"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds." -- Samuel Adams

Jan 01 15:04


New news at the top

November 19, 2010 the Boston Tea Party National Committee passed resolutions; opposing the TSA, naked porno-scanners & enhanced pat-downs and supporting the 2nd & 9th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America 5-0 (with 2 no voting).

Aug 27 01:33

Seeking volunteers to serve on the National Ballot Access Coordination Committee

In accordance with the party bylaws Article 9, Section A the National Ballot Access Coordination Committee has been established. This subcommittee shall have at least three but not more than nine members who's responsibilities shall be:
1. Providing state affiliates of the party with important information about ballot access laws in their state, and advice upon the best manner to obtain that access.

Jul 20 20:42

Vote for At-Large Rep Vacancy

Approve only Doug Gaking
33% (5 votes)
Approve only Michael Shanklin
40% (6 votes)
Approve Doug Gaking and Michael Shanklin
27% (4 votes)
Total votes: 15
Jun 25 14:02

Polling issues for current nat-com at-large election

Attention all members,

Updates to the Drupal software have made it nearly impossible for us to post a poll with approval voting, as our bylaws require. The controversy following our last convention was caused by this issue.

While attempting to fix the problem with the current election for the vacant at-large seat, our chair, Darryl, posted a series of polls which were also no structured in accordance with the bylaws. I got creative, and figured out a temporary fix, which is here: http://bostontea.us/node/889

Jun 25 13:50

Vote for At-Large Rep Vacancy (correct approval poll)

Approve only Doug Gaking
0% (0 votes)
Approve only Neil Kiernan
46% (29 votes)
Approve only Michael Shanklin
8% (5 votes)
Approve Doug Gaking and Neil Kiernan
5% (3 votes)
Approve Doug Gaking and Michael Shanklin
38% (24 votes)
Approve Michael Shanklin and Neil Kiernan
2% (1 vote)
Approve all three candidates
2% (1 vote)
Total votes: 63
Jun 07 18:46

Shall the member overturn the action of the Nat. Comm. in recognizing one of the At-Large positions as being held by NOTA?

66% (21 votes)
34% (11 votes)
Total votes: 32
Jun 02 21:56

(Former) Chair's Convention Closing Remarks

Boston Tea Party Members,

Jun 02 21:07

National Committee At-Large Election Run-off

Matthew Wagner
42% (5 votes)
Rion Ametu
0% (0 votes)
None of the Above
58% (7 votes)
Total votes: 12
May 31 09:01

Convention Resolutions: "Renouncing Government" (see http://bostontea.us/node/838)

71% (5 votes)
29% (2 votes)
Total votes: 7
May 31 09:00

Convention Resolutions: "Independent Investigation" (see http://bostontea.us/node/838)

83% (5 votes)
17% (1 vote)
Total votes: 6