Thursday, June 17, 2004

What a bunch of whiny girls

Yeah, I know, it's kind of sexist calling them "girls," and I'm sorry, but I just read an advert for Newsmax's "special edition" about how the liberals were going to take over the world, and all I could think of was how these guys are the biggest, whiniest, wimpiest, cry-baby-est, chicken shits on the planet. And they call liberals whiners?! You simply have to read this to get a sense of the paranoia and self-delusion that these guys live under. I mean, get a therapist already.

Here's a sample:
NewsMax Magazine Exposes Media's War on Bush

Get this special edition of NewsMax Magazine and bonus items more than $70 – check out this great offer by clicking here now.

The major media will give at least $2 billion worth of friendly coverage to Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry this election year, NewsMax Magazine reports in its June cover story.

In its special report, “Media War on Bush,” NewsMax Magazine calculated the effect of anti-Bush and pro-Kerry coverage by the major media outlets.

Had Sen. Kerry had to spend the same money in ads – on newspaper, TV, radio and Internet ads – as provided by free media coverage, the sum would be staggering.

“It would easily come to more than $2 billion,” NewsMax Editor Christopher Ruddy explains.

The NewsMax report reveals that buying just a few minutes of ad time on Howard Stern’s national radio program each day until Election Day would cost Kerry $43 million. But the senator gets that free, as Stern has dedicated himself to defeating President Bush.

Often Stern spends more than five minutes a day using his national radio show, with 8.5 million weekly listeners, to urge his fans to vote against Bush.

This special NewsMax Magazine report, now available at many bookstores (including Barnes & Noble) and many newsstands as well as by subscription, reveals how the media hate machine is working overtime to defeat Bush, including:

The big networks: Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw blow the whistle on their own outrageous anti-Bush bias.

Examples of “Get Bush” propaganda reaching millions of American homes from the likes of Matt Lauer, Harry Smith, ABC’s Terry Moran and CNN’s John King.

The media's fiercest attack dogs – Stern, Katie Couric, Maureen Dowd and Al Franken – and why each has an agenda to beat the president.

Why the New York Times, the most slanted newspaper in America, has infected the coverage of Bush by your hometown newspaper.

Inside the bias machines of the big “news” weeklies such as Time and Newsweek.

Exposed: How the book publishing industry planned its attack on Bush two years ago – and how you see this bias in almost every bookstore in the nation today.

How Hollywood is giving Kerry a huge boost with an unprecedented amount of anti-Bush propaganda into summer films, from “The Day After Tomorrow” to Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11.”

Learn the identity of the angry Hollywood sitcom queen whose anti-Bush propaganda blew up in her face.

Revealed: how the late-night comedians such as Leno and Letterman use their monologues to hurt Bush and help Kerry.

The real reason Hollywood hates Bush (no, it’s not about the war; it’s his Christian faith!).
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"America is Under Attack"

That's what Andrew Card whispered to President Bush just after the second plane hit the World Trade Center. I had forgotten this point, until it was repeated today at the 9.11 hearings on the Hill (I just watched ABC News). America is under attack, and the president continues reading a children's book.

Also restated in the hearing today was that on the way to the airport, after having finished his children's book, Bush tells Cheney "Sounds like we have a minor war going on here." A minor war? When I heard the news I was wondering if the Russians or the Chinese were invading, and this guy was wondering if we had a minor war?

Again, these are things I'd forgotten about, and only were brought up again in today's hearing. But they're still so damn infuriating, and are evidence of how NOT a leader this president is. America is under attack, and you read a children's book. The entire world is on alert for WWIII, and you interpret it as a "minor war."

Get rid of this man, and even more importantly, it's high time OUR side in the debate started reminding folks of how poorly this man actually fared when the shit hit the fan. Just imagine what they'd have done to Clinton if he'd done all of this.

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Separated at birth?


Lursa & B'Etor
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Time to put Nader in a secret undisclosed location

Bush had a slight lead over Kerry in a three-way matchup, with the president at 46 percent, Kerry at 42 percent and independent Ralph Nader at 6 percent. Bush and Kerry were tied in a two-way race.
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Madonna Chooses 'Esther' As New Name

Oy. Read More......

Even Pat Buchanan Hates Bush

In the latest sign of eroding support for Bush, even right-wing nut Pat Buchanan is furious at Dubya. In today's New York Post, it's reported that Buchanan is getting $500,000 for a book called "Where The Right Went Wrong?" that is nothing short of an anti-Bush tirade. It goes on sale in August, right before the Republican convention, which Buchanan will be covering for MSNBC. Maybe he'll go on tour with Michael Moore? I'd go to THAT booksigning. This does call into question, however, the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." In this case, he's still my enemy. Read More......

So, tell me again why Bush did nothing on September 11?

So, with this new AP story today, detailing again what happened the morning of September 11, I'm still confused as to what the heck Bush was thinking.
When it became clear that the nation was under attack, Bush decided to continue his remarks to a classroom of second graders. "The president told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see an excited reaction at a moment of crisis." Fifty minutes later, he was on Air Force One as it climbed into the sky with no certain destination. The objective was to get into the air as fast as possible and decide where to go, the commission said.
It is "clear that the nation was under attack," yet Bush continues to read a book to a class of second graders for a good long while. Finally, 50 minutes later he takes off in Air Force One. We're told that the objective was to get into the air as fast as possible - this strikes me as a bit of an excuse for why Bush didn't return to Washington - yet the president chose to sit on the ground for 50 minutes rather than get in the air when he knew the nation was under attack. So, the "I had to be in the air rather than on the ground" excuse is a bit faulty here.

I bring this up because I was ticked at Bush on September 11, and still am. He disappeared for the entire day, and we didn't even know if he was alive until around 12:30PM (I remember Peter Jennings asking where the hell the president was). Then he goes into a secure bunker while the rest of us sit it out and look out our Washington, DC picture windows hoping the world doesn't end around us. I'd like to think that Ronald Reagan would have likely gone back to the White House, to hell with the Secret Service - or at least Ronnie would have done an address to the nation, at least a quick one, from Air Force One, to let us know we were in secure hands. Bush, instead, chose to not let the country see an excited reaction, and that, he surely accomplished. Read More......

Bush defends new violation of Geneva Conventions

Good. May he go down in flames. So what's the deal anyway with war crimes? Is any violation of the Geneva Convention a war crime, or does it have to fit into some particular category of heinousness?

FYI - this story USED to be about Bush. Reuters has now changed the story without changing the URL. Bad Reuters. Read More......

Scientists Demonstrate Teleportation with Atoms

Cool. Read More......

Rumsfeld had relationship with man tied to Al Qaeda

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Reagan and Bush, Sr. had relationship with communist sympathizer

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GW Bush had relationship with evil enemy of democracy

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Bush Insists on Saddam Relationship with Al-Qaeda, Says He Never Claimed Saddam Involved in 9.11

Liar, liar, liar. The administration has been happy to leave Americans with the misconception that Saddam was involved, and as for this "relationship," that's utter BS. Rummy had a "relationship" with Saddam, and Reagan had a "relationship" with Soviet communists like Gorbachev. So what exactly is Bush's point, if he has one?

President Bush on Thursday insisted Saddam Hussein had a relationship with al-Qaeda but said his administration never asserted that the former Iraqi president had a role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

'The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al-Qaeda is because there was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda,' Bush told reporters after a meeting with his Cabinet.

'This administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and al-Qaeda. We did say there were numerous contacts between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda,' the Republican president said.
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Gay Car Bombers Kill 41 Iraqis, Wound 138

Got you again! The car bombers were actually Iraqi militants, but hey, W and the Republicans in Congress think gay marriage is the biggest threat America faces today, so who am I to argue. Read More......

Rummy violates Geneva Convention, again

These are the fucking Geneva Convention folks. The man isn't fudging on his taxes over a dinner that may or may not have been pure "business." He's violating international law as it pertains to the treatment of prisoners of war, which puts our troops, now and in the future, in danger of torture and death. Where is the outcry? Haul Rumsfeld's ass before Congress again and again and again until he explains why he's not a war criminal.

At the request of CIA Director George Tenet, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld ordered the military to secretly hold a suspected terrorist in Iraq, a Pentagon spokesman said.

The suspected terrorist has been held since October without being given an identification number and without the International Committee of the Red Cross being notified, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said. Both conditions violate the Geneva Accords on treatment of prisoners of war.

Rumsfeld ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to have the prisoner secretly detained on the day last October, when Tenet made the request, Whitman said.

"The director of central intelligence requested he not be assigned an internment serial number while the CIA worked to determnine his precise disposition," Whitman said.

The Bush administration has argued that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to suspected terrorists who do not follow the conventions themselves. But Rumsfeld and other administration officials have said the Geneva Conventions applied to all U.S. military activities in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion.
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