Iraq is a country over huge reserve of oil with one of poor population
Iraq holds under its sands the second largest reserve of oil of more than 120 billion barrels of oil and more than 120 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It also contains other minerals in addition to the one of most fertile lands of various types of pants. In spite of this Iraq is one of the poorest courtiers in its living standards and population prosperity. The poverty in Iraq is one of the worst in the world. There are more than 25% of population living under the line of poverty and up to 25% living very poor life while the rest are just managing to offer some standard life which is not comparable to countries with much less resources. The unemployment in Iraq reached one third of population of age group between 15 – 30 years old. This is reaching up to 60% if taking into the account those who are working in temporary basis or occasional workers.
Even worse is the endemic and widespread corruption especially from the top of the power. After the war in 2003 and the occupation of Iraq then the overthrow of Saddam Hussein regime the bribery has taken place in all the government levels especially the top levels. Money was also stolen by the government officials in all levels including the oil industry.
All service systems including health, water, electricity, transports, marketing, hygiene, education, media, and others which used to be one of the best in the region becoming one of the worst in the region and the world.
Above all Iraq after 2003 became one of the most dangerous places to live. There is no security and the danger is wide spread from different kinds of threats. These are on the personal as well as groups’ levels. Socially it is a country spilt a part into continuums based on race, religion, and other demographic factors.
The existed tops (so called-leaders) have no vision for the country but each one of them is another dictator serving none but their lusts and interests. This is applied on all of those who are sitting on big or little powers or offices in Iraq. They are now for 7 months leaving the country to sink in its disasters and corruptions while they are busy trying to secure position here or there on the top of power. The top (leaders) are the worst including those govern Iraq for the last 4.5 years. The whole issue is predisposing Iraq into another coupe in which case those on the top may find themselves in the same place where Saddam Hussein spend his last few days of his life.
The end of the American war in Iraq is the beginning of its defeat
War on Iraq was started in 1991 by the war criminal George W Bush the father which then reinforced by the subsequent attacks by the war criminal Bill Clinton. Along the time there was the most criminal act against humanity is the long run genocide and inhumane act of the blockade on Iraq since 1991. The barbaric inhumane act of sanction by the UN on Iraq and its consequences led to the death of hundred of thousands if not millions of Iraqi children especially if that was taken with the use of the weapons of mass destruction such as DU by the USA and its allies.
The whole issue on Iraq was more than an act of terrorism led by the USA and its allies since the impose of the last dictator Saddam Hussein by the CIA itself and then pushing him to fight an 8 years war with Iran from 1979 until 1988.
The end result is the existed Iraq which is destroyed country with millions of problems and full with corruption and diseases. No need to talk about lack of services especially the electricity and health system and no need to talk about the most corrupt leaders of Iraq.
The USA in fact by its departure according to BO decision is defeated nothing more and nothing less. It left Iraq under most corrupted leaders in its history. There is nothing called democracy or parties but groups of thefts controlling by Ganges of militias.
Iraq after the USA war is nothing but sick body surrounded by beasts and controlled by ferocious thefts.
The war of GWB the son cost Iraq more than 200,000 lives and the US more than 5000 soldiers plus thousands of other injuries and psychopathically ill in addition to more than 700 billions dollars. The results are nothing but one of the worst unethical ends in the history of mankind.
Is the electricity problems going to be the ignition for Iraq general uprising?
It is more than 8 years since the invasion of the American forces and the deposition of the Iraqi regime and more than 6 months since the Iraqi election. There is no government yet and all the services especially the electricity in Iraq are much worse that during the time before the war in 2003.
The main reasons for all the decline in Iraq is the (leaders) of the parties that came with the American tanks including the collation of Nori Almalki and Aziz Alhakem who are both of them are pro-Iranians. In fact they are dictating the Iranian politics in Iraq. Nori Almalki the (prime-minster) of Iraq that his term is ended since 6 months ago is one of the worse dictators in that region. He allowed all the corruption to happen during the last 4.5 years and allowed the corrupts to escape without investigation after they steal the Iraqi money. Nori Almalki is delaying the formation of the new government as he wants to be the PM for another 4 years term.
The Iraqis are now living in country without leaders because most of these leaders are corrupt so as they only care about their won interests and nothing else. In fact the Iraqis are living in one valley and their (leaders) living behind the concrete walls which separates them totally. Behind the concrete stones these (leaders) got their own facilities including the electricity without cut. The Iraqis are suffering and they live in their own country without sovereignty. They also have no government to support them when they are outside their country.
The uprising yesterday in Basrah, Nasriyah and Baghdad and the reaction of Nori Almalki security forces to kill some of the Iraqis who protested against the lack of electricity may form the ignition for popular and general uprising not only against the electricity but against every thing happening in Iraq. The intention to do similar uprising today in Kerbala was the first sign however Kerbala local government (Alher local governor for Kerbala) prevented the uprising. The people then allowed one week for the electricity to be solved otherwise they will go a head. Kerbala local governor is another pro-Iranian person.
The Iraqis getting so frustrated now and they need one thing to make them to have general uprising against the corrupt leaders. Is electricity going to be the ignition? It may be however the overall picture indicates that all those who are leading in Iraq failed to prove themselves as successful leaders but corrupt dictators. In this case and as the h9istory telling us they will be one day judged when new changes happening. Also it look that they run out of time to be able to prove that they are good leaders. Therefore sooner or later all corrupts in Iraq will face trials when the time for that comes on. It is certainly Nori Almalki among one of them.
The Swedish police assaulting Muslims
When it comes to the respect of the rights of Muslims and their religion the Western countries especially in Sweden now it goes to a double standard. The Human rights are only respected in their single eye which looks towards their side while the other eye is blind. The blind eye is the eye which supposes to look towards the Good while the only eye they see with is the materialistic eye (The one-eyed Quack) (The Dijal).
When Lars Vilks insulted The Prophet of Islam (The Prophet of the whole Humanity until the Day of Judgment and the Master of All Prophets) the Swedish government and its alike provided full support despite the insult went to all the Muslims around the world! The recently shown pictures (
click to see video) showing how the Swedish police uses excessive force to assault Muslims and sprayed them with Gas like from little containers in their hands. This was to protect the same person mentioned above while he was showing another insulting film and lecture about Islam and the Prophet.
The way the Swedish police attacked and assaulted the civilians is so obvious and it is against the basic principle of the human rights. These police used their power and authority to terrorize civilian Muslims. The Swedish government should do full investigation about these abuses and they should put Lars Vilks into a trial for his insults for Muslims all around the globe. He should be tried openly because of his persistence to continue to insult Islam.
Finally irrespective of whether they put him for trial or not they will be tired and stand for long time in front of Allah in the Day of Judgment after which there will be no death but either life in the Fire Hell to dwell for ever or in the Paradise with Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him) and His followers in Islam.
042.026 And He listens to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, and gives them increase of His Bounty: but for the Unbelievers there is a terrible Penalty (in the Hereafter). (Holy Quran)
الفرق بين المتخلفين والمتحضرين
ليس من الانصاف المقارنة بين ديمقراطية الحكم في بريطانيا وبين الدكتاتورية متعددة الرؤوس والاطراف في العراق ولكن بسبب حدوث الانتخابات البريطانية وما آلت اليه النتائج يدع المتتبع للمقارنة بين هذا وذاك!
لم يتحدث (جوردن براون) رئيس وزراء بريطانيا وزعيم حزب العمال الحاكم الا بلهجة الاحترام والحكمة تجاه مناوئيه من حزبي المحافظين والاحرار الديمقراطيين وحدث العكس من قبل الحزبين المذكورين. وكلهم وضع مصلحة بريطانيا واقتصادها قبل كل شيء وقبل مصلحة احزابهم. تمنى كل كل واحد لصاحبه الخير وباحترام.
عندما فشل حزب العمال من اقناع حزب الاحرار بالانضمام لتشكيل الحكومة خرج (رئيس الوزراء جوردن براون) واستقال وذهب لتقديم استقالة حزبه وتمنى الخير للحزب المعارض لكي يشكل الحكومة بعدها ودع الجميع بكلمة واحدة وذهب لتقديم استقالة حزبه. وحدث هذا رغم ان حزب الاحرار والمحافظين لايزالان لم يصرحا بالاتفاق. كما ولقد صرح براون بانه سيترك العمل بالسياسة.
وهذا يدعو المتتبع للتساؤل حول الانتخابات العراقية التي اصبحت ملحمة لاراقة الدماء كما حدث في الايام الماضية ولايزال. مرت على هذه الانتخابات اكثر من اربعة شهور ولايزال الذين يدعون الديمقراطية متمسكين بالسلطة رغم فشلهم وفساد سلطتهم. ولقد تحول كل واحد من هؤلاء السماسرة الذين يعاني البعض منهم من انحرافات وامراض في الشخصية والسلوك تحول كل واحد الى دكتاتور صغير يريد ان يجعل لنفسه حجماً باعتلاء عرش السلطة المبنية على جثث القتلى من الابرياء ودمائهم. واصبح منهم من يقول (لقد وصلت لنا فسوف لن نعطيها) والاخر يعتبر بان له حقاً بها لانه اول من جاء على ظهر الدبابات الامريكية وغيره مدعوم من هذا الطرف او ذاك رغم كونه يعاني من مرض نفسي واضطراب في الشخصية والاصابة بداء العظمة وهكذا دواليك حكام وسياسي العراق الجدد.
تشكلت الجكومة البريطانية باقل من 72 ساعة من الانتخابات اخذين بنظر الاعتبار عطلة نهاية الاسبوع بينما لايزال العراق يرزح تحت نير الاحتلال الامريكي ويتصارع على حكمه المئات بل الالاف من الطامعين بالسلطة ولو على اشلاء الابرياء. هؤلاء تسببوا بضرر كبير جداً للعراق وسيادته وشعبه ومستقبله واقتصاده وامنه وكافة نواحي الحياة فيه ويجب ان يقدموا الى المحاكمة لينالوا جزائهم العادل عاجلا ام اجلا وسيعلم الذين ظلموا اي منقلب ينقلبون.