Saturday, July 17, 2004

Have fun with this one

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 22:24:10 -0400

Hi There,
It is I the voice of reason. I come to bash you aberrant perverts with the lash of the whip. Even if you do like it. First of all it is not funny that a cool savvy political hack like Bush should be the reason why you creeps have begun to rip at some poor smuck just because of who she is related to. For that alone you all suck the shit out of two week old road kill. Then as if that wasn't foul enough you gloat about your vile temerity as if you won the Congressional Medal of Honor. What you all need is a week long stinta at camp head, with those Muslim camel jockey's who just cannot find a sharp blade when its time to make you put on that bright orange jump suit.
Now here comes the fun part. Remember when scientists, medical doctors, clergy, and everyone who was respected in every field said that homosexuality was a form of treatable yet very aberrant and deviant behavior? Oh yes, they all swore to it about thirty years ago. And furthermore all the doctor had to do was to think you were homosexual and you were given the strongest medication known to humankind forever. Now the Vietnam War protests and Civil Rights certainly helped to change the tolerance level that society had for what they called fag, queers, homo creeps, dykes, and a gamut of colorful and demeaning terms.
Tell me truthfully, if you dare, how on earth can anyone of the moronic bastard retards who dreamt up the attack on a private citizen distinguish themselves from the filthy perverts society thought you all were in 1970? And if even half of what I say is true then since you respectable pillars of society are all so sincere and devoted to your "cause," then you won't mind pulling your dainty little feet out of your mouths. Personally I hate Bush and Cheney I am poor, male and Black. But you freaks have made me feel sorry for Mary Cheney and that took some doing! I want you to know that I hereby support the propose amendment and I hope that Bush wins the election because I think that Kerry will be too soft on you disgusting queer motherfuckers. Now go run back to sucking each others assholes. I only hope you never run out of exlax you shit eating perverts. Hell isn't big enough or hot enough for you creeps fuck everyone of you with baseball bats in your earholes. Bitchasses fuck yourselves with doubleedged razor blades slowy then eat rat shit and drop dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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September 11 commission report links Iran to 9.11

Well, I'll be. It appears Bush was right to invade Iran.  Oh.
The September 11 commission's report, due out Thursday, says Iran may have facilitated the 2001 attacks on the United States by providing eight to 10 al-Qaeda hijackers with safe passage to and from training camps in Afghanistan, US media reports said.

Time and Newsweek, in similar reports quoting congressional, commission and government sources, said Iran relaxed border controls and provided 'clean' passports for the so-called 'muscle hijackers' to transit Iran to and from Osama bin Laden's camps between October 2000 and February 2001.

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What happens if you don't vote

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Jesus and Jihad

Nicholas Kristof for the NY Times writes an EXCELLENT piece about the hit book "Glorious Appearing," and about how we shouldn't let bigots off the hook simply because they cloak themselves in religion:
If a Muslim were to write an Islamic version of "Glorious Appearing" and publish it in Saudi Arabia, jubilantly describing a massacre of millions of non-Muslims by God, we would have a fit. We have quite properly linked the fundamentalist religious tracts of Islam with the intolerance they nurture, and it's time to remove the motes from our own eyes....

No, I don't think the readers of 'Glorious Appearing' will ram planes into buildings. But we did imprison thousands of Muslims here and abroad after 9/11, and ordinary Americans joined in the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in part because of a lack of empathy for the prisoners. It's harder to feel empathy for such people if we regard them as infidels and expect Jesus to dissolve their tongues and eyes any day now....

Should we really give intolerance a pass if it is rooted in religious faith?

Many American Christians once read the Bible to mean that African-Americans were cursed as descendants of Noah's son Ham, and were intended by God to be enslaved. In the 19th century, millions of Americans sincerely accepted this Biblical justification for slavery as God's word — but surely it would have been wrong to defer to such racist nonsense simply because speaking out could have been perceived as denigrating some people's religious faith.

People have the right to believe in a racist God, or a God who throws millions of nonevangelicals into hell. I don't think we should ban books that say that. But we should be embarrassed when our best-selling books gleefully celebrate religious intolerance and violence against infidels.

That's not what America stands for, and I doubt that it's what God stands for.

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Bush blasts Cuban sex tourism, overlooks US citizens who are guilty as well as friendly nations

Bush is really stretching it with his quotes about Cuba and sex tourism because he overlooks the criminals who are buying these services and he also skips over the reality that friendly nations are a much bigger problem in this activity.  It's laughable that Bush has only imposed sanctions on Cuba, Burma and North Korea for this and human trafficing because those nations are so far down on the list compared to "friendly" nations such as Thailand.  Since Bush references the number of child prostitutes on the rise due to US and Canadian travelers, how about going after those people who commit the crimes?
Thailand is a well known as the hub of this activity in SE Asia, if not the world and children from neighboring countries are sold into prostitution for as little as $25.  Thailand gets spared because too many government officials are tied to the prostitution money and the government has traditionally been friendly with the US.  Sure, blame Cuba for disgusting activities like this but let's have some honesty and criticize the bigger fish as well.  Does anyone want to talk about Saudi Arabia?
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GOP candidates, Oklahoma style

Watch out, this guy is the real face of the GOP.  In the Republican runoff, former Congressman Tom Coburn has managed to seperate himself from his competition as well as most sane people.  
...Coburn, a practicing physician, caused a political uproar this week by declaring in an interview that he favors the death penalty for "abortionists and other people who take life."
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Ok, this made me laugh out loud. God how I love MoveOn:
"In the latest development, and other groups announced this afternoon that on Monday they will deliver 'legal papers' to Fox News' studio in New York City, challenging the network's use of the tagline 'Fair and Balanced.' Chellie Pingree, president of Common Cause, will lead a news conference disclosing two legal actions in this matter."
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What do you have to do to actually lose your license?

Sorry, I couldn't resist posting this...
A Romanian surgeon who underwent a fit of madness while operating on a man's testicles proceeded to amputate his penis and cut it into three pieces.

Doctor Ciomu had been banned from entering an operating theatre for two months pending the results of an investigation by the medical council, Oprescu said.
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51% of Americans say US should have stayed out of Iraq

Karl Rove better be updating his resume.
A majority of Americans now say the United States should have stayed out of Iraq, according to a poll released Friday.

The CBS-New York Times found that just over half, 51 percent, said the United States should have stayed out of Iraq, while 45 percent said going to war was the right decision. Last month, people were evenly split on that question.
Sentiment on that question has slipped steadily since December, when the decision to go to war was supported by more than 2-to-1.
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Sad, but true

"...I was once again reminded how chronically inept the Democrats are in most matters of media relations (an inability to return phone calls, a disdain for businesslike behavior, and an assumption that the press shares their interests, versus the Republicans' efficient, corporate-style care-and-feeding approach to a body that they regard with great wariness). Also, I remembered how much...the Democrats overthink just about everything--each interview becomes a strategic crisis."

- "Kerry's Karl Rove" (profile of Bob Shrum), by Michael Wolff, Vanity Fair, August 2004, pg 146.
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