individuals." He also noted that, "I don’t believe the military should be a place for social experimentation."
No, that's what train station and airport loos are for, huh, Larry?

Read the letter here.


But wait, there's more: Craig once helped boot GOP senator for sexual harassment.
When the ethics committee voted to boot Bob Packwood from the Senate for lewd sexual harassment in 1995, Sen. Larry Craig lamented the difficult decision, but called it "the right one."

After Packwood resigned the next day, Craig, then a member of the Senate ethics committee, shared a tearful embrace with his former colleague.

"One particularly poignant moment came during an exchange between Packwood and Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, a member of the Ethics panel," Edwin Chen reported in the Los Angeles Times Sept. 8, 1995. "Afterward, they shook hands and hugged one another. Then Craig began sobbing and quickly strode into the GOP cloakroom, his hands covering his face."
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Last night, George Bush's new best friend, Rep. Brian Baird, met Jon Soltz from VoteVets and a lot of angry constituents

Democratic Congressman Brian Baird won't soon forget Jon Soltz from VoteVets who showed up at Baird's Town Hall Meeting last night in Vancouver, Washington -- along with a lot of very angry constituents. Rep. Baird went to Iraq recently. Unlike Senator John Warner and many others members of Congress, Baird came back singing the praises of Bush's escalation. The media loves a turncoat Democrat so Baird's been whoring himself out to any outlet that would listen -- including a lot of right wingers as Think Progress reports.

Josh Feit from the Slog at The Stranger was at Baird's Town Hall meeting and gave this preliminary account:
[Baird] was hammered by Jon Soltz, the young, good looking, charismatic chairman and co-founder of political action committee VoteVets.org. Soltz is also an Iraq war veteran, having served in 2003. Speaking calmly and to raucous applause, he said Baird (who recently returned from a visit to Iraq) was fooled “by a dog and pony show” and is unfortunately “providing cover for President Bush.”
Baird didn't stand a chance against Soltz. Very few do.

Jane Hamsher posted a news clip of the event. Doesn't look like Baird had a fun evening. But, that's his own fault. Read More......

Ayad Allawi: The Broder candidate of Iraq

Last week, while discussing the foolishness of criticizing Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki for the structural (i.e., not personal) problems in Iraqi politics, I briefly mentioned the fact that former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi is not the answer. In the wake of continued speculation about Allawi and his prospects, especially in US press and political circles, it's worth explaining further exactly why that's so.

Most importantly, and quite simply, Allawi has virtually no support in Iraq. In the last elections, in December 2005, his party won a piddling 8 percent of the vote, earning just 25 seats in the 275-seat parliament. Further, his support is hardly rising: in the previous election, in January 2005, his party won 14 percent, capturing 40 seats. So his support is low, and it got lower in between elections. Iraqis largely view him as an American puppet, which isn't unreasonable considering his oft-reported ties to the CIA. But just in case that wasn't enough to torpedo his popularity in Shia-dominated Iraq, he's also a former Baathist -- to be fair, he split from the party nearly 30 years ago, but Iraqis have long memories and he's still tainted by the association.

Then there's the fact that Allawi already had a shot at the position -- and he was terrible. He was appointed interim prime minister in May 2004, keeping the position until he was replaced in April 2005 by Ibrahim Jaafari (following the January '05 elections). If that sounds like the time when the insurgency really started to heat up, well . . . it was. Allawi's tenure was marked by corruption, a feckless approach to basic services, and a widespread perception of thuggishness. In one particularly intense episode, he's said to have personally (and summarily) executed six suspected insurgents at a Baghdad police station. Perhaps most importantly, his support for the devastating military incursions into Fallujah and Najaf in 2004 earned him the hatred of both Shia and Sunni Iraqis. As a postscript to this illustrious record, after the latest elections, he basically disappeared to London and Jordan -- when Ambassador Crocker was asked about Allawi recently, according to NYTimes, he "said he only spoke to people who actually came to Iraq."

Despite all this, we're subjected to relentless speculation about an Allawi reemergence. Whether through military coup (ridiculous; he doesn't even have a militia like Sadr, the Kurds, and SIIC), election (ridiculous; as noted, he has no real base of support), or US move (horrifyingly possible), it's supposedly time to reconsider Allawi.

One might understandably wonder why, and the answer is, Allawi is precisely the kind of leader the uninformed pundit class loves. Just as David Broder can wax pathetic about Michael Bloomberg for his "leadership" and "post-partisan" positioning, other observers label Allawi "tough" and "non-sectarian." These kind of vague labels are music to the ears of pundits, neocons, and deluded war supporters alike, and Allawi gets disproportionate attention because he is essentially a Westerner. He speaks English well, is comfortable among elites from London to Amman to Washington, and knows that the surest route to political acceptance in the US is a massively expensive lobbying campaign by former Bush administration officials. But when it comes down to it, Allawi has about as much support for Iraqi PM as Bloomberg does for US president . . . and from the same types of people.

Like Americans, Iraqis have preferences about issues. If they wanted "non-sectarian" leaders, they would have elected them in January '05. Or December '05. Or the parliament would pass a vote of no-confidence -- remember, Iraq isn't like the American system; there the parliament can topple the PM anytime with a majority vote. The fact that they haven't jettisoned Maliki should be a big glowing sign that there's no consensus alternative. The country is majority religious Shia, and that fact is reflected in the government. It's true that even the religious Shia parties aren't getting along, but the idea that Allawi would improve things is ludicrous. Anyone who claims otherwise doesn't understand Iraq. Read More......

Idaho Statesman to Senator Craig: Come clean

A message to Idaho's senior Senator from the state's largest newspaper -- it's time to fess up:
Sen. Larry Craig has spent 27 years in Congress — with rumors about his sexual orientation following him almost from the outset.

Now, after the report of Craig's arrest at a Minnesota airport restroom, Idaho's senior senator must speak candidly with the people who have hired him for more than a quarter of a century. He owes this to voters — no matter how difficult that may be for him and for his family. And voters owe Craig a chance to explain himself.
So who thinks the next step is Craig running off to some fake treatment facility? Read More......

Fraud and kickbacks, Iraq War Style

Major scandal brewing over criminality in Iraq. This is what happens when there is no oversight of the war. What were Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman as Chairs of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee for the past five years? They were too busy championing Bush's war to question anything:
Several federal agencies are investigating a widening network of criminal cases involving the purchase and delivery of billions of dollars of weapons, supplies and other matƩriel to Iraqi and American forces, according to American officials. The officials said it amounted to the largest ring of fraud and kickbacks uncovered in the conflict here.

The inquiry has already led to several indictments of Americans, with more expected, the officials said. One of the investigations involves a senior American officer who worked closely with Gen. David H. Petraeus in setting up the logistics operation to supply the Iraqi forces when General Petraeus was in charge of training and equipping those forces in 2004 and 2005, American officials said Monday.

There is no indication that investigators have uncovered any wrongdoing by General Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, who through a spokesman declined comment on any legal proceedings.

This article is based on interviews with more than a dozen federal investigators, Congressional, law enforcement and military officials, and specialists in contracting and logistics, in Iraq and Washington, who have direct knowledge of the inquiries. Many spoke on condition of anonymity because there are continuing criminal investigations.

The inquiries are being pursued by the Army Criminal Investigation Command, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, among other agencies.
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Take A Stand Today

Watch this video, listen to Iraq Vet John Bruhns (who has been blogging here this month) -- and do what he says. Today, there will be over 700 "Take a Stand" events around the country. You can find one here. Take a Stand:
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Larry Craig - GOP sexual hypocrite with a 'wide stance'

A little recap for schadenfreude lovers. It was a bad time for cruising for homophobic Senator Larry Craig (R-ID), who pleaded guilty on August 8 to a disorderly conduct charge after his arrest in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in June.

An undercover officer just happened to be investigating complaints of lewd behavior and cruising in the men's restroom there when Craig decided to repeatedly leer between the cracks into the stall the officer was in, then proceeded to enter the adjacent stall and play footsie and gesture under the partition for sex. Larry, btw, learn to flush.
Karsnia showed his police identification under the stall. "With my left hand near the floor, I pointed towards the exit," the report said. "Craig responded, 'No!' I again pointed towards the exit. Craig exited the stall with his roller bags without flushing the toilet. ... Craig said he would not go. I told Craig that he was under arrest, he had to go, and that I didn't want to make a scene. Craig then left the restroom."
The senator, once detained at the Airport Police Operations Center tried the old "do you know who I am?" maneuver, showing the arresting officer his business card indicating he was a Powerful Man of InfluenceTM, saying "What do you think about that?" but alas, that didn't fly. Here's the guilty plea court document.

In the annals of GOP sexual hypocrisy excuses, we have this new one to add to the database -- the Wide Stance DefenseTM.
Craig denied any lewd intentions and told police he has a "wide stance" in the bathroom and reached down to pick up a piece of paper from the floor.

"It should be noted that there was not a piece of paper on the bathroom floor, nor did Craig pick up a piece of paper," Karsnia wrote in the police report.
He pled guilty, but now he says it was all a big misunderstanding (sound familiar?).
"At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were misconstruing my actions," he said. "I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter. In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously."
What -- the pickup, the power play at the police station, or trying to make it all go away?

Craig, by the way, avoided 10 days in the Hennepin County, Minnesota pokey/workhouse for his bathroom. He's on probation for a year and paid $575 in fines and fees.The Idaho Statesman's Dan Popkey has a piece on its investigation of Craig's rumored closeted sexual netherworld after the senator was outed in 2006, which includes scuttlebutt going back to his college days, and the infamous 1982 pre-emptive denial regarding allegations of sex with underaged congressional pages going on up on the Hill.
The most serious finding by the Statesman was the report by a professional man with close ties to Republican officials. The 40-year-old man reported having oral sex with Craig at Washington's Union Station, probably in 2004. The Statesman also spoke with a man who said Craig made a sexual advance toward him at the University of Idaho in 1967 and a man who said Craig "cruised" him for sex in 1994 at the REI store in Boise.
The Statesman interviewed the Union Station cruise, who said that the men had sex in two restrooms with the encounter lasting "three or four minutes."


Yesterday Larry Craig decided to step down as co-senate liaison for Mitt. The Romney's campaign, which proudly hosted a video of Craig supporting the presidential candidate, quickly yanked it from its site (screenshot here), with Mitt's mouthpiece, Matt Rhoades announcing"Senator Craig has stepped down from his role with the campaign. He did not want to be a distraction and we accept his decision."

As we reported yesterday (and how it always is for these guys) Larry Craig's public record as a social conservative is solid. He:
* Voted YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)
  * Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)
  * Voted NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Jun 2000)
  * Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
  * Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation. (Sep 1996)

Craig also has a 0% rating in HRC's 2006 Congressional Scorecard.

The senator from Idaho, along with John Ashcroft and Trent Lott, formed The Singing Senators. He should think about hooking up with some of these guys to form a new group: Bob Allen, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Glenn Murphy, Jr., Tommy Tester, Ted Haggard...the list goes on and on.

Any suggestions for a name for the group and additional members? Read More......

Open Thread

What a day, huh?

Who ever said August was a slow news month?

And to top it off, I came back from walking my dog tonight to find what seemed like half the D.C. Fire Department in front of my building. Apparently, the microwave in the unit above mine caught on fire. It was quite a scene. Fortunately, no one was hurt and there was very little damage to the building. Those firefighters do amazing work. Despite being right below the fire, I had no smoke or water damage. John may be dealing with fire issues in Greece, but I had them right here on Wyoming Avenue.

Anyway, that was an interesting way to end a fascinating news day. So much to discuss -- so go for it. Read More......

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