Examining video games' fixation with firearms — at a safe distance — all week long.
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The U.S. government again is trying to clamp down on North Korea through sanctions aimed at the country's top leaders and, more specifically, the notorious Office 39, which is widely seen as an "investment bank" for North Korea's elite.
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Two Iowa farms behind the massive salmonella egg recall have been investigated by federal officials, and what they found is pretty gross: Eight-foot tall piles of manure as well as rodents, maggots, and wild animals mingling with hens. And more!
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On Monday, this graphic video of an unknown girl throwing puppies into a river appeared online, much to the consternation of internet-using animal-lovers everywhere. But don't fret: The weirdos and agitators of 4chan's /b/ are hot on the trail. More »
Two hikers trekking through Canada's Jasper National Park stumbled across the body of a mountaineer, William Holland. Who died in 1989, and whose corpse was preserved by the ice. And that, my friends, is why you should never go hiking.
Dancing With the Stars, ABC's reality competition about alleged celebrities, who dance, has announced the cast for its 11th season, which premieres in late September. But who are these "stars"? And what, exactly, are they "famous" for? More »
Fox News host Glenn Beckjust launched a news site—a place for "original reporting, insightful opinions and engaging videos." Currently, seven of the front-page articles are about Glenn Beck and his projects. Let's take a look!
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You've seen the sonar image of the Titanic's remains. Now, the video: here's an eerie peek inside the debris of the most famous ship in history, shot by Expedition Titanic's new underwater remotely operated vehicle. Watch the chilling footage inside.
Only some local hobos will use your credit card for unauthorized booze orgies when given the chance, while others will actually be honest, according to a Toronto Star study confirming research in peer reviewed journal the New York Post.
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What happens when a small business owner gets on Google's bad side? In Ryan Abood's case, the answer is, "your business gets crushed and you spend a year and a half in internet Siberia." Do not trifle with The Google.
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CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, who'salways sayin'the nuttiestthings, called Barack Obama the "the cotton-pickin' president" today. This enraged his Twitter followers, because didn't black slaves used to pick cotton? Sanchez testily apologized shortly thereafter. Sanchez's latest flub below.
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The Way We Live Now: buying stocks. You better be! We are telling you, brother. You want a plan for long term financial success? Buy stocks. Right now. This is not even a joke.
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Today at Gawker.TV,Michael Kors has a freakish bellybutton, Mad Men's Sally Draper adorably answers questions of cast partying, Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are delightful, international military advertising, and The Soup addresses casting rumors of the next TV season.
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Advertising about enlisting in the military is tricky business; a balance between agitprop and national pride. America's approach is standard, but what about the rest of the world? The international community uses robots, explosions, crazy camera angles and battleships!
Secret-sharing website Wikileaks.org's tagline is "We open governments." But the organization itself is about as open as North Korea. That's why we've launched Wikileakileaks.org: your source for Wikileaks-related secrets, documents and rumors! More »
And they're bringing two older men with them. Also today: 3D war movies are the most reverential of 3D movies, some funny Emmys reporting, and that SNL news that's been all over.
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American Apparel founder Dov "Pants-optional" Charney has been repeatedly sued for sexual harassment and he masturbated in front of a reporter. One wonders what their lenders think of this. Well, turns out they're into eating sushi off naked chicks' bodies.
YouTube, the video brand most closely associated with freak babies, freak kids and cheappranks, is reportedly poised to charge for its high quality content. Whatever high quality content, that is, the Google video service can drum up.
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Unhappy with a deal that Digg.com's management cut with major media companies, the social news site's users turned Digg's front page into a de facto advertisement for rival aggregator Reddit today, upvoting scores of Reddit links.
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