Salon's original social network and conversation mecca, Table Talk, has always been a lively but somewhat secluded part of the Salon domain. Ironically, all the dynamic conversations there are brought to the attention of the rest of the world whenever they are not available. Table Talkers begin to blog, post to Facebook and tweet about their predicament.
Here we go again! Table Talk will be gently taken offline for about three hours on Wednesday June 30, starting at 7:00 pm US Pacific Time so we can repack and reload the database. (You asked for international specs on this and you got them: that's starting at 2:00:00 hours UTC.)
How will we all debate our political points, exchange juicy celebrity gossip, get help with our travel plans and play our limerick-by-committee game? Perhaps for a few minutes we'll make do by saying hello here in the Salon Letters comment space instead.
Table Talk wouldn't be the gem of the web that we enjoy here without the devotion and patience of all the TTers. Thanks for all the passion and quality you put into living online with us.
If you're not a Table Talker at this time and would like to be, simply sign up for Salon Premium and you will be able to create a Table Talk login. But be careful. It could become a way of life.