
Cover Your Cough

You talk about the president
Won’t stop the air pollution
Just put ya hand on ya mouth
That’ll help the solution

“Respect Yourself” – The Staples Singers

I’ve been fighting a chest cold for the few days, after finally going to the doctor about the nagging cough, that was the result of chest congestion, which was the result of sinus congestion that crept downard despite my best efforts at treating it with over-the-counter mediciations and prescribed allergy medicine.

Two prescriptions, one inhaler, and two day later I’m back in the land of the living. I decided to take my lunch break as an opportunity to get a much needed haircut, and have a working lunch at my desk afterwards. I was just about to get up from the chair when the strangest thing happened.


Written by terrance in: current events,health,life |

Cover Your Cough

You talk about the president
Won’t stop the air pollution
Just put ya hand on ya mouth
That’ll help the solution

I’ve been fighting a chest cold for the few days, after finally going to the doctor about the nagging cough, that was the result of chest congestion, which was the result of sinus congestion that crept downard despite my best efforts at treating it with over-the-counter mediciations and prescribed allergy medicine.

Two prescriptions, one inhaler, and two day later I’m back in the land of the living. I decided to take my lunch break as an opportunity to get a much needed haircut, and have a working lunch at my desk afterwards. I was just about to get up from the chair when the strangest thing happened.


Written by terrance in: current events,health,life |

Cover Your Cough

You talk about the president
Won’t stop the air pollution
Just put ya hand on ya mouth
That’ll help the solution

I’ve been fighting a chest cold for the few days, after finally going to the doctor about the nagging cough, that was the result of chest congestion, which was the result of sinus congestion that crept downard despite my best efforts at treating it with over-the-counter mediciations and prescribed allergy medicine.

Two prescriptions, one inhaler, and two day later I’m back in the land of the living. I decided to take my lunch break as an opportunity to get a much needed haircut, and have a working lunch at my desk afterwards. I was just about to get up from the chair when the strangest thing happened.


Written by terrance in: current events,health,life |

Cover Your Cough

You talk about the president
Won’t stop the air pollution
Just put ya hand on ya mouth
That’ll help the solution

I’ve been fighting a chest cold for the few days, after finally going to the doctor about the nagging cough, that was the result of chest congestion, which was the result of sinus congestion that crept downard despite my best efforts at treating it with over-the-counter mediciations and prescribed allergy medicine.

Two prescriptions, one inhaler, and two day later I’m back in the land of the living. I decided to take my lunch break as an opportunity to get a much needed haircut, and have a working lunch at my desk afterwards. I was just about to get up from the chair when the strangest thing happened.


Written by terrance in: current events,health,life |

Minimal Wages for All

Here’s another reason to vote in the mid-term elections this November: Conservatives think you need a pay cut. As I’ve said once or twice before, conservatives’ bottom line message is simple: America has economic problems because too many people have had it good for too long; and when they’re worse off again, the nation and its economy will be better off. The people they think had it too good for too long are you and me, and almost anyone who punches a clock to pull a paycheck.


Written by terrance in: current events,economics,politics |

Dear. Mr. Paladino, That’s So Gay

How on earth anyone with the very public history of Carl Paladino becomes a serious candidate for governor of any state — let alone New York — is a mystery to me beyond all understanding. But, these are strange political times, when former right-wing fringe becomes the mainstream of the Republican party.

For the most part, I tend to ignore what Paladino has to say about anything, except for when he starts saying what he’d do if elected; like reviving the workhouses of the Victorian Era. But when he goes off and says something so blatantly ignorant about gay people, I can’t help but respond.

Paladino says:

The Republican candidate for governor, Carl P. Paladino, told a gathering in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on Sunday that children should not be “brainwashed” into thinking that homosexuality was acceptable, and criticized his opponent, Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo, for marching in a gay pride parade earlier this year.

Addressing Orthodox Jewish leaders, Mr. Paladino described his opposition to same-sex marriage.

I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t,” he said, reading from a prepared address, according to a video of the event.

Getting married? Raising a family?

Need I say it?

That’s. So. Gay.


A Pledge to 1% of America

It’s almost a shame that Americans are paying very little attention to the GOP’s "Pledge To America." But maybe that’s because most of it has nothing to do with them. What is not mentioned in the document makes it clear that it doesn’t speak to the urgent  challenges Americans are facing. It doesn’t "pledge" to address the mass suffering inflicted on millions of America by the current crisis, or what failing to do so will mean for generations of Americans, because it’s not a pledge to most Americans. It’s a pledge to 1 percent (or even less) of America.


Written by terrance in: current events,economics,politics |

Like a House on Fire

Believe it or not, sometimes I censor myself. I write nearly complete blog posts and then decide for one reason or another not to publish them. Sometimes I censor them because even I’m convinced that I might have gone a little overboard. But yesterday, I read about something I wanted to write a post about, only to realize that I already had written a post about it — about a month before it happened.

Back in August, I wrote this in response to a post by Glenn Greenwald, about trend of cities and counties unpaving roads, turning out streetlights, stopping public bus service, shortening the school year, and even talking about eliminating the 12th grade.


Written by terrance in: current events,economics,politics |

American’s Fiscal Choices: We Still Have Some (For Now)

A dear departed friend of mine, Alex, was know for saying “We all have choices.” It was usually in the form of advice and/or a warning to a friend who was about to make disastrous choice, with serious implications for his/her future. The not-so-thinly veiled implication was that our choices have consequences, and that we consider our choices carefully to avoid the worst consequences.

Sometimes, if someone particularly daft still wasn’t getting the message, Alex would add a note of severity by saying, “But sometimes those choices get taken away.” I thought about Alex’s warning today at the America’s Fiscal Choices conference. Well into a economic crisis, America still has fiscal choices, but if we don’t make the right choices — and make them soon — those choices will almost certainly be taken away.


Written by terrance in: Barack Obama,current events,economics,politics |

The Long Dark Night of Eddie Long, Pt. 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Eddie Long

Classic Predator

Statements to the media and details of in the lawsuits filed by the four men paint the picture a man who qualifies not only as an “emotional predator” (a term I wasn’t aware of until just now), but show several characteristics of a classic sexual predator.


As documented in a study done in an Irish prison, many sexual predators are frightened or extremely uncomfortable with adult intimacy. For some, this stems from being abused as a child, which leads to a distorted view of sexual intimacy. That is not to say that intimacy in this case is purely sexual in nature; rather, it includes emotional intimacy such as meaningful relationships. Sexual predators often report having few close friends or confidantes and coming from strained families where nurturing support was rare or completely absent.

Control and Power

The Irish study also dealt with the predators feelings concerning control. Many reported feeling a lack of control in their own lives due to socioeconomic or emotional factors. For sexual predators, sexual crimes are seen as a way of exerting control, resulting in pleasurable feelings of power that are less concerned with sexual gratification, and more with emotional validation. By forcing their advances on other people, they experience one area of their lives where they were the controlling factor.

Knowing Victims

A study conducted by the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety in West Virginia reported that 88.5 percent of all studied sex offenders knew their victims prior to violating them. 48.7 percent of these victims were simple acquaintances that the sexual predators admitted to having built relationships with for the purpose of assaulting them. Typically, predators seek out women or children who are vulnerable and lacking a strong support network of family or friends. Oftentimes, they build some levels of trust or familiarities with the people before victimizing them.


The West Virginia study reported that over 36 percent of victims blamed their actions at least partially upon drugs while over half did the same with alcohol. This is evidence of an overall trend that points to the fact that sexual predators often do not take full, if any, responsibility for their actions. Often, they blame outside forces or the victim themselves. This tendency of blaming others frequently extends to other areas of their lives where failures at work, school and personal lives are viewed as the fault of other people and not their own.

While I haven’t found much published about his childhood, the court filings, the public statements of the four men, and some of Long’s own statements provide details that fill in the picture painted in broad broad strokes by the quote above.


Written by terrance in: current events,events |

The Long Dark Night of Eddie Long, Pt 2.

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Eddie Long

The sex scandal swirling around Eddie Long is the kind of story that the media and consumers of media (in other words, nearly everybody) tend to find irresistible. As Joshua Alston wrote in Newsweek, it’s got everything: secrets, money, sex, and religion. Plus it hits to “hot button” topic — homosexuality and race — and adds a heaping dose of politics to top it off.

But all of the above can blind us to what’s really in front of us, beyond the lights and cameras, the ink spilled and bandwidth burned covering the story. The allegations against Long — that he coerced young men over whom he had authority into sexual relationships — leaves raises more questions than answers; both concerning the specifics of the case against long, and the much larger phenomena the allegations represent.

In the case of the former, the courts will determine what truth there is in the accusations against Long. But the rest of us have to grapple with the latter.


Written by terrance in: current events,events |

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-02

Written by terrance in: tweets |

Conservatives Kill 240,000 Jobs

Conservatives in Congress just fired 240,000 American workers. Conservatives in Congress just killed 240,000 jobs. Conservatives in Congress just essentially added 240,000 more Americans to the ranks of the unemployed. However you frame it, people who want to work and have been working are soon to be out of work, thanks to GOP Senators members who refused to reauthorize — even for three months — a stimulus program so successful it won praise from Republicans like Mississippi governor Haley Barbour.


Written by terrance in: current events,economics,politics |

What Songs Get You Through?

I sometimes save things in Google reader that have interesting titles and that I want to read later. “The Wrestler and the Cornflake Girl,” written by a wrestler who fell in  love with the music of Tori Amos, is one that I actually did read later. I think it’s because of the the “WTF” factor — my reaction to a wrestler/Tori Amos fan made me realize I was totally stereotyping, something I detest and don’t want to do.

Sure enough, reading proved my stereotyping all wrong. I haven’t listened to much Tori Amos, but I completely understood how deeply Mick Foley was affected by Amos’ song, “Winter.”


Written by terrance in: current events,life,music,video |

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