Category: Wasting your time
Dear Readers, we've been completely derelict in maintaining Denialism Blog. Please accept our apologies. Mark is training to be a...
Posted by Chris H at 12:46 AM • 1 Comments •
Now on ScienceBlogs: Condors and vultures: their postures, their 'bald heads' and their sheer ecological importance
Mark Hoofnagle has a MD and PhD in physiology from the University of Virginia, and is now a general surgery resident. His interest in denialism concerns the use of denialist tactics to confuse public understanding of scientific knowledge.
Chris Hoofnagle is a recovering Washington, DC lawyer and information privacy law expert at UC-Berkeley Law School. Denialism became apparent to him while working on consumer protection laws in Washington. The Denialists' Deck of Cards is essentially a how-to guide for being an industry lobbyist.
PalMD is a practicing internist in the Midwestern United States. Aside from the great joy he finds in his family and his work, he likes communicating some of that joy to others. He has a special interest in the ways patients---and we are all patients at one time or another---are deceived by charlatans. He aims to change the world, one reader at a time. Previous writings can still be found here.
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February 25, 2010
Category: Wasting your time
Dear Readers, we've been completely derelict in maintaining Denialism Blog. Please accept our apologies. Mark is training to be a...
Posted by Chris H at 12:46 AM • 1 Comments •
PZ Myers 09.22.2010
PZ Myers 09.23.2010
William M. Connolley 09.23.2010
Ed Brayton 09.23.2010
Orac 09.23.2010