Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Wonder If These New Gallup Poll Numbers…

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 7, 2010

…will get the same play the others did?

I’m talking about the latest batch:

Parties Tied at 46% in Generic Ballot for Congress
Latest weekly update shows more competitive contest

Somehow, I doubt it.

Posted in 2010 | 1 Comment »

Right-Wing Nutjobs Allied With Al-Qaeda

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 7, 2010

David Dayen points out the extreme conservative rejection of General Petraeus’ eminently sensible statement concerning the inflammatory effect (and consequent public-relations bonanza for America’s enemies) that a Florida preacher’s planned burning of copies of the Koran is likely to have on the Muslim world:

Shut the Fuck Up Pussypants Petraeus!… If we want to help our troops, we need to remove Obama and Petraeus from the battlefield and let our troops do their job—eliminate the enemy—the ragheads. Not fucking coddle and community organize them…

General Petraeus treasonous to freedom… Let it be known that in the name of freedom others may burn the Bible, build mosques on our sore spots but they cannot stomp on our freedoms… To imagine that we should give up freedoms in order to help an Islamic nation is beyond absurd. It is treason to the cause of freedom…

General Petraeus needs to be blunt: People like the Florida preacher and his defenders are among Al-Qaeda’s best recruiters.

Per Terrorist Strategy 101 (written nearly six years ago, but still unfortunately pertinent):

Question 4: What is Bin Laden’s immediate goal?

If you’ve been paying attention, you should get this one right: His immediate goal is to radicalize the hundreds of millions of Muslims who sympathize with the vision of a restored Caliphate, but have better things to do with their lives than join the jihad. A particular problem for Bin Laden are all the Muslims who think that they can find an acceptable place for themselves in a world order dominated by the United States.

I won’t insult your intelligence by asking you who his best allies are in reaching this goal: President Bush, obviously, and all of the neo-conservatives in the Pentagon who push for the most aggressive response to the terrorist threat. Also the Christian leaders like Franklin (son of Billy) Graham, who regularly denounce Islam in terms that look fabulous on Al Qaeda’s equivalent of the locker-room bulletin board. John Ashcroft — and anyone else who mistreats assimilating Arabs and thereby convinces them that they will never really be welcome in America — is also an ally.

It doesn’t matter how much they hate him or denounce his deeds; anyone who radicalizes Muslims is doing Bin Laden’s work for him. President Bush may as well have been reading from an Al Qaeda script when he referred to the War on Terror as a “crusade”. Muslims know their history and know exactly what a crusade is: Christians invade and steal your land. People who didn’t believe this when they heard it from Bin Laden have now heard it from the Crusader-in-Chief.

Posted in 2010, Afghanistan, Iraq war, anti-Muslim, eedjits, evil, rightwing moral cripples, terrorism | 1 Comment »

Haiti aid scandal/updated

Posted by Charles II on September 6, 2010

Ansel Herz reports on Flashpoints that the storm warning system failed and that some people have been charging people to stay in refugee camps. According to NGOs, things are getting worse.

The news is thin, with few specifics. And I have to give credit to the NGOs for the fact that there has not been an outbreak of epidemic diseases. But this is a situation that deserves close attention, since almost anything– hurricane damage, another quake, or disease– could turn this from a crisis to a massive humanitarian disaster.

Update, September 6. Kevin Pina on Valencia Radio. They need $14B to rebuild. But only a few countries, notably excluding the US and most of Europe, have delivered: $500M. The Vietnamese army owns the Haitian phone company, presumably in consultation with the Pentagon. He says that communicable diseases such as diarrhea, scabies, and ringworm are epidemic. People are sleeping in the mud. Thirty percent of people have semi-decent shelter. The rest have tarps. When hurricanes come, the tarps just blow away. Things look the same as they did the day after the quake. People are moving rubble by hand. The UN has not brought in earthmoving equipment, partly due to government corruption.

Posted in Haiti, corruption | 1 Comment »

Montana Tea Party Leader Jokes About Murdering Gay People

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 6, 2010

Hat tip to PZ Myers to alerting us all to this story on how the president of the Montana Big Sky Tea Party, Tim Ravndall, thinks jokes about murdering gay people are lovely.

From a Facebook exchange of his:

Dennis Scranton: “I think fruits are decorative. Hang up where they can be seen and appreciated. Call Wyoming for display instructions.”

Tim Ravndal: “@Kieth, OOPS I forgot this aint(sic) America no more! @ Dennis, Where can I get that Wyoming printed instruction manual?”

The surprise isn’t that he expressed these views, but that the Tea Party — or its funders the Koch brothers — realized that this was Not A Good Thing to be known for saying, and punished the man soon afterwards.

Sounds like it’s the season for right-wing bullies to get in trouble for things they put on Facebook.

Posted in 2010, Republicans, Republicans acting badly, Republicans as cancer, gay rights, rightwing moral cripples | 2 Comments »

On Bullies

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 6, 2010

As The Cucking Stool’s Aaron Klemz explains here and here, with regard to Tom Emmer Jr. and son Tom “Tripp” Emmer III, the bullying apple doesn’t fall far from the bullying tree.

And the silence on this from the right-wing blogosphere, locally and nationally, is profound. They don’t dare address this, at all — aside to pretend that it’s an underage-drinking issue rather than a bullying and/or abuse issue.

Posted in 2010, Minnesota, Republicans, Republicans acting badly, Republicans as cancer, rightwing moral cripples | Tagged: , | 1 Comment »

Rachel Corrie Civil Lawsuit News

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 5, 2010

As Edward Teller says, don’t expect to see much about the second phase of this lawsuit, filed in Israel by Rachel Corrie’s parents, in the US press:

Among the witnesses to appear today, tomorrow and after the holidays, are two Military Police investigators who in March 2003 decided, together with the southern district prosecutor, to close the case. The state will also present an expert witness who will give his opinion as to the bulldozer driver’s field of vision.

The state submitted 13 affidavits, including that of the driver who ran down Corrie, his commander and other military officials involved in the case.

Rachel Corrie, you will remember, is habitually mocked as “Saint Pancake” by right-wingers and other crass persons not wanting to admit that she or the Palestinians on whose behalf she acted were or are human beings.

And again, as Edward Teller states:

A summation of documents having to do with the first phase can be found at the niche at the Rachel Corrie Foundation devoted to the trial. Before the civil suit began, I felt strongly that Corrie had died in an unfortunate event. But the patterns of IDF communication uncovered during the first phase indicate to me that she was intentionally killed.

Rather like what happened to the Mavi Marmara flotilla, it would seem.

Posted in 2010, Gaza, heroines, israel | 1 Comment »

Glenn Greenwald Nails It

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 4, 2010

From his latest column:

The President’s Deficit Commission is designed to be as anti-democratic and un-transparent as possible.  Its work is done in total secrecy.  It is filled with behind-the-scenes political and corporate operatives who steadfastly refuse to talk to the public about what they’re doing.  Its recommendations will be released in December, right after the election, to ensure that its proposals are shielded from public anger.  And the House has passed a non-binding resolution calling for an up-or-down/no-amendments vote on the Commission’s recommendations, long considered the key tactic to ensuring its enactment.  The whole point of the Commission is that the steps which Washington wants to take — particularly cuts in popular social programs, such as Social Security — can occur only if they are removed as far as possible from democratic accountability.  


That’s why Commission co-chair Alan Simpson — with his blunt contempt for Social Security and and other benefit programs (such as aid to disabled veterans) and his acknowledged eagerness to slash them — has done the country a serious favor.  His recent outbursts have unmasked this Commission and shed light on its true character.  Unlike his fellow Commission members, who imperiously dismiss public inquiries into what they’re doing as though they’re annoying and inappropriate, Simpson — to his genuine credit — has been aggressively engaging critics, making it impossible to ignore what the Commission is really up to.   

Furthermore, Simpson, by his insistence on giving away the Catfood Commission’s game plan to cut Social Security, has caused longtime Democratic operatives like Bob Shrum to sound the alarm about the danger this poses to Democratic chances in 2010:

So why not campaign all-out, in [Tip] O’Neill’s plainspoken way, against a GOP that is disloyal to the most successful — and most popular — social program in American history?

Because Democrats have been disarmed by the president’s deficit reduction commission, which plainly intends to propose Social Security cuts.

Rather than allow such cuts to be greased through the lame duck session of a decimated Democratic Congress, or passed under cover of “bipartisanship” in a decidedly more Republican one next year, shouldn’t the case be stated and debated before the election? (Right now, Social Security is treated as the issue that dare not speak its name.) There is also the question of Democratic identity: What does the party stand for if not Social Security? And then there is the question of Democratic stupidity: Qualified and muted comments by Democrats in effect suggesting that Democrats won’t endanger Social Security as much as the other guys will can only further pave the road to defeat.

The president’s deficit reduction commission was a response to a series of popular myths — that the federal deficit is a root cause of our economic distress and that Social Security is a root cause of the deficit. . . . So the deficit commission has targeted Social Security, which has nothing to do with the deficit.

Posted in 'starving the beast', (Rich) Taxpayers League, 2010, Social Security, deficit | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »

Today’s history lesson

Posted by Charles II on September 4, 2010

John Pilger:

Edward Bernays, the American nephew of Sigmund Freud, is said to have invented modern propaganda. During the First World War, he was one of a group of influential liberals who mounted a secret government campaign to persuade reluctant Americans to send an army to the bloodbath in Europe. In his book, “Propaganda,” published in 1928, Bernays wrote that the “intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses was an important element in democratic society” and that the manipulators “constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country.” Instead of propaganda, he coined the euphemism “public relations.”

The American tobacco industry hired Bernays to convince women they should smoke in public. By associating smoking with women’s liberation, he made cigarettes “torches of freedom.” In 1954, he conjured a communist menace in Guatemala as an excuse for overthrowing the democratically-elected government, whose social reforms were threatening the United Fruit company’s monopoly of the banana trade. He called it a “liberation.”

One should note that what Pilger calls elite liberalism is actually oligarchy. And it should be noted that long before 1917, manipulation of public opinion in the name of the greater good was well-established. Wikipedia:

Propaganda has been a human activity as far back as reliable recorded evidence exists. The Behistun Inscription (c. 515 BC) detailing the rise of Darius I to the Persian throne, can be seen as an early example of propaganda. The Arthashastra written by Chanakya (c. 350 – 283 BC), a professor of political science at Takshashila University and a prime minister of the Maurya Empire in ancient India, discusses propaganda in detail, such as how to spread propaganda and how to apply it in warfare. His student Chandragupta Maurya (c. 340 – 293 BC), founder of the Maurya Empire, employed these methods during his rise to power. The writings of Romans such as Livy (c. 59 BC – 17 AD) are considered masterpieces of pro-Roman propaganda.

In other words, the massification of public manipulation is simply a development of early 20th century scientism. Just as Henry Ford applied it to manufacturing cars, Bernays took advertising and applied it to manufacturing opinion.

But this tale is a caution for today, as Pilger recites just how badly we have been deceived on Iraq, on the bank bailout, and on the New Democrat paradigm. The fact that Bernays thought that what he was doing was in the public good– and, in the case of World War I, may well have been– tells us that when the power of government is turned to a task, there needs to be close oversight to make sure that it is not turned to evil.

Pilger does close on this note:

Of course, the good news is that false realities often fail when the public trusts its own critical intelligence, not the media. Two classified documents recently released by WikiLeaks express the CIA’s concern that the populations of European countries, which oppose their governments’ war policies, are not succumbing to the usual propaganda spun through the media. For the rulers of the world, this is a conundrum, because their unaccountable power rests on the false reality that no popular resistance works. And it does.

Posted in Iraq war, history, propaganda | 2 Comments »

Emmer Family Values?

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 3, 2010

The political news of the week in Minnesota seems to have been the undermining of the wholesome image surrounding Tom Emmer by the discovery that his son Tripp, who is employed by his father’s campaign, is not all that wholesome:

The source of the photos says they were obtained more than a year ago, at a time when Tripp’s privacy preferences on Facebook made the images available to the public.

That also means he was 19 or younger when he was snapped power drinking with his bros and posing alongside a passed-out girl with a penis drawn on her face and arm in marker.

Make that “at least three penises drawn on her face and both arms with a marker”. The Cucking Stool also has the photo, with a grinning Tripp giving the thumbs-up. In the interests of irony, the pic is placed next to a shot of him from the Emmer “wholesome family” TV ad making the same gesture. As TCS’ Aaron Klemz and Steve Timmer say:

The moral character of a spokesman and endorser in such a case is a legitimate issue. If you don’t think so, consider what happened to Tiger Woods when it became known what a philanderer he was.


Let’s be direct: this is assault.


The Emmer campaign has mostly avoided talking about traditional family values issues in this campaign, supposedly focusing on bread-and-butter economic issues. It can do this by using the Emmer family as an enthymeme. Look at Tom Emmer’s fecundity! He’s pro-life! Just a big, good old fashioned heterosexual family here! Just like his patron Sarah Palin, Emmer’s learned that you don’t to say a word about these issues; you just need to use your family as a prop. And like Bristol Palin, Tripp Emmer’s demonstrating that when you use your family as a symbol, their conduct becomes relevant.

Messrs. Klemz and Timmer aren’t just woofing when they call this assault, by the way. This looks like the relevant Minnesota statute — and Lord help them if it turns out that they slipped her roofies. [UPDATE: "They" in this case meaning Tripp Emmer, his male friend in the photo, the person taking the picture, and anyone else who was on the scene at the time.]

This is why the conservative apologists currently clogging the CP letters thread defending Tom and Tripp Emmer are focusing on the far less severe evidence of underage drinking than on the damning Facebook photo.

Posted in 2010, Minnesota, Republicans, Republicans acting badly, conservativism, family values, rightwing moral cripples | 5 Comments »

Friday Cat Blogging

Posted by MEC on September 3, 2010

Alex, what’s more interesting than Outside?

Posted in Alexander the Great, Friday Cat Blogging | 5 Comments »