Sunday, January 09, 2005

Gay rights lobby gives $100k for tsunami relief

The largest gay rights lobbying group gave $100k for tsunami relief. And how much did the Family Research Council, American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, and other top fundie lobbying groups give? Read More......

Have a miscarriage? Got to jail. Only in Virginia

Wonder what penalty you get if you have an inter-racial miscarriage? Read More......

Bush supports group trying to "tear drown crosses" from Christian churches

Bush and other Republicans lend their support to a group that is anti- the Christian cross! There are even photos of people throwing crosses in the dumpster! This is too good. Begging for a campaign organized by the lefties to split Bush, the Moonies and the religious right. But will that campaign materialize? Don't hold your breath. Read More......

"The Salvador Option" coming to Iraq?

And who better to implement death squads than our own John Negroponte? Sounds like the wingnuts are sold on this policy and it's success in Central America during the Reagan years.
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Newt 2008!

Thank you Newt! It seems that Newt is looking at a possible presidential run in 2008 and is criticizing Bush for his Iraq policy. (Didn't he help create it?) Between his attacks on Bush and the widespread disgust with Newt, he can only help us in the next four years.
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Precision bomb, not so precise

Interesting how the media left out "precision" from this story, as they usually do. It also sounds like that massive Iraqi Army that we're training just isn't either very massive or very trained because we sure do not hear much about them taking on the brunt of the fighting. Oh well, I'm sure killing yet another innocent family won't disturb the peaceful environment that we brought to Iraq.
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