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New SIPRI Fact Sheet on military spending and arms procurement in the Gulf states
Recent reports that Saudi Arabia is seeking to purchase large numbers of combataircraft and helicopters indicate that Saudi Arabia is planning a new arms-purchasing spree similar to that in the 1990s. This has raised questions about the possible impacts of military build-ups in the Gulf region, which includes both Iran and Iraq. To inform debate on this issue, SIPRI has prepared a fact sheet on military spending and arms imports in the Gulf states. Read more and download the Fact Sheet here.
Nobel Peace Prize 2010
Dr Bates Gill, SIPRI Director, issued this statement in response to the award of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo: "The Nobel Peace Prize Award this year, as in many years, is not without controversy. But given China's growing importance in world affairs and the remarkable dynamism of its society, I think all developments which might contribute toward an even more open, just and prosperous China should be welcomed."
New SIPRI Newsletter out now!
Read the online version here and do not miss the essay by SIPRI Congo expert Ruben de Koning on the recent mining ban and its implications.
New SIPRI paper on limitations of EU arms export reporting
Using the example of Central Asia, the Insights paper 'The limitations of European Unionreports on arms exports: the case of Central Asia' assesses how the data contained in the EU annual report on arms exports can be used to monitor Member States' transfers of arms and military equipment. Read more and download the paper here.
New foreign policy actors in China
Actors outside the traditional power structure increasingly shape China’s foreign policy. Expanding pluralism within Chinese society and China’s growing interdependence with the international community have led to the emergence of new players who want to have an impact on foreign policy formulation in line with their own, sometimes narrowly defined, interests, according to a SIPRI report launched 6 Sept in Helsinki. Read the press release here. Download the report here.
SIPRI seeks a dynamic China specialist to work as Senior Researcher with its rapidly growing China and Global Security Programme. Read more.
SIPRI is also recruiting an in-house editor to join its publications and communications team. Read more. -
Controlling conflict resources in the DRC
The continuing conflict in eastern DRC is fuelled by the sale of valuable minerals from mines controlled by both rebel groups and army units. In a new Policy Brief, SIPRI Researcher Ruben de Koning explores the challenges and opportunities of industry-, government- and donor-led proposals for regulating the DRC's mineral trade, explaining that the first essential step is to demilitarize mining sites.
New Chairman of the Board of SIPRI appointed
On 23 June, the Swedish Government appointed Göran Lennmarker as the new Chairman of the Governing Board of SIPRI. He will formally take up this position in September 2010. He succeeds Ambassador Rolf Ekéus who will be stepping down, having served his mandated 10-year term. Read more -
Event: China and Global Security - Can Europe be Brought Back into the Game?
Has the EU's China policy failed? From non-proliferation to peacekeeping, Beijing shares most of the EU's security aims, but the scope of common actions has failed to live up to the initial expectations. In a new US-China dualism, how can Europe be brought back into the game? Read more about the event here. Read the press release about the key outcome here.
Ukrainian translation of SIPRI Yearbook 2009 available now
The Ukrainian translation of SIPRI Yearbook 2009: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security has now been published and is available from the Razumkov Centre—Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies (UCEPS), Kyiv. The translation of the SIPRI Yearbook is funded by a grant from the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, which also supports Chinese and Russian translations.
For more information, contact the Razumkov Centre, Kyiv. For more information on other translations of the Yearbook, click here.
In Focus: SIPRI Yearbook
SIPRI Yearbook![SIPRI Yearbook 2010 cover](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20101017131124im_/http:/=2fwww.sipri.org/publications/covers/YB10.png/image_preview)
SIPRI Military Expenditure Database
The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database will be updated on 3 June with SIPRI's latest data. The database provides a consistent time series on the military spending of 172 countries since 1988. Data are provided by country in the following three formats:
- in local currency, at current prices. 1988-2009
- in US dollars, at constant (2008) prices and exchange rates, 1988-2009
- as a share (%) of gross domestic product (GDP), 1988-2008
NEW! Now also available in Excel form.
Access the database here.
Activities in autumn
Dec 2, London, LSE
SIPRI Yearbook Issue Seminar: Nuclear weapons in Europe
With the unveiling of NATO’s new Strategic Concept only weeks away, the future of nuclear weapons in Europe is once again up for debate. Who needs nuclear weapons? Should they be kept for deterrence? And what role can the UK play? SIPRI and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) will host a discussion on these key questions with representatives of the Top Level Group of UK Parliamentarians for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and Non-proliferation. SIPRI Director Dr Bates Gill will also join the discussion and SIPRI Governing Board Member Professor Mary Kaldor of LSE will chair. Copies of SIPRI Yearbook 2010, including online access, will be available for purchase at the event at a discounted price. Contact SIPRI Communications Intern Anastasia Urban to register for the event.
Oct 20, New York, Venue United Nations
SIPRI Yearbook Issue Seminar: Military expenditure in Latin America
Military spending in Latin America has risen sharply in the last decade. What is driving this rise? Who is making the decisions? And in a region with no interstate conflicts, are there not more urgent spending priorities? At a seminar hosted by the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security, SIPRI will present key findings from SIPRI Yearbook 2010 to representatives of more than 30 NGOs and other interested guests. Former SIPRI Chairman Amb. Rolf Ekéus will open the event and SIPRI Researcher Carina Solmirano, Latin America expert in SIPRI’s Military Expenditure Project, will present the SIPRI Yearbook findings. Other participants and media are welcome. Read more and register here.