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Articles by Ezra Klein:

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The Substance of Things
What the country needs now is journalism that explains policy -- precisely what the Prospect does best.
August 13, 2010 | | web only

Wealth-Care Reform
Fixing our health-care system will make us more economically secure. It won't make us much healthier.
June 18, 2009 |

In the Court's Best Interest
The Supreme Court nomination process isn't about finding the "best" candidate -- it's about finding the right fit.
May 4, 2009 | | web only

The Argument Over Inequality
By allowing income inequality to dramatically increase, the myth of individual exceptionalism undermines society on the whole.
April 20, 2009 | | web only

Evan Bayh's Budget Hypocrisy
What Evan Bayh says he wants out of the budget is less important than how he actually votes.
April 6, 2009 | | web only

The 50-Vote Senate
Could an obscure Senate rule free Barack Obama from the filibuster and enable health-care reform?
March 23, 2009 | | web only

Working Toward Health Reform
SEIU head Andy Stern discusses labor's approach to health care reform, disunity within the movement, and the skittishness of business.
March 9, 2009 | | web only

Foodie Politics
Alice Waters launched a culinary revolution that changed American cuisine. But should she adopt a new strategy for her local food crusade?
March 2, 2009 |

How Entitlement Reform Became Health Reform
Why progressives should stop worrying and learn to love today's White House Fiscal Summit.
February 23, 2009 | | web only

The Myth of Bipartisanship
Given the consistent failure of compromise between Republicans and Democrats, it might be time to take away the minority's most harmful weapon: the filibuster.
February 9, 2009 | | web only

Plunder and Blunder: A Roundtable, Part Two
Part two of a two-part discussion of Dean Baker's new book, Plunder and Blunder: The Rise and Fall of The Bubble Economy.
January 29, 2009 | | web only

Plunder and Blunder: A Roundtable
Part one of a two-part discussion of Dean Baker's new book, Plunder and Blunder: The Rise and Fall of The Bubble Economy.
January 27, 2009 | | web only

The Number-Cruncher-in-Chief
Meet Obama's budget guru, Peter Orszag.
January 14, 2009 |

I Love Christmas Music
Yes, I'm Jewish, and no, the love is not ironic. Christmas music is about winter, and nostalgia. It's an aural blanket, a cup of sonic cocoa on a cold day.
December 24, 2008 | | web only

Health Care Heavyweights
By appointing Tom Daschle and Jeanne Lambrew, Obama isn't just signaling that he is serious about health care, he's putting it in the hands of people who will get it done.
December 12, 2008 | | web only

After the Market Mania
The era of big government is over. But now, so is the era of markets. Can we find the right balance?
December 8, 2008 |

The Sleeper of the Senate
As chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus could help pass a progressive social-policy agenda. Or he could be its biggest roadblock.
November 6, 2008 |

The Most Unlikely President
Barack Obama's candidacy forced us to confront the worst of our 9/11 fears and our lingering racism.
November 5, 2008 | | web only

John McCain's Hillary Problem
McCain has run his general election campaign by borrowing from Hillary Clinton's primary playbook, and the flaws of this decision have become all too apparent.
November 3, 2008 | | web only

John McCain: Not More of the Same
Barack Obama and his allies have spent the last year arguing that John McCain is just like George W. Bush. They're wrong.
October 30, 2008 | | web only

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Ezra  KleinEzra Klein is a staff reporter at The Washington Post. You can read his blogging here. His work has appeared in the LA Times, The Guardian, The Washington Monthly, The New Republic, Slate, and The Columbia Journalism Review. He's been a commentator on MSNBC, CNN, NPR, and more.

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