Monday, May 2, 2011

The Rolling Hills

The views that so many people miss out on.


Po folks mountain retreat


The city folks garden

Camp Lejeune under Condition Bravo - Jacksonville Daily News

Stands to reason as to why...

Base under Condition Bravo | base, bravo, condition - Jacksonville Daily News

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Food Lion Auto Fair - 1923 Ford T-Bucket

Oh how sweet it is...

Making way for an amphibious training base meant moving local families | land, marine, training - Jacksonville Daily News

An interesting article that appeared in the Jacksonville Daily News by Aniesa Holmes. Tells about the beginning of Camp Lejeune. Just click on the link below to read the article. 

Making way for an amphibious training base meant moving local families | land, marine, training - Jacksonville Daily News

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Will It Fly? Sure, On A Wing And A Prayer

I just know it will fly. All we need is a little fuel and fire this puppy up and we off, as soon as the prop clears all the weeds away. Found this plane sitting in an old hanger on Mill Grove Road.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Food Lion Auto Fair - 1951 Hudson

Driving this one would be like driving a big boat. Wow, a lot of car here.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Disc Plow

I think it may take a little bit of doing to get this old plow working again.

Strawberry Time

Just for a friend up in Indiana. Hope you enjoy it. Have 2 buckets of them...