Sunday, December 19, 2010


GOOD WORK GAY PEOPLE, you are, sadly, as moronic as everyone else.

And a hale clap on the back to you Colonel Grethe Cammermeyer (dyke name.) No one can make fun of your outfits no more, Grethe, cauz like duh.

Cast your eyes upwards, Gentle Reader! Behold The Good Colonel beaming - and do you know why? PRIDE!

PRIDE! ‘bout tha media KA-CHING ‘bout 2 jizz o’er her very own, personal Colonic Amplitude! YOU GO, GIRL!

The Colonel’s also PROUD, no doubt, about her GRACIOUS BEHAVIOR when brokering fresh loads (haha) for the WARMEAT GRINDER!

Fresh loads of hot, taut young’uns who - if not waylaid by RAINBOW JUSTICE - might have expanded to *The Global One* and risen to a greater good -LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

But not tonight, Earthlings!

Coast-2-coast, men in chaps & chicks with beers are CELEBRATING! PROUD! that they can now BAAAAA openly, wit da White Sheep - nex 2 Massa! THEY NEED NEVER AGAIN HIDE the tenor of their porn or their secretion/ejaculation catalysts!

What a coup, Colonel!

Our Strict, Mean Dad of a System saw The Error Of It’s Ways, like in a fairy tale, thanks to Brave Soldiers Like You… and The System apologized *in deed* Colonel Cammermeyer! Dad is sorry!

Dreams do come true. Dad's changed. He *understands* now that you’re not a curse to God at ALLLLL! Noooooooo, Colonel. In fact you’re a fine girl.

Daddy’s Girl.

GAY RECRUITS MAY NOW OPENLY die young and refute logical thought SHOULDER 2 SHOULDER with men who ejaculate in the orfices of women, and women who do God knows what.

PROUD GAY PEOPLE will now pay more taxes with no recourse and raise uneducated, overstressed, unparented children (work=rent) JUST LIKE CONVENTIONAL EJACULATORS!

PROUD GAY PEOPLE can fall into debt JUST LIKE US! YIPPEE! Say bye-bye to Z-Gallerie, Gay People! Bye-bye Dinah Shore Open, bye microbrews, polo shirts, WWD, Doc Martens, Palm Beach, botox, theme cruises, waxing (men.)

PROUD GAY PEOPLE will now be more ‘relaxed,’ ‘feel good about themselves,’ more inclined 2 play nice with what they now view as THE ASCENDING AMERICAN SYSTEM.

As if!

Apres le deluge of PROUD GAY PEOPLE’s insufferable bleatings of VICTORY! WE WON! WOW! TIMES ARE-A-CHANGIN’! WHAT AN EXCITING TIME TO BE ALIVE! (cue Gloria Gaynor) like you just got your class another recess…

When you calm the fuck down, all victorious an shizz, won’t U just B max primed to give The System what it wants - More For Less?


If you think the ‘repeal’ of DADT is the shit, OY.

YOU, PROUD GAY PEOPLE, have become just another ho-tastic Special Interest Group - U know, like the NRA, the Jews/Hate Jews, The Democrats, The Taliban, The (guffaw) Art World.

But PROUD GAY PEOPLE YOUR Special Interest Group can’t help but Manifest a few sniggers, come on. It’s based on - YOUR PEE PEES!

And where you want to rub them! TMI!

“What a piece of work is man… how noble in reason…”

The first one, well yeah… the second one, SAY WHAT? Where did WE get the idea we’re NOBLE IN REASON? I want examples. Give me a fucking break.

May I call for a moment of silence?



ANAL ORGASM ENTHUSIASTS vs. VAGINAL ORGASM ENTHUSIASTS (or whatev) and put »US« into opposition? That is pretty fucking lame, n’est ce pas?

And on a personal note, ugh.



>R E J E C T<



>E S C H E W<

your stupid fucking ‘Gala Formal Evenings’ with those



If we’re ONE we’re ONE, if we’re NOT we’re NOT.

(Substitute ‘hot’ for ‘one’ if you can’t tell what I mean.)

The Oppressed (including PROUD GAY PEOPLE) feel no obligation to embrace We Are All One, cauz they’re, you know, Oppressed.

I’ve had my share of FUCK YOU MIDDLE AGED HETERO JEW WHITEY bullpoo tossed at me fo shizzle, sometimes by PROUD GAY PEOPLE. When I wrote TV, it was awful. Hollywood’s as bad as the Vatican.

Lucky fo EVER*E*BODEE Whitey Hetero don’t talk. It’s Whitey Hetero’s CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE - like an interactive Steve Martin movie.


2 the legendary faabulous STUDIO ONE in West Hollywood, 1 HOT CLUB, the ‘Factory’ transformed, back in the Pharmaceutical Coke years (sigh.)

Many a night’s fantastic synergy was killed BAM when Gay Men had the nerve to betray their kind and bring FRIENDS WITH VAGINAS to Studio One. Bouncers did everything but kill us to keep us out.

Sneers, intimidation, pretending we’re invisible, abitrary ‘codes’ i.e. NO open-toe shoes, for example, NO boat-necks, capri pants, bra straps, bumps on rib cage - whatever it took.

But in The Olden Days -now this is quaint - when women in a group were barred from gay clubs, the whole group left together, and went somewhere else!

Penis bearing bipeds, vagina-bearing bipeds, bipeds with unidentifiable genital structure (AND all the foresaid further divided by piebald friction preferences) UNITED AS ONE.

PROUD GAY MEN did not grab the K and run in squealing, “Oh well. BYE!”

* * *

If some of us are not free, none of us are free.

But The Oppressed, just like Da Man, don’t believe that.


While I’m TOTALLY BUMMED OUT that I Am Not Free… at least I know The Fucktards ain’t either.

* * *

*(with assists by OG Big Joe ‘Papi’ Ratzinger:

Monday, December 13, 2010


FoolishPeople present Weaponized 10 - Special Edition - 'Recordings from 'Ward 12 - The Basement'


'The Basement - Ward12' was created in partnership with Secret Cinema for the November 2010 presentation of Milos Forman's ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’.

Ward 12 explored the background and history of author Ken Kesey’s participation in CIA MKULTRA Mind Control experiments conducted at Stanford University on the use of psychoactive drugs such as LSD and how this in turn may have been an influence on the book and film's themes of rebellion against society.

Ken Kesey’s reported voluntary participation in the MKULTRA program in 1959, his subsequent experimentation with drugs and his work as a night orderly at an asylum provided his inspiration to write 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'. These first steps led to his taking an active role in the sixties counter culture movement with the aim to instigate an alternative world view. Ken Kesey became one of the main proponents of sixties drug culture and the hippie movement.

Participants who entered Ward 12 at Secret Cinema were encouraged to take an active role in learning the truth of their own insanity. Were they part of a mythic MKULTRA test, or had they joined a family of patients who had fallen through the cracks of the system seeking escape via the basement beneath the Oregon State Hospital?

FoolishPeople’s 'The Basement' responded in real time to the expectations of the audience who were seeking to break the system. Unexpectedly, they found themselves in a world inhabited by archetypes and characters who may or may not be figments of the imagination. Or was it a psychoactive side effect and symptom caused by long term treatment with a cocktail of powerful antipsychotic medications?

CLICK to Listen to or Download this special edition of the Weaponized Podcast @

The Basement - Ward 12
Written by John Harrigan and Xanadu Xero
Directed by John Harrigan
Produced by Lucy Harrigan
MKUltra’ video art by P. Emerson Williams, written by John Harrigan


Archie – David Monard
Doctor Armstrong – P. Emerson Williams
Doctor Tollhaus – Tereza Kamenicka
Elijah – John Harrigan
Ellie – Laura Gallacher
Lucinda C – Lucy Harrigan
Mary – Josephine Arden
MK12 Orderlies – Michael Christofis, Eleanor Young & Alexa Mathews
Nurse Always – Xanadu Xero
Nurse Cestoni – Laura Wolfe
Nurse Phillips – Cathy Conneff
Tessa – Kirsty Hudson

With special thanks to Secret Cinema, the London Film Museum and Space Engineering.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010


Your freakin PRIDE! i.e. Gay/African-American/Jewish/Spic, whoops, Fag/Nigger/Kike/Spic

is stupid.

At this precise illusory zeitgeist in simultaneous time PRIDE! about how the eye interprets energy waves bounced off your skin, PRIDE! about where your penis ejaculates, PRIDE! about ugly dead strangers, (ancestors), PRIDE! is not just stupid* but


to tribal group jack up for GIMME GIMME GIMME
, to par-TAAY, emit semen, stampede over God's precious souls created in His image and yours (Namaste!) to get STUFF & try to rip Others off with People Like You.
Gay Mardi Gras was raging in New Orleans the week-end I skydove in Mississippi. The plane back to L.A. was pretty much me + multitudinous bedraggled, pierced, tattooed lads, some of them girls.

At Baggage Claim, as pink faux-Vuitton bags tumbled down, a PROUD GAY MAN of, oh, 25 - body-modified, leather trussed over translucent wife-beater (attn: endomorph contra-indication) sighed, "Did that flight suck or what?"

I grimaced, besting Botox, "Took me back to the Soviet Union."

"The wha?" You know the face - pasty with burns from hot wax dripped last night.

This Young American KNEW that NO ONE was gonna tell him WHAT TO DO with HIS PENIS, but he didn't know what the Soviet Union was. The American Dream.

* The PROUD WHITE SUPREMACIST (top left) celebrated his Superior Whiteness by tattooing his face... black.

Saturday, September 11, 2010




DO YOU LIKE YOUR SHAMANIC VISIONS FRIED HARD with the yolks already burst?

Then >YOU<, Homeslice,

Xanadu Xero

Taste it here:

but(t - haha) no nekkid photos till y’all pony up.

Metaphysics and mechanics in the nude, with sex and drugs.

An exploding dossier of words and photography
of a doomed and perfect relationship,

retrofitted with psilocybin.

Love is a gun.
Shove it up the crack of the Multiverse,
demand what you want.

Xandu Xero is unable to understand the desire of the female species

for romance over sensation.

A report from the trenches of love post culture, mid-life.

Not your average empty-nest Beverly Hills Mom.

There is no moving on.


THE SPARKY SHOW was designed by P. Emerson Williams, shit-kicking shape-shifter, Ziggurat of Dead Shibboleths, ChoronSonic Gangsta, Fuhrer of Particles/Waves and Slam Sorcery Scion.


Published by



Look at you! What do you believe in, huh? WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN?

Bozo leans down and sticks a grenade in the manager's mouth.

I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...
(Takes off his mask. It's THE JOKER)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Xanadu Xero

This is a pyro puff to lift and support me, at very least draw an *ace* for my take that Humankind is, well, toolim, you know, tard, lame, dumbass, compulsive masterbators, Idiot Savants with a big smiley star on the -> I <-.

An operation with REAL brains MUST be running this hive. Bitch Pleeze. This is not a wild assertion. LOOK.

Solutions to human problems are found by defining your goals & charting to there from now, or backwards from there. I did that as a mom (child grown, did not resign.) I was spot on. I just was. Since, I’ve been observing, munching data.

Nothing so far has evidenced against the following:


That is Disinformation fed, nay, gobbled by our easily swayed species.



If THEY wanted The Great American People to have health care, we would. Why wouldn’t we? We have a deficit but give ‘aid’, vile schools but a space program. Come on there are a gatrillion examples bombarding your face.

It’s obvious THEY don want no middle-class no mo fo nooo-body - not even U, Playa!

None U shawtyz/hoz/supafreekz/lokez/niggaz gon B big pimpin in twenty years no matter how smokin hot U B.

It’s obvious THEY do not care about and/or actively destroy family time/life and small communities.

Of COURSE there’s a drug/hate/infighting rolling rampage o’er the globe. If you argue against that, you are stup… I mean ‘blind’.


I posit that Humankind’s a faux ‘They’ - a John Travolta with no script or hair dye, not a Tarantino or Scientology.

We are all - to misquote my Grandma Rose (RIP) - schvartzes. Some of us work in the field, some in the house.

LAW: The key to a well run home is to keep the help happy.

Rich people know this. If you don’t keep the help happy, you don’t want and/or will have a disorganized home, be it house or business empire. 100% guaranteed.

I was a Beverly Hills Sally Draper (Mad Men kid) which is to say, multiply it by Vegas. I know how rich people move.


The faux ‘They’ - Homosapiens - seem on a meth binge of Dr. Evil MINEALLMINE greed, a strange thing for the ‘Elite’ to blitzkreig now since it assures hideous stress for an equal or less pleasure return. Irrational.

Irrational as well because rich people stuff ain’t AT ALL what it used to be, believe you me.

Jaguars used 2 B E-Type V-12 with burled wood, profound upholstery & a tank of nitrous oxide in the trunk. Maids in uniform babysat on New Year’s Eve. Money bought real beauty and true respect. Now even First Class travel is anguish, not like when I flew the Concorde - so high I saw the earth curve, so fast it made BOOMs - with Bollinger in Waterford flutes and lunch by Wolfgang Puck.

No, I don’t know why faux-They/THEY are in Whack The Pinata mode, I’m no brain surgeon. What leaps to mind is

(a) perhaps we’re live improv-ing Act III of The Rise And Fall Of The Word ‘Reich’ because greed, un-neutered, breeds like dividing cells, or bunnies… which would prove Mankind ain’t all that bright…


(b) … perhaps Other is pulling the strings, having mangled free will - can’t deny we B dancing - which would prove Mankind is easily brainwashed.

Other might be looting Earth for a purpose, or maybe just 4 laughs - like pouring salt on a slug. Why we ascribe our little crunk mix of Morality to Other I dunno. We can’t even work it ourselves.


* * *

»>THE SPARKY SHOW«< by Xanadu Xero





Scroll down for some juicy crab claws.

Henceforth, however

Eff these losers.


Watch Me Cyber Strip
Get Your Torrent Bit

(oh, baby!)

Bend over and shut up.


Monday, January 4, 2010



Xanadu Xero

* * *

"Pretend To Will The Transformation"

- Bilk Copyright 2008 RealSand (TM) Inc.

If I were a little or immensely more talented (mit schvantz) I'd be Ricky Gervais. I'm aware I am graisse de canard, he is fowlicious, Peking, but he thinks like me. I'd say I think like him, but I'm older. I know I flatter myself, but fuck.

In point of fact I've been contemplating blogicide. Between Ricky, Doug Stanhope and some dead wacks of yesteryear, I have scant left to say. What's the point of going on then, one might ask? Masturbation?


Plus no man jack of(f) them swank brains can lay out in lurid detail DID I SAY 'LURID'? the fervent tales of my indie-wack pasts, including this pert crumb I now toss to you. (Crumb = no sex.)

of the UBE (United Pinchebeckistan Emirates)

self-knighted "Sacred" Warrior, Shame Man, whoops,
'Shaman,' Virgin Issue of OGs Tim Leary and Terence McKenna,
DRUGZ' very own MARY and GOD
P.R. Agency Deigned Heir Apparent to their


Spirito-Cerebradelicool MulitverCivic Crowns
(or what-ever)
with an "I" on the Causal World'$ prize...

How that dude,

THREW ME OFF his circle jerk blog site, Reality Sandwich (www.RealitysandwI(T) - 'rich itch')

and (chortle) why.

WAIT. Hold that thought...



Smoky. Sultry. Sacred. DANIEL, a middle aged capitalist, leans against exposed beams in chakra toned silks, posing like Young Einstein. You can almost see the Crop Circles in his eyes. He is a Dadra of causal and metaphorical texture.

He has cornered a FEMALE, half his age, who appears to be biological. She sips a Red Bulltini.

'Reality Sandwich?' Whoa. Great name for a site, Daniel.
Isn't that from, like, Kerouac?

A Ginsberg poem.
My mom fucked Kerouac. I sat in Ginsberg's lap.

(Author's note: I'll bet! Allen Ginsberg was quite the pro-NAMBLA pedophile. HOWL indeed haha! Kerouac, the plot's dissolute mom-boning gay boy, but(t) a smidge behind.

Good parenting Mrs. Pinchbeck, oy vey iz mir. Your kid's so meshugeh he BRAGS about it.

DANIEL (con't)
Once, on an Ayahuasca journey in the Brazilian
Rainforest, an Indiginous Shaman used my cock for a sundial.


Are you a model?

*>End Flashback!<*

And yet again the valiant Purple Helmet Sacred Warrior begins a Vision Quest to smash the Pink Cookie!

It's always the same Avant-Garde.

* * * * *


That was the 'SUBJECT' of one Reality Sandwich comment - Submitted by xanaduxero on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 20:17.

I say "was" because the comment - commentS (there were a lot of them, including that which sparked this snort) disappeared shortly before I was kicked off the site. Now, they may have been censored... but then again they may have spontaneously combusted and gone to Spirit, cauz ka-raayzeee things happen when Pimpsational "Paradigm" Pinch b in da house yo, bringin SexyBack!

Thank Jah (Jahmal) I willed the transformation to manifest my Yiddishe Totemic Swine, Shmulick, from the astral plane.

"Shmul," I mewled in waves through the pith of each chakra, starting, sadly, with the best one, the Orange. Cosmic Morse Code blast thru my Sahasrara's pupick.

Of course Shmuly already knew. He oinked in Aramaic, "Shlimazel! Make a paper trail!" So I embalmed the comment's 'BODY':







Nope. And the longer you don't, the more public I'll be.

YOU are more dangerous than the RIGHT, because at least they have the BALLS to stand by what they're about.

This protest is not about me. It's about FLACCID MESSIAHS influencing the young, grasping for power and money pretending they're not, CENSORSHIP, mirroring the "Paradigm" you claim to be replacing, and, frankly, prosaic thoughts and bad writing.**

Daniel and NWO sitting in a tree... K-i-s-s-i-n-g!

Word out.


(** Example A: "Toward the end of his life, Thomas Jefferson realized the American Revolution had failed to provide institutional mechanisms to keep the creative spirit of insurrection alive in the populace.")

You may have found the above comment to be less than optimally feminine. You may feel I lobbed a supernova when a feather would have singed. Plus (you may muse) the latter approach would have been "classy." And perhaps you thought, fleeting, "What a bitch, who'd fuck her?" Or, "That old hag should Get A Life."

Gotcha. Really. Grokkit. I understand. But you see, Gods/Goddesses/Deities Gender Neutral and/or Original, that spunk spewed at the end of the end, geyser-esque. All backed up because I queried this:

What if we just commit to The Golden Rule?
Do we really need anything else?

"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You."
Isn't that verbatim-esque what every other "sacred" text & whatnot says?


is the
"But Only People Like You, Those You Want Something From
& Those You're Sexually Attracted To
So You Can Get Something Or Get Laid" implied?

That is all I wanted a response to.

Danno refused, lugubriously ignoring me time and again while every fucktard query ("Daniel how strongly do you feel that the word SACRED has a dynastic symbiosis with the SACRUM? Blessings.") got our Psychedelic Martha Stewart's full attention.

As for why a Sacred Warrior would wield such limp douchebaggery ... I'd say the answer is from the same file as 'if Medicine's focus was on curing disease, not treating disease, no one would make any money.'

Here's the Pinchster in his own soporific words. Note the recurring theme:

"Ignorant people have been tossing the word revolution around like a used Hustler Magazine on this blog. > (Sorry Larry Flynt. You were good to me and you saved the First Amendment. I was your "Hustler" interview of the month twice.)" <

> "Over the past decade, I have engaged in an intellectual and spiritual odyssey that began when I was in my late twenties, in the depths of an existential crisis. At that time I was a journalist whose work had appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Wired, among others, and the editor of a New York-based literary magazine, Open City. <

I tried ayahuasca, the sacred “medicine” of the Amazon basin, brewed from two jungle plants, in a ceremony in downtown Manhattan. > I also took an assignment from a music magazine to go through a tribal initiation in Gabon <, on the West African equator, using a psychedelic rootbark, iboga, that sent me on a long trip back through my childhood,

> also featuring prophetic hints and telepathic views. I wrote about these experiences, and many others, in my first book, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism, published by Random House, in 2002." <

> "I am an avatar and messenger sent at the end of a kalpa, a world age, to bring a new dispensation for humanity – a new covenant, and new consciousness." < (via 'transmission')

"The more who can read the "map"... the more will survive. > We aren't charging for this and I ask is that you buy my old book and soon, my new one... frequently."<

> "Suffering from nihilism, I found that > I desperately needed to interrogate my world view, and to see if there were any other options." <

And he found them! Blessed be!

Classic options that have lit up the lives of Bush, Cheney, Hitler, L. Ron Hubbard, Stalin, Bernie Madoff, the Pope - among other celebs. It is Self-Aggrandizement + Claims Of Superior Knowledge in a blend customized to cash in on and manipulate others by preying on their fears.

One wor(l)d - $EMINAR$.

The mantra: KA-CHING!


"It was his notion that the moment one of the people took one of the truths to himself, called it his truth, and tried to live his life by it, he became a grotesque and the truth he embraced became a falsehood."
--Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson, 1919


Hey Pinchbeck! What if you *emulated* Jesus, Buddha and the rest of the boy band, not in theory but MOMENT BY MOMENT instead of dissecting them? It's always the same message, with this or that ego torquing the skew.

We Humans waste years playing nyah nyah with piffle. Why?

What if we all, starting RIGHT NOW - just fucking behaved?

I will now limn what BEHAVING means with examples tailored for you and the Pinchbeckistan(TM) citizenry.

1.) When you're in the bathroom at a party, YOU DO NOT look through cabinets and drawers for Vicodin, even if you were going to 'only take one.'

2.) If you accept money for a service, say, building a website, IT IS NOT OKAY to disappear to Costa Rica for a month, even if you think that 'time' is a grotesque man-made construct, and "only when the clock stops does time come to life." (William Faulkner)

3.) If you have a child, (attn: Daniel) YOU DO NOT spend time/money traipsing to the Amazon AGAIN to take drugs and fuck bimbos - sorry, 'priestesses' - AGAIN when your last three 'enlightening' ayahuasca 'journeys' could not solve your self-absorbed prick problem.

Instead do something quantifiably constructive for World Consciousness, like supporting your kid in her world with the choice to find her own path, and not cram her into a myopic, prurient trip like your parents did with you.

Daniel: "I would have no problem with my daughter attending a Daime ritual when she is a bit older, perhaps nine or ten, if we go down to Brazil together." Dude, why don't you take her to Disney World instead?

3.) From evidence you see live every day and in media, YES IT IS WRONG to fuck your buddy's girlfriend.

It Is Wrong for the moderne homo-sapien to have sex with people he does not intend to honor in the future with his future. The outcome is almost always negative for fucker or fuckee, it does NOT advance what is fine in Humankind, and it wastes time we cannot spare in this endgame of our species' disintegration.

And no, monogamy is not 'natural' to the human animal. That's my point.

We must, by will, override our Animal at this carrefour in time like we did back when with shitting outdoors. It wasn't 'natural' for us to poop inside a building but we knew that was part of growing a civilization as we, ourselves, defined it. We made the collective decision to defecate in private and, with that, moved Humanity forward

Looking to the sky, earth, 'shamans,' gods, 'spirit guides', totems, 'ancient wisdom' or drugs for SIGNS to indicate direction for every fucking move is ARCHAIC thinking. We must leave that way back in Animal and step up.

We, Humanity, have evolved to an amazing point. We can now make substantial Darwinian decisions ourselves, consciously, as evolving human beings, for the Higher Good.

Or not.

We say we don't want our Beast to win but REALITY CHECK - it's winning. It's winning in you, Daniel, with your bullshit loft partie$, $eminars, celeb courting, self-lauding, media whoring, eliteist behavior, promiscuity, fame/money driven views, exploitation$ of '2012' based on the few Mayan codices that survived... ignoring their possible invalidation by the many that did not.

Humans are ape-adjacent, so INCREDIBLY far from a wave. We're simple life forms still, mold in a petri dish. It's LUDICROUS for us to pimp walk around like we da Big Brains, da shizz - SEZ WHO?

Clearly, there is Other out there. Clearly we cannot understand it, agree what it is, or interpret it beyond the confines of our obvious limits.

Howzabout we bag the
crap and go to work on building Human harmony on this Earth which we - including you, Daniel - are trashing, insuring the death or living hell of our descendants?

Which brings me to...

4.) When someone asks legitimate questions that challenge your views, Daniel, IT IS WRONG to throw them off of your website. Especially if you bill yourself as an open souled and minded 'Sacred Warrior' questing for truth.


My questions started with a whisper. Well, a 'whisper' for me. I mean it had a little cha-cha, yeah, I self-amused, but Reality Sandwich is boring as hell. Here it is:

Submitted by xanaduxero on Mon, 03/31/2008 - 14:28.

I'm old, like a gazillion in dog years, and I've heard The Newly Expanded's 'MO BETTA CONSCIOUS THAN THOU' Ayahuasca babblings for, like, two decades now. The Church of Diame (sp?) devotees, the South American "I lived with the Shamans" crowd, the "I went on a raft and met _______ who recognized I was a Special Whitey so he shared his ancient secrets and ______ with me" gaggle etc. What strikes me like a 2x4 of collapsed star-like dense matter is that NONE of these people, NONE (with the exception of mah man, good ol' Daniel P., who co-brewed this site, who I don't know)** have done JACK SHIT with their astounding expansions, JACK SHIT but verbally jack off at cool soirees, say "Namaste" a lot and try to get laid. WHAT GOOD IS CONSCIOUSNESS, EXPANSION, ENLIGHTENMENT, FAME, "GNOSIS" et al if it doesn't further humanity as a whole? It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. You see jaguars? BIG FUCKING WHOOP. If you really have an edge here - APPLY IT. Selflessly and relentlessly. OR... you are just a 2.0 version of all that you claim to despise.**

Q: What was I even doing on Reality Sandwich if I think it's so frickin dull? A: Trying to kiss ass. (**Ass kiss Ex. 1.) Sigh. That never works for me.

I had submitted an article to Reality Sandwich (sounds like a three-way with ugly people), and they accepted it. I was thrilled because every hot guy on the SpriChill Global Downtown rave scene thinks that Pinch is the shit. Also, quite frankly, my inner Olivia Twist simpered, "Maybe THIS is my place... Maybe this kind of writing is what I was meant to do!"

I kept signing on to see if my piece was up yet, and while I was there, since I no doubt would become a regular contributor why not make my presence known? HA, to quote Stanley Kowalski.

I started responding to articles. Some were nice, and I praised them. Some were inane. It never occured to me that on an EXPAND YOUR MIND site run by visionaries with a mission to aid the ascention of Earth's sentient creatures, any point of view would be off limits. Plus, I'm no teenage tweaker. I'm a middle-aged mom.

Yet... my comments began disappearing. Comments like this about a piece on "Synchromysticism" with content like, "I was thinking of a parking space - and there it was!":

"OY FRICKIN' VEY Submitted by xanaduxero on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 23:28. The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance." Oh, how chic-ly metaphysical. Makes me crave a Mapplethorpe retrospective with poi twirling and a merlot rated 90+. Sometimes, gods and goddesses, a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes it's more, but trolling for magic in "mundane" circumstances is most often - pardon my synaptic bourgeoisity - cerebral chicken choking, vanity, a waste of time. Please, define 'art' here and, while you're at it, 'mystical' and 'esoteric'. Like 'hot' those words can mean a zillion things. Actually, scrap that. Explain instead why (writer's name) takes such Hollywood credit for musings that dock in most everyone's head from the age of six. And why they really matter when one can simply practice The Golden Rule and examine our own actions with a goal to improve.

That was termed "A PERSONAL ATTACK" and expunged by the Pinchbeckistan musketeers.


So I pursued, dogging them about their censorship, hypocricy and the fact they were behaving like the Christian Right with cooler dogmas and hotter outfits.

Here's another post, not even my words - direct from Wikepedia:

Submitted by xanaduxero (not verified) on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 21:38.

"The Thought Police (thinkpol in Newspeak) are the secret police of Oceania in George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

It is the job of the Thought Police to uncover and punish thoughtcrime and thought-criminals, using psychology and omnipresent surveillance from telescreens to find and eliminate members of society who were capable of the mere thought of challenging ruling authority.

The government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects, labeling unapproved thoughts with the term thoughtcrime, or, in Newspeak, crimethink.

It also had much to do with Orwell's own "power of facing unpleasant facts", as he called it, and his willingness to criticize prevailing ideas which brought him into conflict with others and their "smelly little orthodoxies".

The term "Thought Police", by extension, has come to refer to real or perceived enforcement of ideological correctness.

- Wikipedia

Its so easy to be all you claim to despise.

They canned it. It disappeared.

Comment after comment CENSORED. I wrote Daniel e mails, many, asking why. What I got back was silence, but for a cyber smirk in the form of of Nurse Ratched's - pardon, Sacred Lackey Jonathan 'Shy-Of-XY' Phillips' - recurring regurgitation of comment "rules."

I then inquired why a comment trouncing me for my thoughts wasn't censored too, if crowd control was so strict.

At last, Sacred J. reared back and POUNCED:

Hi Xanadu, I've removed the comment you tagged below as it was indeed a personal attack. However, I wanted to inform you that after sending you the comments guidelines a number of times and reminding you of the comments policy of the site, you've continued to make personal attacks against members of the community. We have received many, many complaints from RS participants from these attacks** and since you've continually refused to follow the guidelines of the site, we have decided to delete your account. It seems apparent that your interests are different than those of this site and I'm sure there's many other places on the web you can turn to for news, discussion and information that's a better fit for you. I wish you the best in your future journeys. Sincerely, Jonathan

(** Yeah,

I wrote back:

"You are not god, how can you know my "interests"? Your interests, may I surmise then? Sex with girls you can't get with looks or charm, power and money. Fuck you, Jonathan and your Sacred Bullshit persona. Enjoy the knowledge that your ass licking skills have just netted you this sorry gig brown nosing a fraud."


I am THRILLED to announce to you, dear readers, that THIS... IS NOT THE GOOD PART OF THE STORY.

The good part of the story comes NEXT... when I re-joined the mostly All White All Male Reality Sandwich az Ghetto Sista LaVondelle.



Q: What's a paradigm?
A: Twenty cents.


Sunday, January 3, 2010


"To be an addict is to be something of a cognitive acrobat. You spread versions of yourself around, giving each person the truth he or she needs - you need, actually - to keep them at a remove."
- David Carr

* * * * *

Hey Sparky, I was talking to some guy at a party last week and when it became clear he could not pick me up he didn't want to talk anymore! Is that a frickin' hoot or what? I mean, no one was fifteen, especially me.

Driving home, my mind left Ground Control, my heart got damp and I craved you - BUT - I reined it back in. Yes! I thought of others I 'craved' in the past, and how I don't remember why now. So Fuck You. I won't let myself unravel for you or tapout. I won't rot in my Female/Yin for you and wither and lapse, and put work into 'recovering' and lose a year. I won't give you that honor.

I'm going to do what YOU taught me to do, Spark, O bailing ace of my heart, O Tube Steak Bonanaza I leaped to believe was not just in my grasp but holding me, O Multiplex Man who I dreamed I was helping, through MY U-NEEK sizzlin' fizzin' Supersonic Love (Lemme hear U say YEAH!!), to be so relaxed within himself he could and would blossom and grow. What Girl porno. Connection! Conception! Deep thrusts for a sistah, and of course, now I know what that means. Hee hee.

"Why shouldn't I be paid back energetically by whatever Higher Power everyone insists is there? For all of my fine daughter work at least?" That was the mantra. Why shouldn't I win the lottery rocking my socket unto death with someone as funny, as smart, as badass as you, who I found perpetually fascinating and who, even filthy, smells like cinnamon musk? "Why NOT me?" I eructed 'till you fucking HAD to cross the ever-moving line I shoved before you like a hockey puck until it slammed into the big wall of: SHIT. NOW IT REALLY IS THAT THING.

"That Thing" being, of course, mendacity, a thousand lies - the Searing Selfishness of Substance Servility. I.E. SSSS - the sound a snake makes, striking when cornered. I.E. Cowardice. You know - wanking, not loving (wink wink.) Sin cajones.

I'll mourn if I think about it, so ya know what, I won't (much.) I will squeegee that flop sweat off my brain guy style, like you do. Instant tabula rasa. Laser soul rejuvenation. I moved my ad hoc Emergency Synapse Command Center to The Male Mind - which was dormant in me 'till you unlocked it my friend, and showed me the ropes. And you, Mega-Dude, are a master.

I just watched you switch off the kleig lights of two plus years, then blame me. Double play! WOW! So I think I can scam it. I think I've groked enough to white-out 'now', though I don't have your crystalline Compassion Expunger to guide my chemistry.

Maleness is just so handy, like the perfect black belt! It lubes all things to ingress easy because men make sure THEY THINK THEY WIN no matter how something goes down. Wherever a man is, that's where the party's at. According, of course, to him - though he's often an Army Of One.

Si Cholito - I am moronically naive and yeah I saw it coming, but just in ONE version. I saw several versions of our story, and I didn't want to leave your smell. Plus I like that part of me, the part that can embrace sweetness without irony. I want to adore my man and crave his warmth and believe in triumph of the spirit. I don't want to be so worldly that I'd take one look at you and pass. God is the details - well, to me. Causal World crap is just that, in jagged perpetual loops, and once you've spun 'round a few by middle age - big whoop. Who cares?

It's the Chrome Rims that make a life,
yo. Soul sex, fun, sharing, memories, nurturing, conquering and submitting, and, of course love with that je ne sais quoi, that ZZZZZZZAP (and in our case, pandemic pervitude.) Without it, why stay? On earth, I mean.

I invested in love's famous 'transformational power' but yet again, Spark, you bucked the system and trumped my ass. You transformed me however with, perhaps, a perfect imitation - until you resented what it was keeping you from. Thanks for what you did do though. Really. You changed my life.

A Heart of Gold but it lost its pride
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
I've seen your face in another light
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
(Foo Fighters)

Those lyrics were to be to be presented for real, with pain, until I accepted the fact that the feral scrambling, the Prime Directive of an addict is to maintain his status-quo. Ouch. I never really had a chance.

* * *

METH Recovery & Treatment

Detox within 4 to 6 weeks. Users report physical cravings (physical de-ja-vu’s) for up to a year, often intensifying at three month intervals. Likelihood of relapse increases with length and severity of use. Users must also deal with a strong psychological addiction, triggered by common sights, conversations, and thoughts. Which if not kept under control can lead to quick relapse when accompanied by recurring physical cravings. Methamphetamine users are considered the hardest type of addicts to treat. Most do not suffer significant physical or psychological symptoms until they are firmly addicted, and then try to deny they have20a problem for as long as they can, because they do not want to give up something that makes them feel "so good".
At this time the most effective treatments for methamphetamine addiction are Cognitive Behavioral interventions. These approaches are designed to help modify the patients' thinking, expectancies, and behaviors and to increase skills in coping with various life stressors. Methamphetamine recovery support groups also appear to be effective adjuncts to behavioral interventions that can lead to long-term drug-free recovery. There are currently no particular pharmacological treatments for dependence on amphetamine or amphetamine-like drugs such as methamph etamine. The current pharmacological approach is borrowed from experience with treatment of cocaine dependence. Unfortunately, this approach has not met with much success since no single agent has proven efficacious in controlled clinical studies. Antidepressant medications are helpful in combating the depressive symptoms frequently seen in methamphetamine users who recently have become abstinent. There are some established protocols that emergency room physicians use to treat individuals who have had a methamphetamine overdose. Because hyperthermia and convulsions are common and often fatal complications of such overdoses, emergency room treatment focuses on the immediate physical symptoms. Overdose patients are cooled off in ice baths, and anticonvulsant drugs may be administered also. Acute methamphetamin e intoxication can often be handled by observation in a safe, quiet environment. In cases of extreme excitement or panic, treatment with antianxiety agents such as benzodiazepines has been helpful, and in cases of methamphetamine-induced psychoses, short-term use of neuroleptics has proven successful.
Treatment Obstacles
Insomnia , depression, suicidal feelings.
Recurring hallucinations, and delusions.
Disorganized lifestyle, poor coping abilities, decreased social skills.
20 Permanent psychological problems.
Disturbance of normal personality development.
Ongoing violent and aggressive behavior.
Weight loss, malnutrition, body image fixations.
Lowered resistance to illnesses.
Physical complications, such as: kidney and lung disorders, liver damage.
Possible brain damage due to the destruction (loss) of nerve cells.
Behavior resembling paranoid schizophrenia.

THE HOUSE OF LOVE: A Visit to The Gipper's Final Resting Place

From afar, it looked like a flag in a blender. As I drew near, it morphed into the kind of scene one might dream, sweating, after too much Thai food.

As an incremate sun bludgeoned swells of gibbous rock forms, gals who bake pie with real lard — and the men in shorts who love them — wept in packs.

They adjusted their Dacron waistbands above or below God-fearing guts to bend forward and lay floral tributes in red, white and blue, Big Gulps all but forgotten. Little Jessicas and Joe Don Jr.’s, completely bewildered, added homemade signs like: ‘We Love You Ronnie’ and ‘Christ Loves You, Love, The Millers.’

Yea, for I, a weary pilgrim, had at last reached the gate to Mount Olympus — or at least America’s Technicolor edition — the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. It had reopened a scant hour before, after a week’s closure, to mourn and plant the Gipper after his final D.C. party with the world’s noblesse.

The parking lots were already jammed. I had to wedge my car, the lone Japanese-made, between flag-smothered Fords at the base of ‘Presidential Drive.’ I angled it to hide my bumper stickers — ‘Eviscerate Authority ’ and ‘How am I driving? Call 1-800-EAT SHIT’ — lest it meet the same fate as its country’s quaint port, Nagasaki.

The Library was a mile away. It crests a dry mountain, out of view.

“Wait for the shuttle,” a guard barked. No shuttle ever came. Maybe the absent bus was, like, an Art Thing – to honor Reagan’s commitment to ‘less government’ and ‘more personal responsibility.’ Perhaps Nancy thought it up. She loves art.

I joined dozens of other lauded Americans, some aged and unwell, on the scorching, vertical trek. Our ‘pioneer spirit’ brought us, half-dead, to a splendiferous spread in the middle of ugly, freakin’ nowhere. We shelled out two bucks for each small bottle of water and seven more for the honor of glimpsing detritus from the Reagans’ lavish life.

One might find, in this, a metaphor.

“If someone comes up to you on the street and says, ‘Hey, want to do some drugs?’ what do you say?” trilled the rectangular docent.

“Just… Say… NO!” shrieked Mrs. Polkanbroomer’s third grade class. A brilliant response: If strangers offer you free drugs on the street, they’re probably Feds.

Actually, the little no-necks were parroting the logic-free slogan of Nancy Reagan’s famous anti-drug campaign, clumped around its exhibit’s hangdog diorama. This campaign, fueled by our taxes, reached at least thirteen people, more if you count the severely retarded and kids under five.

In the ‘Better Late Than Never’ category, former groupie/drug ho daughter Patti [Reagan] Davis finally embodies the ‘Just Say No’ philosophy. While Mom is eighty-one and poised to check out, she’s still sharp enough to change her will.

To my left, fans jostled to snap photos of each other with a large, bronze statue of Cowboy Ron. His face, as in life, sported the same slaphappy grin as my demented mutt, Roscoe.

Reagan wore that grin while he trashed the environment. Roscoe wore that grin while he trashed my lawn. Reagan thought that ketchup was a vegetable. Roscoe thinks that ketchup is dog food. Coincidence? The mind reels.

Physicists theorize that time is simultaneous, not linear. This was, astoundingly, all but proven as I strolled towards the Reagan Theatre.

The Gipper’s portentous movie posters mirrored his political life: ‘Going Places,’‘The Winning Team,’‘Dark Victory,’‘The Bad Man,’‘International Squadron,’‘Murder in the Air,’‘Smashing the Money Ring’ (then taking it), ‘Brother Rat’ and ‘Desperate Journey.’ Uncanny.

The olde-fashioned Reagan Theatre presents an endless loop of Ron’s movie highlights, which, if played long enough, would make even Osama spill the beans.

Something about Ronnie’s onscreen behavior was disconcertingly odd, until what it was hit me. Spontaneity! Scripted, directed, multiple-take spontaneity! Reagan was clearly underrated as an interpretive artist. He could certainly portray the frightening and unknown.

After Showtime, I explored a brand-new room containing only a phony Declaration of Independence and brass repros of our presidents’ autographs. A room of fakes; how Hollywood. How Washington. The tourists were fascinated. “Look, Dear,” said a sixty-ish man to his bulbous Better Half, “they wrote back then like we do today.”


I meandered from there through a gallery of presidential portraits, noting the recent Democrats. Jimmy Carter looked like an affable hayseed (which ain’t off mark) Kennedy stared down — ostensibly at his dick — and Clinton appeared as he would in a police-booking photo.

I couldn’t shake Bill from my mind as I toured Reagan’s reconstructed Oval Office. Which door led to the Monica vestibule? And was that fabled cigar, dammit, in or out of a metal case? (I wrote Matt Drudge and asked, but he didn’t reply.)

Our bald eagle insignia anchored the Oval Office carpet. The eagle’s head is turned away from its talon of war arrows, to its talon with the olive branch of peace. Maybe that’s not hypocrisy. Since the Nicaraguan War Ron hatched was illegal, perhaps it doesn’t count.

I felt sufficiently braced at this point to step outside and go toe to tomb with The Great Communicator. And communicate he did, even in death, through his surroundings:

The Reagan Library has no visible books. It’s big and flashy, but not well built. One of its largest rooms is the understaffed gift shop with static Twilight Zone lines. Its location, the Simi (pronounced: ‘seamy’) Valley, looks like a dehydrated potato dotted with mold-like sprawl.

Except, bizarrely, from the garden where Ron is interred. That view is a Grant Wood landscape. Therein must lie some key to his magic.

Reagan’s tomb resembles a handball court, flat cement with a wall. The cement appears to be poured, but it really consists of removable blocks; another sleight-of-hand.

In the hour I’d been inside, Gipp-o-mania had swagged to Madonna-like proportions. News crews had arrived, stoking the crowd to amp up their grief. Some black and Hispanic teens hopped from a school bus and loped, delighted, towards the cameras.

I stopped one girl and said, “Do you know that Reagan didn’t give a rat’s ass about minority concerns, trashed social programs, and ignored AIDS?”

Her response echoed the true Reagan legacy.

“Leave me alone,” she scoffed. “I want to be on TV.”



Xanadu Xero

* * *

How do I love thee, MMA? Let me count the ways:

1. "MMA" is a brilliant letter combo, mestizo of the assuasive (AMA), the evocative (MDMA), the epic (MIA), the phallic vibration of the letter M, and, of course, it spells "MA." "MAMA."

2. It has a pithy Mission Statement. Hear it mirrored in the intensely personal creed of the sport's resplendent Philosopher King, Ken Shamrock: " I will beat you into a living death".

YEAH! No poof-y bullshit about 'sportsmanship' or 'modesty' or 'heart of a champ'! There are rules, sorta, so there's 'sportsmanship', okay, but modesty - what the fuck for? Our Quaker Roots have long outlived their shelf life. Only the Champ has 'the heart of a champ.' The other guy fucking LOST and much of the time he submits while unconscious, ear stumps on skin strings, so it is pretty clear why.

3. It saves money. Life-changing amounts. For instance, $210,592,590. That's how much it cost to produce the film "300." 300's two hours were the last time I enjoyed the same voltage of (non-participatory) Testosterotic Jolt that MMA provides FOR FREE. And in 300, shit, the abs were airbrushed on.

4. It's Family Friendly. As a mother myself I'm stirred, for instance, by the love shining from Carlos "The Natural Born Killer" Condit's mom as she cheers her moppet on to rip some motherfucker's face off. (Note to mom: Make sure that tasty little mansnack of yours doesn't eff up his ears.)

5. It teaches Tolerance. All aboard the Compassion Train as drooling announce-o-perv Mauro Renallo either fights or indulges his maricón temblors.

6. It is profoundly Spiritual. The cage is called an octagon, which is, like, a bless-ed & chakra-esque shape, representing rebirth and transition. The number 'eight' is symbolic of renewal, not to mention evocation of the Buddhist "Eightfold Path." 'Nuff said? I think so.

7. It is, surprisingly, quite highbrow. "Pain is just opinion" says fighter Randy Couture. Or, as Tim Sylvia sums it up, "Half of this game is 90% mental."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Sunday, October 11, 2009


Xanadu Xero

* * *

How can Humankind be so frickin important (as we ourselves define it) in the Omni-Galactic Fractalicious Dimension Squared Scheme Of Things when we can only minimally control our bodies' functions and forget the brain, yo.

A female body will deplete its own resources to develop a fetus. She will, if necessary, self-destruct.

Women can reproduce without their consent or awareness or conscious participation. We are biologically expendable once the womb bails. Men, don't snigger. You're good as obsolete once your sons' bullets go live.

Brothers and Sisters, we are all just pods.
Uppity pods, cursed with emotions.
More or less than that is our call.


If the Euro's 'Elite' kabal Margin Scam Gangstas tweak up to

*G L O B A L*

if THEY propose ANY kind of Global Currency, however disguised or divided... THEY (whoever 'They' are) are consolidating into the One World Government alllll them fruitcakes nattered on about and fuck were we stupid to buy the 'loony conspiracy' browbeating shit.

Why would the thought of an 'Elite' global conspiracy be loony? Why can't it be seen as a plausible theory, right or wrong? Because human beings - especially the powerful - are too Moral, Responsible, Compassionate, Respectful, God-Fearing for such things?

As if!

We all know that's a dolt's thought, but we're taught 'conspiracy' means loony and we are just sooo teachable.

In real life no one is CONFIDENT! about their choice in a hard decision, and mostly they're all hard. Why are politicians, businessmen, anyone who stands to profit from a move involving WE THE PEOPLE absolutely convinced, always, that they are right?

That's not a truthful human response. We know it, we're outraged an shizz but... we just blog.

The 'Elite' push what flows best for them and work hard to obscure that - war games.

And why do WE consider them to be elite over, say, you? WE are the ones honoring their sociopathy and enabling their crimes. Are we hard-wired to Follow, brainwashed to value manipulative skill an bling an shizz over help for all or are we just too fucking weak to change anything?

Modern society ignores/deplores our irrefutable animal natures. It structured in a way to make us fail. Change, like Power, is just a collective decision. We could (fill in the blank). We don't.

How does life NOT look like a Members Only chess game with a biiiiiiig clump o'niggers, US, as the grand prize?