

About Me:
A community college professor from upstate NY. My wife & I have 347 children, all of them rotten.
About Me:
A community college professor from upstate NY. My wife & I have 347 children, all of them rotten.

Late Night: Dana Milbank Is an Absolute Tit

By: Thers Saturday September 4, 2010 8:01 pm

Dana Milbank believes he is witty. Dana Milbank believes he is fun. Dana Milbank is a smug halfwit cretin in whom a lack of elementary ethical principle, or indeed simple human feeling, is grotesquely coupled with an appalling absence of anything remotely resembling a critical intelligence.

Late Night: Jehovah Goes Galt

By: Thers Wednesday September 1, 2010 8:00 pm

God is basically Ayn Rand with a great big bushy beard, according to Michael Medved, who may not be a great theological thinker, but who at least ought to know from ghastly misbegotten facial hair.

Late Night: All’s Changed, Changed Stupidly — A Fatuous Inanity Is Burped

By: Thers Saturday August 28, 2010 8:07 pm

I didn’t watch or pay any attention at all to the Developing Story of the Glenn Beck Million MOPE* March, perhaps because I’m not a superannuated paranoid Caucasian crank afflicted with an overdeveloped persecution complex and uncomfortable underpants that constrict excitingly whenever I contemplate “socialism.” Why, I’m not remotely superannuated! (The rim, it is shot, execution-style.)

Late Night: My Darling Prager, I Can’t Get Enough of Your LOVE, Den

By: Thers Wednesday August 25, 2010 8:02 pm

I know I’ve been drawing your attention to Dennis Prager quite a bit lately, but that’s because he is ever so cute when he “thinks” and “says things out loud in public,” the great big fluffy twerp, him, oooh, I lurves me some Dennis Prager, I just can’t get enough of his crap, babe…

I recently [...]

Late Night: Andy McCarthy Attempts “Thought Experiment,” Neglects “Thought” Part

By: Thers Saturday August 21, 2010 8:00 pm

The Manhattan Mosque of Murderous Musselmen nonsensical bigotry has been so deeply stupidly bigotedly annoying in a bigoted stupid nonsensical way that it seems like it’s been going on for months now, which, in fact, it has. And NRO’s Andy McCarthy has been screeching about it all the way, though he’s impressively ramped up the [...]

Late Night: Also, The Kids Today & the Dirty Music, Oy

By: Thers Wednesday August 18, 2010 8:04 pm

At my own crummy Web-Site I’ve said everything I can bear to say right now about the Stupidest Phony Wingnut Tantrum Disguised as a “Controversy” Perhaps Ever, you know, that bullshit about how the Jihadist Swimming Pool of Jihad is going to pollute what people who don’t actually know anything about the place think of [...]

Late Night: Chuck Norris Is So Tough, Oh Wait, I Meant “Chuck Norris Is Such a Snickerdoodle”

By: Thers Saturday August 7, 2010 8:00 pm

Chuck Norris PROVES that Obama is trying to shoot white Christians who disapprove of the stimulus bill.

Late Night: Wingnuttia Responds to Prop H8 Decision, Has a Sad over More Americans Having More Liberty

By: Thers Wednesday August 4, 2010 8:09 pm

My FDL colleagues & confreres will surely be discussing the legalities & intricacies of the striking-down of Californ-i-a’s Proposition 8, the referendum that said, in so many words, “if you are gay or lesbian or even remotely concerned with equality, fairness, and justice for all Californians, fuck you and suck it, and not in a [...]

Late Night: Hallelujah, Anderson Cooper Repents of Anti-White Racism, Promised Land Achieved, Andrew Breitbart Proved Greater American Hero Than Martin Luther King Jr., Who Was After All a Commie

By: Thers Saturday July 31, 2010 7:58 pm

No, really. The following was emanated at Breitbart’s Big Stupid websites.
In the early stages of the Shirley Sherrod controversy, the media began to craft the narrative Shirley Sherrod was the embodiment of the term “post-racial.” Then on July 22nd on Anderson Cooper 360, this happened:

Late Night: Dennis Prager, Hippie

By: Thers Wednesday July 28, 2010 8:05 pm

If you’re like me, and I know I am, when you hear the term “Journo-List Scandal,” you yawn like someone’s just got tequila in your Nyquil, or Nyquil in your tequila. But this intensely tedious kerfuffle has nevertheless given Our Right Wing Friends yet another excuse for squawking and preening and fondling themselves about how [...]


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