Got hope? Nope

Parker: Obama tries to explain that he's cool and Boehner isn't.
Milbank: Obama is a Democat
Dionne: Obama fights back

PLUS » Toles Cartoon: Voters embrace the GOP


Attention, Little Monsters

Lady Gaga's show will definitely be a spectacle, partly due to the costumes her fans put on for the show. Get recognition for your hard work: Send us photos of your Gaga outfit.

Attention, Little Monsters

Sticking to your guns

Panel | Is Craigslist founder Roger Newmark exercising good leadership in defending the 'adult services' portion of his website?
Business tax breaks' effectiveness debated

It's unclear whether the provisions can accomplish president's goals of boosting nation's economic recovery and the political prospects of Democrats.

Lori Montgomery

Karzai urged to crack down

Reports about corruption in Afghanistan are undermining public support for the war among NATO allies, military alliance's leader warns.

Craig Whitlock

Church still plans Koran burning

Fla. church rejects warnings from Gen. Petraeus, others that demonstration may "endanger troops."

Tara Bahrampour and Michelle Boorstein

Time for Mayor Rahm Emanuel?

THE FIX | Speculation swirls after Chicago chief Richard Daley's surpise retirement decision.

Chris Cillizza

Iraqi soldier kills 2 U.S. troops

First servicemen die since end of combat missions as Iraqi fires on troops guarding a commander.

Leila Fadel and Marwan Anie

U-Va. suicide divides community

There are two divergent accounts of why editor of top literary journal decided to shoot himself.

Daniel de Vise

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