Here's the gay part:
Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by two parents, a single mother, two mothers, a step-mom, a grandmother, or a guardian. Mother's Day gives us an opportunity to celebrate these extraordinary caretakers, mentors, and providers who have made us who we are.UPDATE: Seems I wasn't alone.
Statement by Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of Family Equality Council, responding to inclusion of "two mothers" in Mother's Day ProclamationRead More...
"We welcome the President's words today but they represent the bow on the gift of equality we don't yet have. The one million LGBT families raising two million kids are really looking for action. One of our priorities is to open the doors for qualified LGBT people to adopt the 120,000 kids in foster care. There are at least four times as many LGBT people wanting to adopt than there are kids waiting to be adopted, according to the Williams Institute. The question is: Do we give these kids parents, or not? Thirty years of research and all major child welfare organizations agree: gay parents are good parents."