Soldier to face 'kill team' chargesCpl. Jeremy Morlock accused of joining 'kill team' in Afghanistan.
Is cancer a 'man-made disease'?US-UK study suggests cancer a rarity before industrial era.
Photographer might sue Vitter, AngleMislabeling of photo as 'illegal aliens' in campaign ads could bring legal action.
Deficit hits record $1.3 trillion in 2010Washington has to borrow 37 cents for every dollar spent this year.
Murdoch gives $250K more to GOP 'It gets better' video goes viral on YouTube US ranks low on access to justice Tea party 'might gain influence' States' healthcare suit to go forward Probe opened into DA who sexted victim Condoleezza Rice to meet with Obama Church group 'took money from terrorists'
Ecuador gold mine collapse traps four Chile's president becomes global hero Afghan-Taliban negotiations advance Anger over new Israeli settlements Afghan war support at record low Pentagon braces for Iraq war wiki-leak Govt. troops accused of Congo rapes Iran to head up OPEC next year
Google CEO foresees billions more online Mountaintop removal opposed by EPA Bonds slide after Bernanke speech How to make a 'white hole' in your sink CVS to pay $75M over meth ingredients T-rex was a cannibal: researchers Wells Fargo won't halt foreclosures Space tourism 'just months away'
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