Scientists also haven't been able to pin down just how much oil is spilling into the Gulf, and the government has stressed that the larger estimates were still preliminary and considered a worse-case scenario. The Obama administration's point man on the oil spill, Adm. Thad Allen, on Sunday said government officials think the best figures are from a middle-of-the-road estimate, which would put the spill at around 66 million gallons of oil.Read More......
Allen said the sensors were to be deployed Sunday and will start taking pressure readings to validate the estimates. BP spokesman Jon Pack said undersea robots were attempting to install the sensors within the containment cap that sits over the well.
"I've told everybody from the start these are only estimates. We will only know what is flowing out of that well when we have it completely capped, control the flow, can actually measure," Allen told CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.
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