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NewsBusters Lies About Howard Dean Lying
It may be time to start a regular feature about the recurring episodes of stupidity on the part of NewsBusters’ associate editor, Noel Sheppard. The latest example comes from his analysis of a debate between Liz Cheney (Dick’s spawn) and Gov. Howard Dean. The NewsBusters column asserts that “Liz Cheney Exposes Howard Dean In Lie [...]
Fox Cancels The Future Of All Civilization
In a demonstration of precisely why giant media conglomerates must be regulated and broken up, Fox has escalated a contract dispute into an obscene abuse of power. Their action stems from faltering negotiations over fees paid to Fox by Cablevision, a New York area provider of cable TV service. “Reports indicate that Fox Broadcasting Company, [...]
Fox News Advertisers May Have Blood On Their Hands
Drummond Pike, the founder and CEO of the Tides Foundation, wrote a letter to Fox News advertisers requesting that they withhold their ads from the network: “I am writing to ask your company to take a simple step that may well save lives in the future. And it is not unimportant that taking this action [...]
Glenn Beck Pimps Chamber Of Commerce – Screws Tea Party
Fox News has lately been escalating their support for rightist, GOP candidates and causes. They have Sean Hannity and Dick Morris traveling around the country to stump for Republicans. They have Karl Rove raising tens of millions for GOP advertising. They even have prospective presidential candidates like Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee on their payroll. [...]
Fox Nation -The White Trash Pravda- Squelches Free Speech
Most fair observers already know that Fox Nation is a cesspool of right-wing propaganda and deliberately dishonest attacks on Democrats and progressives. Their blatantly biased approach to news would embarrass any conscientious journalist. The Fox Nation is the perfect communications model for other nations like China or North Korea. They are publishing what would best [...]
Fox News Liberal Marc Lamont Hill Harassed By Police
Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, an Associate Professor at Columbia University has filed a $1 million lawsuit against the Philadelphia police department alleging harassment and violation of civil liberties. The incident took place when Hill was stopped by police and asked to produce his vehicle registration. After complying he asked why he had been stopped, and [...]
The Idiotization Of The American Right
In May of 2008 I wrote a manifesto for aspiring politicians and those who would seek to be leaders in America. It isn’t as easy as it may seem. Amongst the not particularly obvious parcels of advice was this admonition on education: Education is a key component in this new paradigm. It is absolutely critical [...]
Obama Billboard: More Tea Party Hate Speech
Another billboard has popped up on another highway that once again displays the repulsive character of the Tea Party faction of the Republican establishment. This billboard was spotted in Colorado, on the I-70B between Grand Junction and Clifton. It features four caricatures of President Obama in poses popular amongst Tea Baggers: a Muslim terrorist with [...]
The Metamorphosis Of Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck is being tested by God. He is undergoing a form of holy scrutiny to ascertain his devotion and commitment. A Baptism by fire. Why else would this humble servant of the Lord be subjected to the suffering and infirmity that he just announced to his disciples? “I have been losing feeling in my [...]
Is Meg Whitman A Whore? A Whore? A WHORE?
Reports have surfaced today that a member of Jerry Brown’s campaign staff inquired as to whether their opponent, Meg Whitman, could be portrayed as a “whore” due to her doling out positions in exchange for endorsements. The comment about Meg Whitman being a whore came during a voice mail that somehow continued to record after [...]
Rupert Murdoch Epitomizes Hidebound Culture
Dateline: Wall Street Journal, October 8,2010. If Schools Were Like ‘American Idol’ . . . BY RUPERT MURDOCH Over the past few years, I have often complained about a hidebound culture that prevents many newspapers from responding to the challenges of new technology. There is, however, another hidebound American institution that is also finding it [...]
Fox News Reporter Charles Leaf Arrested For Sexual Assault
Alleged Child Molester Identified as Charles Leaf, Alleged Reporter for Fox News Charles Leaf of Fox News is being held in New Jersey on charges of aggravated sexual assault on a four year old girl. He has been an investigative reporter with WNYW/Fox5 in New York and has also been featured on the Fox News [...]
Letterman: Top Ten Signs There’s Trouble At FOX News
This is just for fun….. And tune in tonight to see Stephen Colbert.
The Art Critics Of The American Taliban
At the Loveland Museum Gallery in Colorado a controversial work of art was attacked and damaged by a woman offended by the content. The work that incited Montana resident Kathleen Folden to travel to Colorado to deface the art contained a representation of Jesus who appears to be receiving oral sex. What do these extremists [...]
Glenn Beck Says Glenn Beck Devalues Humankind
In an epic rant about how progressives are plotting to engage in all manner of mischief if they don’t get what they want, Glenn Beck revealed something about himself that is far more enlightening than his routine delusional obsession with left-wing radicals. Beck was rolling along in his customary panic-addled fashion, disinforming his viewers about [...]
Poll: Tea Party Is Wildly Out Of Touch With America
A new poll (pdf) by the Public Religion Research Institute reveals what most conscious observers already knew: The views of the Tea Party are wholly removed from those of the rest of the American people. The differences between the Tea Party and everyone else are so stark that it should give pause to any media [...]
James O’Keefe Defends Being A Loathsome, Cretinous, Scumbag
It’s been five days since the Fox News pimp, James O’Keefe, was caught trying to “seduce” CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau. He has finally come out with a statement on the web site of his mentor, Andrew Breitbart. And, as would be expected, it is a thoroughly dishonest exercise in self-justification. But before we get to [...]
Is Rupert Murdoch Funding Al Qaeda?
A couple of recent revelations regarding the charitable proclivities of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp are now raising chilling questions for which there has been no answer to date. It was widely reported a few weeks ago that News Corp made a $1 million donation to the Republican Governor’s Association. Reaction to that report was swift [...]
One Nation Working Together Till Election Day And Beyond
With the massive One Nation rally in DC over, the post-game analyses have been flying furiously around the media and Webosphere. It was clearly a successful event that served to energize progressive activists and demonstrate that the left is not cowering under the national basement. However, most of the press is making the mistake of [...]
Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck UPDATE: Mickey Mouse Too
Who knew that Disney was so far ahead of their time. This cartoon captures perfectly the manner in which Glenn Beck and his ilk employ lies and fear to indoctrinate their congregation of the feeble-minded. Plus, it is F@%KING HILARIOUS. Enjoy it before the Copyright Cops take it down. And a shout out to its [...]