June 05, 2010
He's Tanned, Rested and Ready: Eliot Spitzer Rocks Reunions at Princeton
Eliot Spitzer, Princeton Class of 1981, spoke on Saturday, May 29 on the topic “Lessons from the Economic Crisis” at Princeton’s annual Reunions weekend. As soon as I saw that Spitzer was speaking, I knew that nothing short of an asteroid hit on Nassau Hall could keep me from hearing him. The university also knew that Spitzer’s Class of 2000 Millennial Lecture would be a huge draw because the Reunions guidebook listed two locations for simulcasts for those who couldn’t jam into a lecture room at the new McDonnell Hall.
Spitzer and I attended Princeton at the same time (I was Class of 1980) and while I didn’t know him I remembered him as student government president. I followed his career and thought he was a great choice for Governor, even if, as a Connecticut resident, I couldn’t vote for him. His downfall shocked me, especially the abject humiliation of his wife up there on the platform for the world to see.
But I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for steely-eyed moralists like George Bush, Rudy Giuliani and Eliot Spitzer. All they have to do is whisper in my ear, “You’re either with us or against us” and I’m jumping up and down in glee like a teenybopper chasing after the New Kids on the Block. So unlike some classmates, I didn't quite feel utter moral revulsion at the thought of his appearance, more like a morbid curiosity about this very public step in Spitzer's re-emergence into the public sphere (it's not like he's been wandering the political wilderness that long, anyway).
Spitzer speaks at Princeton -- the mysterious faucets on the wall must have some symbolic meaning.
Continue reading "He's Tanned, Rested and Ready: Eliot Spitzer Rocks Reunions at Princeton"
Van | 06/05/10 at 02:25 PM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
May 23, 2010
“Elena Kagan, Girl Reporter!” Or, Writing About Sex, Sports and Rock n’ Roll at Princeton
The search for a paper trail obsesses many analysts of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Scholars parse her slim collection of legal writings with Talmudic zeal to tease out her opinions. Others pushed the trail back farther to comb through her provocative senior thesis at Princeton University, where she graduated in 1981: “To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933.”
Yet few have examined her voluminous writings as a reporter and then Editorial Chairman of The Daily Princetonian, where she served on the 1981 Managing Board that ran the paper in 1980, during the spring of her junior year and fall of her senior year. Newsweek.com published a good roundup that looked at the ideological trends in her writing.
In the interests of contributing to civil discourse on Kagan, I recently dusted off my bound volume of the “Prince,” as it’s known, for 1979, when I was a member of the Managing Board from the Class of 1980. I have lugged this unwieldy tome with me from Princeton to Brooklyn to Queens to Brooklyn to Norwalk to Westport to Stamford to Westport over the last 30 years. I never looked at it, until now. Kagan cranked out reams of copy for the paper, on topics ranging from the South Africa divestment campaign and student government (sometimes quoting Eliot Spitzer '81) to the football team, Playboy’s “Girls of the Ivy League” feature and trends in the New York music scene, and much more.
Elena Kagan wrote several stories mentioning Eliot Spitzer.
Van | 05/23/10 at 10:08 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
January 24, 2010
Obama and the Press: Get Ready for the Comeback Kid
With all the frothing over the problems of the Democrats and the sudden reversal of fortune for the GOP after last week's election of Republican Scott Brown to the Senate from Massachusetts, let's step back and take the long view.
As a former member of the press, I've been around journalism enough to know that many mainstream reporters are rejoicing over the victory of Scott Brown -- NOT because they like conservatives or oppose President Obama, but because journalists love drama. A Brown victory is catnip for journalists. On TV and in print, they get to think deep thoughts about the end of hope and change, the fears of the health-care reformers, the civil rights of terrorists, and whether the Obama presidency is doomed. Should he just resign now and let Joe Biden assume the chore of cleaning up the messes left by the previous President?
And what about Sarah Palin? Will Brown outflank her as the new golden boy of the misunderstood guns-and-hymnals demographic?
Continue reading "Obama and the Press: Get Ready for the Comeback Kid"
Van | 01/24/10 at 02:01 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
January 14, 2010
Plucky Marketers Sneak the Voice of the Proletariat into the Streets of NYC
One of my more illuminating experiences at Princeton came during my sophomore year, when I moved into a six-man suite in 1938 Hall. The previous occupants had a subscription to a newspaper called the Workers Vanguard. It always amused me with its rants and raves, always ending with strident appeals for workers revolution! Down with the capitalists! Long live the teachings of Trotsky! (Or was it Marx-Engels? I can't remember the exact political line. The WV definitely wasn't Maoist).
I developed a sneaking affection for left-wing publications, a real-world supplement to the Marx I read in history classes at Princeton. I don't see them any more on New York newsstands; either they're not being published or they've been pushed out of circulation.
Lately, however, I've been picking up copies of one of the gritty survivors, Workers World, the paper of the Workers World Party, which proudly proclaims on its front page, "Workers and oppressed people of the world unite!" Well, that's the real deal for fans of left-wing cant, sterner stuff than "We are the change we believe in." Some clever soul is slipping copies of the paper into news boxes in midtown Manhattan, in the slots for free distribution papers. Whenever I see one, I immediately grab it to check out the latest perspective of the extreme left (slightly to the left of NPR and the New York Times).
The stories are quite readable and give, if nothing else, a focused perspective on the news, be it climate change, the economy, the need to revive the class struggle, military issues, labor and that old, old favorite, "Justice for Mumia." Articles on Latin America also catch my attention. My politics differ from Workers World, but I have to give the paper's supporters credit for their plucky and successful guerrilla marketing campaign to get a very serious paper in front of New Yorkers. It adds some fiber to my reading diet.
Van | 01/14/10 at 08:56 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 01, 2009
$900M for Gaza? Great! How about $900M for Charles Manson?
President Obama is doing the right thing by allocating $900 million for rebuilding Gaza, still under the wise leadership of Hamas. This is a humane, progressive approach that puts resources where they they will win the U.S. friends and admiration.
Since the taxpayers are extending the hand of friendship to Gaza/Hamas, I suggest that the administration keep up the momentum by providing $900 million to the far-sighted leader of a group that used bold tactics in pursuit of an anti-racist, anti-colonialist agenda -- Charles Manson. Hey, I bet Bill Ayers is down with that.
Continue reading "$900M for Gaza? Great! How about $900M for Charles Manson?"
Van | 03/01/09 at 05:14 PM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 26, 2008
Puritan Action Plan for Bail-Out Recipients: No, No, and NO
Citigroup is catching flak for having its name on the replacement for Shea Stadium, now dubbed Citi Field. Set to open the 2009 season, Citi Field shows exquisitely bad timing as a (mis)use of corporate assets. Two NY City Council members want to rename it "Citi/Taxpayer Field." Good idea! (Others have suggested Heimlich Field, because the Mets are always choking.)
Their renaming made me think about a Puritan Code of Conduct for corporations and their executives who are escaping self-inflicted destitution courtesy of tax payers. Yes, the Pilgrims had Thanksgiving, but I always associate the Puritans with stern behavior. So, to honor the spirit of the Puritans and their view of excess, I'm pleased to channel the jolly spirit of Oliver Cromwell and present this Puritan Action Plan for Bail-Out Recipients. Drawing on my first-hand observation of the excesses of corporate life, it will ensure that corporate chiefs will wisely spend their largess. As with any effective moral code, the Puritan Action Plan uses the word "no" many times.
Continue reading "Puritan Action Plan for Bail-Out Recipients: No, No, and NO"
Van | 11/26/08 at 06:40 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 07, 2008
The White House Mountaineer
I'm keeping an open mind about the new administration. The website www.change.gov lays out the issues and areas of focus. Some of it makes sense, such as the discussion of ethics in government.
Other parts give me pause, like this gem buried in the "Other Issues" section. It sounds downright Stalinist in tone, a celebration of the infinite abilities of the far-seeing wise man:
Our nation's creativity has filled the world's libraries, museums, recital halls, movie houses, and marketplaces with works of genius. The arts embody the American spirit of self-definition. As the author of two best-selling books – Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope – Barack Obama uniquely appreciates the role and value of creative expression.
Uniquely? Really? Is there nothing the White House Mountaineer cannot accomplish?
We can't say we weren't put on notice.
Van | 11/07/08 at 06:37 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 02, 2008
Obama Loves Me, This I Know, for the Liberal Bible Tells Me So
The New York Times slipped comfortably into Obama Girl mode today with another fawning article about Barack Obama, this one titled "Obama-Inspired Black Voters Warm to Politics." The article practically writes itself with no pretense of balance. Political participation derives from one source only, without the possibility that new black voters may be voting Republican. Maybe the National Black Republican Association could provide some, shall we say, diversity of perspective light on this aspect of the story.
What caught my attention in the story was a quote that instantly echoed an upbringing 40 years ago among the Texas Baptists. One passage reads,
For Darnell Harris of Cleveland, an 18-year-old private in the Marines, the legal voting age could not come fast enough. “I’m excited that the first time I get to vote, it’s for Barack,” he said. And echoing many others, he said that race is only part of the reason. “Obama cares about everybody, whether they’re white, black, Chinese, whatever. He’s not just for one little group.”
Where have I heard that thought before? Could Darnell Harris be channeling this song with this well-known (among some groups) refrain?
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Van | 11/02/08 at 06:10 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
August 08, 2008
John and Cindy Send Me Pictures
Last fall several KTers and I attended a Rudy Giuliani fundraiser on the Upper West Side, where we dined on kosher sushi and heard a fervent pitch from members of his Jewish committee.
Rudy tanked, but the donation I made lives on, and on, as I can tell how my contact details got passed up the line to the various tentacles of the Republican Party. They have been reaching out in recent weeks, desperate to slither into my pockets and shake loose some spare change for the dear old GOP.
Since I'm a registered Democrat, I find the efforts amusing. I've already picked up a black-and-white McCain bumper sticker, and in recent days I've excitedly ripped open envelopes to find 8 x 10 "signed" glossies of John and Cindy McCain. One says, "Thank you for everything you do for our Party and country, John & Cindy," while the other says, "Thank you for for commitment and support, Cindy & John."
What I liked most about the glossies is how well Cindy wears her four strands of pearls. The perfect Republican First Lady!
Lately the mailings have come from other directions. I got one with the envelope teaser,
I'm not the type of person today's lilberal Democrats want to see in Congress. I'm a woman . . . a minority . . . and a conservative
I know you're curious, so the letter came from Dr. Deborah Honeycutt in Atlanta, running for the House.
Don't think the GOP is a soft touch, however. It expects results from its direct mail campaign. Just today, I got a scolding letter from the Republican National Committee.
Continue reading "John and Cindy Send Me Pictures"
Van | 08/08/08 at 08:08 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
July 21, 2008
Sen. Pat Leahy: Dark Knight and Dead Head
With The Dark Knight giving Obama a run for the buzz-money these days, let's pause to consider the role of Senator Pat Leahy, who has carved out a role for himself in the Batman entertainment monolith. His role in Dark Knight is just the latest for the Vermont Democrat:
Leahy had a nonspeaking cameo in the 1997 film "Batman and Robin," did a voice-over for the part of a governor in a Batman cartoon, and wrote the prefaces for a "Batman" anthology and a Batman comic book about the danger of land mines. Once he was spotted doing wheelies on his grandson's toy Batmobile down the long marble hall outside his Senate office.
But wait, there's more! Leahy is also a tiedyed-in-the-wool fan of the Grateful Dead. I know because when Jerry Garcia died, Leahy beelined to the studios of the MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour to talk about his enthusiasm for the group. I heard him. The Dkospedia (yes, there is such a thing) sums up the Leahy's adventures in Oaxamaxao Land:
Senator Leahy is a fan of the Grateful Dead. He has not only attended concerts, but has taped them, and has a collection of Dead tapes in his Senate Offices. The late Jerry Garcia visited him at his Senate offices, and the Senator gave a tie designed by the late band leader Jerry Garcia to Sen. Orrin Hatch (who responded by giving Leahy a Rush Limbaugh tie). Surviving band members Bob Weir and Mickey Hart have participated in fundraisers for Leahy and his Political Action Committee, the Green Mountain Victory Fund. Leahy also appeared offered a videotaped tribute to the Dead when they received a lifetime achievement award at the 2002 Jammys. His Senate web site notes this response to a question from 7th Grade Students from Vermont's Thetford Academy who asked Leahy which Dead song was his favorite, he replied: "...my favorite is Black Muddy River but we always play Trucking on election night at my headquarters."
Now, if he wants to really get "hip" with today's new breed of young Democrats, I'd like to see Sen. Leahy start groovin' to the tunes of Amy WIinehouse or L'il Kim. Or maybe I'll just keep thinking of him as Senator Casey Jones.
Van | 07/21/08 at 06:36 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
June 06, 2008
Latin for the Candidates
The book "Amo, Amas, Amat and More" is full of Latin phrases and translations. Some have direct application to the Democratic candidates. Two of my favorites, for your consideration.
Might Hillary return to Chappaqua declaring, "Vulneratus non victus" -- "Wounded but not conquered"?
And for BHO, how about this sentence from the Odes of Horace:
Integer vitae scelerisque purus non eget mauris iaculis neque areu. -- An upright man, free of guilt, needs no weapon to defend himself.
That could be meant ironically, as we peruse the connections with Rezko, et. al. but I will let the gods decide that matter.
Van | 06/06/08 at 07:04 AM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 28, 2008
Lincoln-Douglas Debate? No. Try TLC.
Hillary has thrown down the gantlet, challenging Obama to a Lincoln-Douglas style no-moderator debate. Obama, trying to play out the clock, says no, we've had 21 debates.
I think Hillary needs to up the ante. Forget about polite harrumping about health care and Iraq and Rev. Wright. Let's settle this once and for all with a genuine slammin' TLC match to see who claims the nomination, no holds barred.
What's TLC? you might ask. As well you should. TLC refers not to how Hillary treats overseas campaign donors, but rather Tables-Ladders-Chairs, a wrestling format in which contestants use the props to grab a championship belt suspended above the ring.
That would be political theater of the highest order and the greatest pay-per-view event ever, to see Hillary "Bill Crusher" Clinton battle Barack "The Hawaiian Weatherman" Obama in for the Democratic nomination. Let's stop playing nice and get out the heavy equipment so they can really pummel each other in glee.
Continue reading "Lincoln-Douglas Debate? No. Try TLC."
Van | 04/28/08 at 06:44 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
February 25, 2008
Princeton in the Nation's Political Service
The 2008 election is shaping up to a banner one for those who seek the hidden hand of Princeton University's influence on national affairs. The two factors so far: Michelle Obama '85 is getting as much ink as her husband, what's-his-name, thanks to the close textual analysis of her senior-year thesis on racial issues and her comments on finally feeling proud of America.
The second factor appeared yesterday when Ralph Nader '55 announced he was throwing his fuel-efficient hat into the ring once again.
Now if only Donald Rumsfeld '54 would get involved as an advisor to John McCain, the orange-and-black coloration would be complete . . .
Van | 02/25/08 at 07:22 AM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
December 06, 2007
On the Banks of the Rio Grande
In recent days I've become addicted to reading the website Rio Grande Guardian, published out of McAllen, Texas and covering the border and immigration issues, along with news from Mexico. Having grown up in the area, I find most of the stories compelling. On the whole, the Guardian is anti-fence, with opinion columns toppling over into total moonbattery, such as this gem by a local college professor:
I understand I live in a nation harboring xenophobic, nativistic racists - fearful little people who have difficulty maintaining bladder control if there is the minutest change in their small minded little world. For the most part, we call these people Republicans, though you will find them among Democrats too, especially in the South, and in particular when the “alien” is African American. But, for the most part, those little people moved to the Republi party. (I say Republi party since Republis have trouble saying or writing Democratic party.But that is what one would expect from small-minded little people.
Still, the Guardian does a great job pulling together the local perspective in an area on the front lines of immigration and Mexican issues. I paid it a very high compliment by signing up for its daily emails.
I'll have more to say on articles it runs later -- for now, just take a look and get an intense, first-hand view of one of the defining issues roiling the 2008 presidential campaign.
Van | 12/06/07 at 10:57 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 15, 2007
Flag Desecration Day: Busted in San Antonio
No sooner had we floated the idea of Free-Market Flag Desecration Day than a brave soul gave it a try in San Antonio. He didn't take the easy way out and burn Old Glory. No sir, he went transgressive and edgy and burned a Mexican flag in front of the Alamo.
The sad result, according to mySA.com:
The city is charging 46-year old David Bohmfalk with burning without a permit, even though no one gives permits to burn a flag.
For this Davy Crockett died?
Van | 10/15/07 at 09:18 PM | 3 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 12, 2007
Free-Market Flag Desecration Day
This item on the idea for a sharia bake sale got me to thinking: I'd like to see the results of a free-market flag desecration sale. We always see pictures of zhlubs burning and trampling on the U.S. and Israeli . . . more »Van | 10/12/07 at 06:29 AM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 05, 2007
Al Gore Polishes His Resume
Mark your calendar for October 12. That's the day we will learn if Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize. That could be a very nice flourish on his resume if he decides to plunge into presidential politics. As . . . more »Van | 10/05/07 at 06:53 AM | 5 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 01, 2007
A Half-Glass Full Look at the Housing Bubble
As a former homeowner and current renter, I can look at turmoil in the housing markets from various perspectives. I know what it feels like to thrill at rising valuations, to see that pile of wood and masonry as financial . . . more »Van | 10/01/07 at 06:59 AM | 4 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
August 05, 2007
Ronald Wilson Obama: Crazy Like a Fox?
Cruel commentators made sport of Barack Obama's gyrations on invading Pakistan, then backing off on using nuclear weapons. He's belligerent, he's indecisive, he's like Mike Dukakis riding a tank. In my view, Obama is having a Ronald Reagan moment. Reagan . . . more »Van | 08/05/07 at 09:45 AM | 7 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
August 01, 2007
Commies v. Nazis: Echoes of Greensboro
Judith's smart round-up of reports on a left-right clash in New Jersey reminded me of a previous violent encounter of Nazis and Commies. No, I'm not thinking of Stalingrad, but rather the November 1979 encounter between the Communist Workers Party . . . more »Van | 08/01/07 at 09:12 PM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
July 22, 2007
Ultimate Hot Chick Smackdown: Hillary v. Rudy. Who's More Fab?
Blogs were atwitter lately over a Washington Post article about Hillary Clinton showing a little hint of cleavage. The story throbbed with the importance of it all: She was talking on the Senate floor about the burdensome cost of higher . . . more »Van | 07/22/07 at 08:18 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
July 04, 2007
NPR Holds These Truths to Be Self-Evident
Driving around this morning I heard NPR's Morning Edition air a full reading of the Declaration of Independence, performed by hosts, reporters, newscasters and commentators. The program has done this for 19 years, but this marked the first time I . . . more »Van | 07/04/07 at 12:15 PM | 3 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
May 16, 2007
The speech George W. Bush SHOULD give
A bit of wishful thinking that got sent around on email . . . . The speech George W. Bush SHOULD give: Normally, I start these things out by saying "My Fellow Americans." Not doing it this time. If the . . . more »Judith | 05/16/07 at 01:39 PM | 11 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 01, 2007
Relatively Political: Left/Right Debate That's All in the Family
One of the biggest challenges for those of us who live in the left-leaning San Francisco Bay Area and whose political views are right-of-center is navigating the oftentimes treacherous waters of politics and personal relationships. And this difficult situation exists . . . more »Cinnamon | 04/01/07 at 02:35 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 26, 2007
The Latest from Robert Novak
Robert Novak's latest column, A President All Alone, discusses Bush's distance - even isolation - from congressional Republicans, and their chagrin at ongoing revelations of Bush administration incompetence. "We always have claimed that we were the party of better management," . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/26/07 at 11:16 AM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 23, 2007
Irony Alert
How amusing! Former President Bill Clinton yesterday complained that “it’s just not fair” the way his wife, presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), is being depicted for her controversial Iraq war vote. Speaking to hundreds of supporters on conference . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/23/07 at 12:10 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 20, 2007
Has Bush Learned from Past Mistakes?
And the nature of the domestic enemy he faces? One can only hope that the disaster of the Scooter Libby verdict had a salutary effect. And that he now plans to stand firm and defend his people when the Senate . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/20/07 at 06:38 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
If Only Bush Would Have Fired His Ass
U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald was ranked among prosecutors who had "not distinguished themselves" on a Justice Department chart sent to the White House in March 2005, when he was in the midst of leading the CIA leak investigation that . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/20/07 at 12:27 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 15, 2007
Serious Questions for Henry Waxman's Show Trial
By Rick Ballard, reposted with permission: House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman will continue his show trials masquerading as Congressional hearings tomorrow with a focus on the purported outing of CIA celebrity agent Valerie Plame by the White . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/15/07 at 01:44 AM | 2 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Washington's Blood Sport
Joseph Bottum's reflections on his friend, Scooter Libby: let's remember what this was all really about. A black spot was being passed from hand to hand in Washington. Somebody was going to end up with it, and Scooter Libby was . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/15/07 at 12:19 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 12, 2007
My Non-Review of 300
From Occasional Kesher Talk Contributor, Ben (from NY): I haven’t seen the movie. Some would say this one fact eliminates me from reasonable discussion of it, but on the other hand, no-one alive today has seen the actual Battle of . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/12/07 at 08:28 PM | 9 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 10, 2007
Conversation, Hillary Style
It's just so her. As in "conversational." Here's a direct video, but there's some useful data at the above site. So, um, could David Geffen's people possibly be behind it? They obviously have the resources. . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/10/07 at 06:51 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
More Wisdom from the Sage at MSNBC
Chris Matthew's blathers his pearls into the microphone: The liberals will talk about poverty, injustice, and racism, and nuclear war, and pick that part of the Christian message from Jesus, and the conservatives will find the evils of sodomy, the . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/10/07 at 09:08 AM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 09, 2007
Disappearing a Man's Freedom: Smoke and Mirrors
In a column today, Charles Krauthammer points out the very thing that NBC does not want the public to know: Everyone agrees that Fitzgerald's perjury case against Libby hung on the testimony of NBC's Tim Russert. Libby said that he . . . more »Alcibiades | 03/09/07 at 04:31 PM | 4 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 08, 2007
They Did Not Vote for Edwards
During the August 2004 Republican convention in NYC I did fun things with the Protest Warriors. We incited foaming, spitting rage from anti-war protesters, and this fellow and his friend went the extra mile to provoke. In recognition of the . . . more »Van | 03/08/07 at 06:01 AM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
February 20, 2007
Israel: the greatest short-term threat to world peace
Who recently said that Israel is the greatest short-term threat to world peace? Nope. Not Ahmadinejad. Not Abbas. Not the depressed Hassan Nasrallah. Not Jimmy Carter. [Though he probably thought it] It was said to a bunch of Hollywood liberals . . . more »Alcibiades | 02/20/07 at 06:16 PM | 16 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
February 19, 2007
Jack Murtha, War Hero in Action
Whither the Centrist Democrats? Have they lost their way so soon? Have their bread crumbs already been eaten up by the doves? Improbable though it may seem, blunt and brassy Jack Murtha is moving close to command over U.S. policy . . . more »Alcibiades | 02/19/07 at 09:13 PM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Pennies for the Old Hugo, Please?
For a year or more I bought gasoline at a Citgo station on Main Ave. in Norwalk, CT. The prices always beat the lowest other local competitors by two to four cents. I knew Citgo is owned by the Venezuelan . . . more »Van | 02/19/07 at 04:43 PM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
February 08, 2007
Russert the Hypocrite
In a previous post, I produced Russert's testimony showing that privately he spoke to an FBI agent about his call with Libby, the same call that later on, publicly, he fought against "being forced to reveal" because, as a member . . . more »Alcibiades | 02/08/07 at 11:28 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Tim Russert - Boldly Lying on the Stand
A report on the Morning's testimony: Libby's defense attorney, Wells, continues to grill Russert. To recap, Russert, being a god, unlike you and me, got special treatment for his "grand jury" testimony. He got to testify in his office, with . . . more »Alcibiades | 02/08/07 at 12:13 PM | 4 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
February 01, 2007
Want to Know What's Really Going on in Afghanistan? Listen to the Military, Not the Media
Much as they do with the so-called insurgency in Iraq, the mainstream media (MSM) is constantly telling us that the Taliban and al-Qaeda are "winning" in Afghanistan. To hear the MSM tell it, vastly outnumbered Taliban forces are about to . . . more »Cinnamon | 02/01/07 at 06:11 PM | 7 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
January 29, 2007
Cinnamon Stillwell on Indians: Interview with David Yeagley at BadEagle.com
In my post-9/11 political travels on the right, I've often gravitated towards others I see as minority Republicans and/or conservatives in their respective environments. In my own case, it's being right-of-center in San Francisco and a politically conservative Jewish woman. . . . more »Cinnamon | 01/29/07 at 11:14 PM | 5 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Wall Street Journal's John Fund Raises Questions About Sandy Berger
Fresh on the heels of my recent post on the subject, John Fund of the Wall Street Journal is raising questions about the Sandy Berger affair: Paper Chase: Did investigators turn a blind eye to the seriousness of the Sandy . . . more »Cinnamon | 01/29/07 at 01:18 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
January 26, 2007
Sandy Berger: The "Watergate" No One Wants To Talks About
Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein, who, along with colleague Bob Woodward, exposed the Watergate affair, has been grumbling that the Bush administration has done "far greater damage" than President Nixon. But perhaps the intrepid reporters of "All the President's . . . more »Cinnamon | 01/26/07 at 04:29 PM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Too Jewish Sounding for the Holocaust Committee!!
Suddenly, it has become socially acceptable for liberal Jews to come out of the closet with their first hand tales of Carter's implicit anti-semitism and irascibility about Jews; the floodgates are now wide open. It's become a trend. I suspect . . . more »Alcibiades | 01/26/07 at 12:12 AM | 3 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
January 25, 2007
Israel: A Stiff Necked Country
Israel: A Stiff Necked Country That's not my opinion, by the way; rather, its my translation of Jimmy's belief that Israel was "intransigent." I guess he believed he had the God's eye view, that he shared God's perspective and God's . . . more »Alcibiades | 01/25/07 at 06:42 PM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
December 26, 2006
The Christmas Kerfuffle Revisited
Although I'm a day late, this seemed a good time to revisit an SFGate column I wrote last year providing a Jewish perspective to the kerfuffle over Christmas. It remains sadly relevant and I must say, all the politicizing of . . . more »Cinnamon | 12/26/06 at 04:39 PM | 4 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
December 22, 2006
Carter Criticism Roundup
Sneaking in a last post just before Shabbat begins - and wah! the computer just ate is - now I'm really crunching it to reproduce the links: For those of you from a more liberal political persuasion, Professor Mel Konner's . . . more »Alcibiades | 12/22/06 at 04:11 PM | 9 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
December 19, 2006
Hypocrisy: The Measure of a Man
In the 1990s, James Baker's legal firm arranged business deals that flouted American sanctions against Saddam, and profited from it to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. Baker was fully aware of this and complicit. the law firm . . . more »Alcibiades | 12/19/06 at 02:56 AM | 3 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
December 16, 2006
An Anecdote from Natan Sharansky
I'm sure many of us know people who voice opinions just like this. From Powerline: UPDATE: It is well known that President Bush has been inspired by Sharansky's book, The Case for Democracy. Sharansky said today that American Jews (among . . . more »Alcibiades | 12/16/06 at 11:11 AM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
December 04, 2006
John Bolton Resigns
His resignation effective at the end of his recess appointment. I just saw Eleanor Cliff - all happy - say that despite his effectiveness, Bolton reminds people of Rumsfeld and his regime. So that by accepting this resignation, Bush is . . . more »Alcibiades | 12/04/06 at 09:36 AM | 5 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 30, 2006
Carter on the Jews
In an intriguing article on Jimmy Carter, we learn some more details about Carter's early political history with Jewish Democrats during his Presidential run and his Presidency, including this gem. In Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert . . . more »Alcibiades | 11/30/06 at 10:27 PM | 10 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 29, 2006
So what do all of you think of this exchange between Bush and James Webb, newly elected Senator from Virginia, at a meet and greet, reported on by the Hill: At a private reception held at the White House with . . . more »Alcibiades | 11/29/06 at 10:46 AM | 4 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Vox Populi, Texas Style
To get the raw pulse of what people are thinking, I've discovered the discussion boards of the Houston Chronicle. The flames of rage were practically leaping out of my computer monitor when I scanned the section on "Immigration and the . . . more »Van | 11/29/06 at 06:58 AM | 3 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 22, 2006
More Violence in Fremont, Hate Crime Nowhere To Be Found
Once again, violence has struck the Afghan-American community of Fremont. According to The Argus: Authorities have identified 46-year-old Zarghona Rahim as the woman who, according to police, was shot and killed by her husband Tuesday evening during a domestic dispute . . . more »Cinnamon | 11/22/06 at 07:47 PM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 16, 2006
San Francisco's Anti-Military Values
San Francisco is a town where, as the saying goes, the personal is political. So avoiding politics in any discussion of the city by the bay is no easy task. City officials certainly have a habit of politicizing every aspect . . . more »Cinnamon | 11/16/06 at 05:55 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 10, 2006
The Big Gloat
And so it begins. This just in from Reuters: A purported audio recording by the leader of Iraq's al Qaeda wing gloated over the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, as a top U.S. general said the military was preparing . . . more »Alcibiades | 11/10/06 at 01:06 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Can Someone Explain to Me How This is Realism
We've been hearing over and over that the purported plan of the Iraq Study group is to offer incentives to Iran and Syria to help the US in Iraq. Iran and Syria. Iran and Syria? How is this realism rather . . . more »Alcibiades | 11/10/06 at 03:27 AM | 8 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 09, 2006
So It Begins....Impeachment, That Is
Despite protestations to the contrary from soon-to-be Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi, talk of impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney has already begun. Never to be quelled by the "right-wing" Democratic Party leadership, Bay Area . . . more »Cinnamon | 11/09/06 at 01:44 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Whither Iraq: More Background on Bob Gates
I really don't like realist conservatism. It often produces detestable, morally-cringeworthy Republican policy: for example, the retreat from Lebanon after Hezbollah bombed our Marine barracks, abandoning the Shi'ites and the Kurds in 1991, the decision to abandon Afghanistan to rack . . . more »Alcibiades | 11/09/06 at 12:40 PM | 3 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 08, 2006
Election 2006: What Went Wrong for the Republicans
The midterm elections are over and those who hoped for a Republican victory are still digesting the results. The usual pre-election mainstream media hype led many to the mistaken impression that the Democratic Party's much-vaunted success might not pan out. . . . more »Cinnamon | 11/08/06 at 02:10 PM | 14 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 05, 2006
Let's Get Kinky, Real Kinky, at Salon
Salon, which used to be interesting, weighed in with a long Kinky Friedman article yesterday, worth taking a look at. It's called "Kinky and Grandma Battle for Third." Particularly intriguing are the letters about the story, with some real anti-Kinky . . . more »Van | 11/05/06 at 06:32 PM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
November 03, 2006
Congressional Candidate Steve Beren: Another Ex-Lefty
I make it a point to try and keep track of fellow former lefties, whether pre-9/11 or, as in my own case, post-9/11. And some of them have gravitated towards the online discussion group I started for this purpose, the . . . more »Cinnamon | 11/03/06 at 09:53 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
Valley View: Mr. Bush, Don't Build That Wall!
This AP story datelined from my home town, Mission, Texas, provides the local angst about the border fence President Bush wants to build: Jeff Reed, co owner of Pepe's on the River bar and grill, looks out along the Rio . . . more »Van | 11/03/06 at 07:00 AM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 26, 2006
The Antidote to Democrat Political Stupidity
You have to read this interview with Camille Paglia at Salon. If all Democrats were this clear thinking, if the tenor of political discourse took pace at this level, the whole country would be in a much better place. Reading . . . more »Alcibiades | 10/26/06 at 10:35 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 19, 2006
When Is It Treason?
Between Adam Gadahn, Jane Fonda and Lynne Stewart, I've been doing a lot of posts on the topic of treason lately. Lest some think that I use the term lightly, in fact my accusations have been quite specific. In the . . . more »Cinnamon | 10/19/06 at 01:52 PM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 18, 2006
The Lancet Report
Just in case you want to know why the current Lancet Report is completely flawed in its methodology, read this. Steven Moore deconstructs the flawed statistical metholodogy employed by the researchers. It comes down to two factors, far too few . . . more »Alcibiades | 10/18/06 at 11:03 AM | 2 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 17, 2006
It's Hunting Season For Democrats
UPDATE: According to Red State this outing is payback for not voting against Alito at the confirmation hearings, before which time Mike Rogers threatened to out a closeted United States Senator at a politically opportune time tif he voted for . . . more »Alcibiades | 10/17/06 at 11:49 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 13, 2006
Chappaquiddick Revisited
Unfortunately for the Democratic Party and its boosters in the MSM, the Foley scandal didn't work out quite as planned. The attempts to force Speaker of the House Rep. Dennis Hastert to resign have fallen flat and the American people . . . more »Cinnamon | 10/13/06 at 02:21 PM | 5 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 09, 2006
Weird Things I Heard on Bill Maher's Real Time
UPDATE: The problem with writing things at 3AM is that they come out both redundant and slightly incoherent. Now edited. Bill Maher asking Chris Matthews, "Now do people think of you as a liberal or a conservative?" Huh, I thought . . . more »Alcibiades | 10/09/06 at 03:13 AM | 2 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 04, 2006
Cinnamon Stillwell on Blogging, Liberal Hawks and 9/11 Neocons
[ Welcome to Kesher Talk, Cinnamon Stillwell! I asked Cinn to co-blog on Kesher Talk after meeting her last month. We got to know each other online because we both started email lists/social groups on opposite coasts for "disaffected liberals . . . more »Cinnamon | 10/04/06 at 02:10 AM | 5 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
October 01, 2006
Ledeen on Woodward
Bob Woodward has cannily published his new book - State of Denial - just before the 2006 election to make it the must-read bible for the Democrats, thus to drive up his sales and to make his book itself into . . . more »Alcibiades | 10/01/06 at 11:06 AM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
September 29, 2006
The Politics of Earring Shopping
I was just looking at some earrings at Amazon, and checked out the reviews of one I liked to see if anyone had written about quality, and this is what I found:I was ready to purchase these earrings but when . . . more »Alcibiades | 09/29/06 at 12:53 PM | 4 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
September 21, 2006
So George Allen Is Jewish after all
Does it make a difference? Not much, although one day it might to him. Still, at the very least, it's an interesting story. His mother is from the well known Jewish Tunisian Lumbroso family. But after witnessing her father's treatment . . . more »Alcibiades | 09/21/06 at 11:09 AM | 1 Comments | 2 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
September 18, 2006
Creation, Destruction, and Choices
If you don't have Creative Destruction bookmarked on your browser, you're missing out on great posts like this one. . . . more »Asher Abrams | 09/18/06 at 01:27 AM | Categories: Domestic Politics
May 30, 2006
The Political Odd Couple: Bush and Blair and their state of play
Tim Hanes gets it just right in much of this column in his analysis of the Bush/Blair relationship: AT A TIME when divorce is evidently getting easier and more lucrative, it is touching to see one couple soldiering on despite . . . more »Alcibiades | 05/30/06 at 10:04 PM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 26, 2006
The CIA Cracks Down
No more talkie-talkie for ex-spooks. The Central Intelligence Agency has warned former employees not to have unapproved contacts with reporters, as part of a mounting campaign by the administration to crack down on officials who leak information on national security . . . more »Alcibiades | 04/26/06 at 11:55 PM | 2 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 24, 2006
Rand Beers On Mary McCarthy
According to Rand Beers, whom she was hired to replace at the NSC, Mary McCarthy categorically denies being the source of the prison leak story. Though this is as yet unconfirmed by McCarthy herself who did not reply to attempts . . . more »Alcibiades | 04/24/06 at 06:59 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 20, 2006
China in the News
The MSM is finally beginning to cover news of the coerced organ harvesting from Falun Gong political prisoners in China. Top British transplant surgeons have accused China of harvesting the organs of thousands of executed prisoners a year to sell . . . more »Alcibiades | 04/20/06 at 09:57 PM | 1 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 19, 2006
Condemn the Violations of the Rights of Illegal Aliens . . . in Mexico
An earlier essay discussed playing the illegal immigrant game according to Mexican rules. New details show how Mexico plays the game within its own borders. Illegal immigrants in Mexico are protected, employed, have the right to hold mass demonstrations, are . . . more »Van | 04/19/06 at 06:52 AM | 1 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 03, 2006
Applying the Banana Solution to Illegal Immigration
The brawl over illegal immigration involves, at essence, jobs. Mexicans can't get jobs in their own country so they come here. Employers say they can't find Americans to do the work, so they hire Mexicans. Americans may not like the . . . more »Van | 04/03/06 at 10:24 PM | 4 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 02, 2006
I Have Heard the Future of Rock 'n Roll, and It Sounds Like "The Right Brothers"
A group called the Right Brothers (TRB) has released a tail-kicking three-minute raver called "Bush Was Right." See it here. Check out the lyrics, which include: Ted Kennedy -- wrong! Cindy Sheehan -- wrong! France -- WRONG! Zell Miller -- . . . more »Van | 04/02/06 at 09:51 PM | 0 Comments | 1 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
March 03, 2006
Beware the Southern Front, Part 2: Sen. Cornyn Holds Border Violence Hearing
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Republic of Texas) held a hearing on Wednesday on the topic "Federal Strategies to End Border Violence." It sounds like Cornyn's got a good grasp of the issues and solutions: The legislation that Senator Kyl and I . . . more »Van | 03/03/06 at 07:20 AM | 1 Comments | 2 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
August 25, 2004
Jewish Philanthropy: Benefiting from the Faith-Based Initiative
Below are some examples of Jewish charities that have benefited from President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative: . . . more »Judith | 08/25/04 at 03:31 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics
April 28, 2004
Andrew thinks Canada's limited legitimization of sharia law is "a horrifying turn of events." But . . . the arbitration act establishes a number of safeguards, including the requirement that parties enter into arbitration only on a voluntary basis. . . . more »Judith | 04/28/04 at 06:02 PM | 0 Comments | 0 TrackBacks | Categories: Domestic Politics