August 30, 2010 08:30 PM
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George W. Bush's Pretzel Problems meets the GOP's Bush Tax Cut/Deficit Lies. From Fail Blog.
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George W. Bush's Pretzel Problems meets the GOP's Bush Tax Cut/Deficit Lies. From Fail Blog.
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Scientist announced today the discovery of a distant planet seemingly defying all laws of physics. The primary reason for the hurried announcement is the inexplicable reverse rotation of the planet aptly named Glenybeck due to the overwhelming media coverage of the Sunday rally. The lead researcher explained that the namesake of the newly discovered backward planet was a “no brainer” due to mainstream media reluctance to report on any thing else for 48 hours.
Speculation in scientific circles is that time must move backwards on Glenybeck the implications being that geological and biological processes would evolve in reverse.
Of special interest are the contrast in colours between the much darker poles and the vast emptiness of the rest of the planet, palin comparison. Violent eruptions and deceiving cloud cover seem to conceal the inner workings on the surface of Glenybeck however researchers have seen enough to theorize if sentient beings exist on Glenybeck they soon will devolve, return to the oceans and eventually into single celled organisms.
Mr. Beck was unavailable for comment although his alter ego persona known as Sarah Palin was reached at the judges table of the Dancing With The Stars after show party handing over $100K in 5 and 10 dollar bills. She quipped in shrill tones “It is really… really amazing, I mean that… that in 6000 years the planet Glenybeck will cease to exist”.
is the amount of time that people on the left waste talking about him.
but ignore this kind of thing, and watch what happens...
And the things that go ignored in the meantime...
this morning. It's was comical to listen to the rabid beckerheads call in and try to castigate him for backing the "failed" policies of the socialist/marxist/communist democrats. If you listened real hard (and weren't laughing) you could hear all those tiny blood vessels in their Piltdown foreheads exploding.
When he provided Beck's own quotes and tape - it just went right over their heads or through it - whip, zing! Hilarious if it was a Monty Python sketch, not so funny because there's a whole lot of ignorant, dangerous people out there.
Support the Troops: Misdiagnosed drug may be killing stressed veterans
Support the Troops: For many Iraq veterans, 'invisible wounds' will never heal
Support the first responders at the 9/11 site. They deserve our help in getting proper healthcare. Their lungs are messed up. The Republicans and many Democrats don't give a fuck. Sad stuff, sad reality.
Not sure how this guy sleeps at night.
Glenn Beck hates the victims of Katrina because he is a racist. He hates the people of 9/11, I think, because of the Jersey Girls, the group that got some media attention because they demanded the Bush Administration form a Commission to answer their questions and investigate the failures that occurred that day. They also called Henry Kissinger, the original head of the commission, out for having business ties to the Bin Laden family, which prompted him to resign. So Beck hated these victims because they were pointing out a reality different from the narrative of 9/11 Beck had become comfortable with. It's a shame how much attention Beck gets and how little attention our infrastructure gets or the amazing work of the Jersey Girls gets. But that the strange reality of human mindsets.
100 % behind your opinions on this one.
After he's done at Fux Noobs, he'll open a church. Then his money will be tax free.
The church of the self adsorbed.
The church of the sanctimonious pimp.
The church of haters.
The church of psycho babble.
The church of the deluded.
Feel free to add on folks.
It is still a free country after all.:)
first time (I usually try to catch his clips on C & L because I can't stand to watch his show) to see what he had to say about the weekend "rally": In 20 seconds, he dissed what the President said about the rally and lied about the number--he said there were "half a million" on the mall....and I switched him off. What a self-agrandizing lying pig he he is! He is so full of himself, I can't believe it. Anyone who would watch him and take him seriously would have to be seriously demented.
I fear for my country.
ACLU sues US over targeted assassinations of citizens
Predator drones patrolling southern US border begin Wednesday
Anti-psychotic drug may be killing stressed veterans
Dutch police have charged two men taken off a flight from the United States with "preparation of a terrorist attack," ABC News reported Monday, citing US and Dutch law enforcement officials.
*Reminds me of the "Anthrax" mailing Muslims, or the "Shoe" bomber, or the "Underwear" bomber. I don't get what is going on, but I sure don't trust the U.S. government or the U.S. corporate media to tell us the truth.
what have I benn saying all along?
In your "avatar" is that a pink angel or a bunch of Hostess sno-balls??
would you rather have?
My son thinks it's a cloud....
in the shape of an Angel just after she passed. Let your son thnk about that for a minute.
I''ve had a long day.
will be opening in L.A. and NYC in October....just before the elections.
I hope they end up playing it on CNBC and PBS and elsewhere. I see that "Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room" has been playing on CNBC and "The Cove" has been playing on Animal Planet and The Green Channel. I also just saw "The End of the Line" on the Sundance Channel today too. We need more informative documentaries in our media outlets because we could watch hours of Keith and Rachel and the others and still just get a small fraction of the information and perspective found in some these documentaries.
About an "imminent" stock market crash??
Don't get me wrong I support what both are doing; however, Olbermann never has anyone worth a damn on his show. His show is a bunch of hot air, literally. Why doesn't Olbermann have on real people who want to talk about the illegal wars, peace, the criminals in the military, the criminals in the Bush/Obama administration, the criminals on Wall Street and every other tragedy that occurs every day in America.
I haven't watched Olbermann in about 6 months, but somehow I doubt he's changed his guest list and he probably still has on the hacks from Newsweek or that Richard guy who is a Bush shill. As for Maddow, it's funny because she has on real guests but I just find her unwatchable. I totally support her, but I just can't watch her show. Maybe it's because she also tries to make it funny or entertaining, when I don't find it funny anymore. That's why I don't watch Jon Stewart or Colbert anymore, although I watched Stewart's thrashing of Beckstock here or at HuffPo, which was awesome.
I should really take your perspective on this stuff, because it isn't funny. And you are right, they giggle and try to make it entertaining. I hate them for not having real guests on now that I think about it. It is a vaudeville show. A joke. A distraction. Entertainment. And stewart and colbert are the same. Sad. Good points.
This ex-CIA operative has a different take than the one we're getting from The White House and the MSM:
Of course it isn't. They're just going to stop reporting it. That's been the plan from day 1: bore the public with it, take out combat troops-- all forgotten about. Really, it's now a US military base. Didn't Bush say you'd be there for 50 years?
It's not going to be over. Private Contractors will still be there reaping profits. It's not over until our Tax money is no longer going there. Then I'll consider it over.
even though they don't fucking post my comments unless I email and cry about it. Maybe I should start THAT google bomb
OK, what's a google bomb? Sounds ominous.
and then it shows up first in the ranking. Really, it should just be "The Worst Company in the World" and just linked to paypal. Miserable Failure was the famous Google bomb that went to the WH page with bush's portrait, when you typed it in and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky." I just typed it in and hit that button and it directs to courtesy of Google, manipulating the system back.
is, i love me some bluegal and driftglass too! been a fucked-up day around these parts,just seeing your name makes me smile.thank-yous guys,and the pledge is a come in,probably manana
Too easy. Mission accomplished. Nobody here but us chickens-and rodents and maggots. But as long as they get their shots, it should be fine. You're a year late, Barry. Not religulous. Bedbugs return. EPA willing to let toxic sprays take 'em out? Sad when India's doing better than we are. Suit against KBR allowed to continue.
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