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Instruments Can Assist Birth, But With Risks to Mother, Child... MORE
Childhood, Teenage Abuse Raises Diabetes Risk in Women...MORE
Unaffordable Housing Might Lead to Poor Health... MORE
Nursing Homes Can Reap Financial Gain From Good Report Cards... MORE
Programs Help More Blacks Get Needed Colorectal Cancer Screening...MORE
Specialized Interventions Help Latinos Quit Smoking... MORE
Behavioral Feedback Boosts Online Weight Program... MORE
Review Favors Newer Type of Radiation for Prostate Cancer...MORE

Kellogg Health Scholars Program

"This program is unique among public health training programs with thich I am familiar in that scholars not only hone rigorous health disparities methods training, we also learn to translate our academic research into evidence-based resources for use in ongoing community-based social studies efforts and for policy-makers seeking to develop evidence-based policies to reduce health disparities.

Kellogg Health Scholar, 2008
