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October 16, 2010

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The 'Teach-the-Dems-a-Lesson' Myth
As some lefties vow to "teach the Democrats a lesson" on Nov. 2, few ask if that strategy has ever worked, notes Robert Parry. October 15, 2010

Lost Faith in CIA Intelligence Analysts
President Obama escalated the Afghan War without asking CIA analysts to prepare a formal assessment, says Melvin A. Goodman. October 16, 2010

Pentagon Releases Tally of Dead Iraqis
The Pentagon quietly reversed its longstanding refusal to disclose the U.S. tallies of Iraqi war dead, observes Rory O'Connor. October 15, 2010

'RED': A High-Brow Spy Caper
The new spy thriller-comedy, "RED," brings together a high-quality cast with hilarious results, comments Lisa Pease. October 15, 2010

Treating Detainees Like Guinea Pigs
The Bush administration's use of torture followed rule changes on human experimentation, write Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye. October 14, 2010

Leakers, Beware the Corporate Media
The days of brave U.S. newspapers defying the government may be over, but the Internet offers new hope, says Ray McGovern. October 13, 2010

Fewer Than 200 Book Sets to Go
Our goal of selling 1,000 sets of Robert Parry's last three books for only $29 per set is within sight. You can help us reach our target. (Click here)

Help Us Keep Alive

A disappointing mid-year fund drive has left the survival of this 15-year-old investigative news Web site in jeopardy.

If you can help, please consider a tax-deductible donation either by credit card online or by mailing a check. (For readers using PayPal, address your contribution to "").

We also will continue to offer the three-book set of Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege and Neck Deep for only $29. We are now only 185 sets short of our goal of 1,000. For details, click here.

Again, thank you for your support! Robert Parry, Editor

We Need Your Help to Pay Our Writers
Our September budget for paying our writers was $2,000, but we raised little more than half that. If you can, please help. (To do so, click here)

The Foreclosure Fraud's Outrage Gap
Given all the faux outrage these days, where's the fury over the banks' engaging in foreclosure fraud, asks Danny Schechter. October 12, 2010

Awe of Military vs. Free Speech
A tiny right-wing church's grotesque behavior pits free-speech principles against reverence of the US military, notes Ivan Eland. October 12, 2010

Islamophobia's Scholarly Godfather
Even before 9/11, Americans were conditioned to disdain Muslims based on neocon pseudo-scholarship, writes Nabil Al-Khowaiter. October 9, 2010

Obama's Mission Impossible
On taking office, President Obama opted for stabilizing the old economic order rather than shaking it up, notes Danny Schechter. October 8, 2010

A Long History of America's Dark Side
The "dark side" of American counterinsurgency warfare has a long and grim history, according to Peter Dale Scott and Robert Parry. October 7, 2010

Indian Genocide and Republican Power
The post-Civil War army and business greed combined to slaughter Indians and build Republican power, notes Thomas J. DiLorenzo. October 7, 2010

What a GOP Majority Would Mean
Republican obstructionism may be rewarded in November, but the new political reality may prove costly, writes Don Monkerud. October 6, 2010

Petraeus's New Afghan War Ploy
Gen. David Petraeus suggests that his Afghan War "surge" is forcing the Taliban to the peace table, but is it so, asks Ivan Eland. October 5, 2010

An Inside Look at the Afghan Debacle
Bob Woodward's new book reveals President Obama's national security team adrift on the Afghan War, says Melvin A. Goodman. October 5, 2010

The Bigot Whisperers of the Right
The billionaires who fund the American Right have mastered the art of manipulating millions of Americans, writes Phil Rockstroh. October 4, 2010

The Enduring Battle with Chaos
The chaos, now spreading in the modern world, has been a challenge to mankind for millennia, observes Rev. Howard Bess. October 4, 2010

Guatemala: A Test Tube of Repression
Beyond VD experiments on Guatemalans, Washington treated the country like a test tube for counterinsurgency, says Robert Parry. October 3, 2010

A Gentle March for American Unity
The One Nation March stayed on message but fell short of sparking a populist movement for change, writes Danny Schechter. October 3, 2010

Obama's Hypocrisy on Torture
President Obama takes action against alleged Iranian torturers but shields Bush administration torturers, notes Jason Leopold. October 2, 2010

What a Burned Pentagon Book Reveals
After the uncensored first edition of a U.S. officer's book was burned, David Swanson explores the macho silliness that's left. October 1, 2010

Finally, Israel Lobby Gets Challenged
Israel's brinksmanship over settlements and peace talks prompts concerns about the Israel Lobby, writes Lawrence Davidson. October 1, 2010

CIA Analysts Shut Out on Afghan War
President Obama's chaotic Afghan War review ignored the protocol of a formal intelligence estimate, notes Ray McGovern. September 30, 2010

Our Unheeded Warnings to Obama
From the Archive: After Barack Obama won the White House, Robert Parry issued three warnings that were ignored about dangers ahead.

Fear Still Erodes American Liberties
Under the Obama administration, fear among American dissenters hasn't significantly abated, Danny Schechter discovers. September 30, 2010

Israeli Commandos Accused of Murder
A UN report on Israel's assault on a Turkish ship off Gaza says commandos murdered six passengers, Gareth Porter reports. September 29, 2010

Mystery of a 'Disgraced' War Reporter
In 1944, Canadian reporter Paul Morton parachuted behind German lines, into an enduring mystery of betrayal, says Don North. September 28, 2010

Rove's Money Tramples Democracy
Republican operative Karl Rove flouts tax laws as he funnels secret cash into the mid-term elections, argues Kevin Zeese. September 28, 2010

The Neocons' 'Democracy' Fraud
The neoconservative scheme to spread "democracy" at gunpoint across the Middle East has backfired, writes Ivan Eland. September 28, 2010

How Bush Holdovers Trapped Obama
Defense Secretary Gates and other Bush holdovers sandbagged President Obama on the Afghan escalation, says Robert Parry. September 27, 2010

Must Christianity Dominate America?
Right-wing Christians demand a 'Christian America,' but Rev. Howard Bess asks how that fits with Jesus's gentle teachings. September 27, 2010

In Case You Missed These Stories
Once a month, we look back at some of the previous month's special stories. Here's a selection from August.

Big Media Won't Forgive Colbert
Comedian Stephen Colbert still riles up Washington media bigwigs four years after he mocked them, reports Jeff Cohen. September 26, 2010

New FBI Raids in 'War on Dissent'
Despite criticism of past "war on terror" investigations, the FBI mounts new raids on anti-war activists, notes Coleen Rowley. September 26, 2010

Obama's Anti-historical UN Speech
President Obama appealed for Mideast peace but still distorted the facts behind the conflict, argues Lawrence Davidson. September 25, 2010

Petraeus Cons Obama on Afghan War
Gen. David Petraeus continues to outmaneuver President Obama on the future of the Afghan War, writes Ray McGovern. September 24, 2010

Testing the Value of Truth
Political operatives of all stripes are tempted to twist the truth as a shortcut to achieve their goals, says Rory O'Connor. September 23, 2010

The No-Longer Endless Summers
Economic adviser Larry Summers's departure may help President Obama politically, but is it too late, asks Danny Schechter. September 23, 2010

Losing Ahmadinejad's Translation
Iran's President Ahmadinejad remains the US press corps' new villain, but there is more to the story, writes Lawrence Davidson. September 22, 2010

Colin Powell's Tolerance of Murder
Ex-Gen. Colin Powell, who excused the murder of Vietnamese, might have thoughts on a new Afghan case, says Robert Parry. September 21, 2010

Ed Newman, a Newsman's Newsman
The death of NBC's Edwin Newman recalls an earlier era when journalists treated their craft seriously, notes Michael Winship. September 21, 2010

How Gen. Petraeus Deceived Obama
Gen. David Petraeus bait-and-switched President Obama to get more U.S. troops for the Afghan War, writes Gareth Porter. September 20, 2010

TNR's Peretz Reveals Mideast Bigotry
Caught up in the anti-Islamic frenzy, The New Republic's Martin Peretz says 'Muslim life is cheap,' notes Lawrence Davidson. September 20, 2010

Help Us Empty Our Book Warehouse
We can save $195 a month if we empty out our book warehouse. You can help by buying Robert Parry's three-book set for only $29. (Click here)

Lee Hamilton, the Un-Wise Man
Lee Hamilton is a "wise man" to Washington insiders but his investigative record is filled with cover-ups, writes Robert Parry. September 17, 2010

A Campaign to Free Bradley Manning
To the Army, Bradley Manning is a suspected leaker of Iraq and Afghan secrets, but he's a hero to retired Col. Ann Wright. September 17, 2010

Nixon's Vengeful War on Marijuana
When President Nixon launched the drug war, he wanted revenge on pot-smoking Vietnam protesters, notes William John Cox. September 16, 2010

The Great Muslim Scare
The furor over the Manhattan Islamic Center - like other Muslim-bashing - has a political intent, says Lawrence Davidson. September 16, 2010

America's Decoupling from Reality
The latest Kenya smear against President Obama reflects America's three-decade divorce from reality, argues Robert Parry. September 15, 2010

Rory Kennedy's "The Fence"
Rory Kennedy's HBO documentary, "The Fence," tells the tragic-comic tale of the US-Mexican border fence, writes Lisa Pease. September 14, 2010

GOP Leaders Embrace Ugly Intolerance
Newt Gingrich's praise for a story about President Obama channeling his Kenyan father is a new low, writes Michael Winship. September 14, 2010

Great Britain's Brave New World
The British austerity program is squeezing the middle class and pushing the newly poor toward class war, says Danny Schechter. September 14, 2010

Has US Empire Benefited the World?
For nearly a century -- since World War I -- the US has policed the globe but is the world better off for it, asks Ivan Eland. September 14, 2010

Marijuana 'Prohibition' on CA's Ballot
After a failed 37-year-long "drug war," California will vote on ending "prohibition" on marijuana, notes Kevin Zeese. September 13, 2010

Monthly Donation for Don North's DVD
For a limited time, you can get a free copy of Don North's "Yesterday's Enemies" DVD by signing up for a $10 monthly donation to this Web site.

US Hypocrisy Hobbles Human Rights
International law has become a practice in double standards, with only the weak held accountable, says Lawrence Davidson. September 12, 2010

NYT Pushes Confrontation with Iran
New York Times editorialists are driving the crisis with Iran into a box canyon of confrontation, warns Robert Parry. September 11, 2010

Would Jesus Hate Muslims?
By hating Muslims, some Christians are acting more like vengeful Crusaders than followers of Jesus, observes Rev. Howard Bess. September 11, 2010

America's Excessive Fear of the World
An American paradox is that even though life is the US is relatively safe, Americans wallow in fear, writes Jonathan Schwarz. September 11, 2010

After 9/11, Making Matters Worse
The U.S. government's response to 9/11 played into the enemy's hands by overreacting to the threat, says Melvin A. Goodman. September 11, 2010

Hillary's Imperial Dream Meets Reality
Secretary of State Clinton hailed "a new American moment" but it collided with new Afghan chaos, writes Danny Schechter. September 10, 2010

Islam Basher Claims to Unmask Cleric
Propagandist Steve Emerson's jihad against cleric Rauf fails to live up to the hype on right-wing radio, reports Robert Parry. September 10, 2010

Toning Down the 9/11 Tirades
Nine years after 9/11, the anniversary sadly has become an opportunity for political opportunists, laments Michael Winship. September 9, 2010

The Value of Real Journalism
US journalism has fallen short, but the profession of separating fact from fiction is vital to the future, says Mort Rosenblum. September 8, 2010

Iraq Pullout v. the Base Temptation
President Obama promises to complete the US withdrawal from Iraq, but pressure builds to keep some bases, writes Ivan Eland. September 8, 2010

Why the Israeli Boycott Is Growing
The Israeli Right's insistence that it can seize Palestinian land is fueling a growing boycott movement, says Lawrence Davidson. September 8, 2010

Petraeus Spins the Afghan War Mess
Gen. David Petraeus cites progress in Afghanistan, but an ex-U.S. official says that's spin, not reality, reports Barbara Koeppel. September 7, 2010

Banksters Steal Away with the Loot
Wall Street banksters and their accomplices get away scot-free while average citizens pay the price, says Danny Schechter. September 7, 2010

Blair Reveals Cheney's War Agenda
Ex-British PM Tony Blair describes Vice President Cheney's neocon dream of eliminating hostile regimes, writes Robert Parry. September 6, 2010

Must the Bible Remain 'Holy'?
As religious intolerance spreads, Rev. Howard Bess urges Christians to adopt a more critical approach toward Bible study. September 5, 2010

CIA's 'Red Cell' Hypocrisy on Terror
A secret CIA study on U.S.-born terrorists ignores the agency's long history of sponsoring acts of terror, says Robert Parry. September 4, 2010

Recession Snuffs Out New Media Hope
On this bleak Labor Day weekend, News Dissector Danny Schechter reflects on his own lost dream of a media start-up. September 3, 2010

Posturing on the PanAm 103 'Bomber'
US and UK officials still fume over the freed PanAm 103 "bomber" though the Libyan is clearly innocent, writes William Blum. September 2, 2010

WikiLeaks and Defining 'Journalism'
WikiLeaks has been attacked as not a real journalistic entity and thus not deserving of legal protection, but D.H. Kerby objects. September 2, 2010

Will US Really Prosecute WikiLeaks?
The US government's threat to prosecute WikiLeaks for publishing Afghan War documents is anti-democratic, says Ivan Eland. September 2, 2010

The Afghan Pincer Attack on Obama
Afghan War hawks have outmaneuvered President Obama by overrunning his political flanks, writes Melvin A. Goodman. September 2, 2010

How the Right Still Frames Iraq
The Right framed the debate over President Obama's Iraq War speech as the need to thank George W. Bush, says Robert Parry. September 1, 2010

Obama Sugarcoats Iraq War Realities
In "turning the page" on Iraq, President Obama spared those responsible for this war of aggression, writes David Swanson. September 1, 2010

Beck's Washington Monument Myth
Though often spouting US history, Glenn Beck gummed up the story of the Washington Monument, notes Jonathan Schwarz. September 1, 2010

Make Me Write This Book
You can help lock in Editor Robert Parry's commitment to write a new book by buying a set of his last three at a deeply discounted price. (Click here)

A Monthly Donation for Don North DVD
By setting up a monthly donation of only $10, you can qualify for a gift copy of Don North's DVD "Yesterday's Enemies." For details, click here.

The New October Surprise Series:
At the 30th anniversary of the Iran hostage crisis, Robert Parry reviews the evidence of a history-changing Republican dirty trick. See below:

--How Two Elections Changed America
Secret Republican operations around elections in 1968 and 1980 set the U.S. on today's troubled course, says Robert Parry. November 4, 2009

--The Crazy October Surprise Debunking
To protect the Reagan-Bush-I legacy, Republicans and Democrats created absurd October Surprise alibis, reports Robert Parry. November 6, 2009

--The October Surprise Crystal Balls
A sub-plot of the 1980 October Surprise mystery is how some Reaganites foresaw the U.S. hostage release, says Robert Parry. November 13, 2009

--Key October Surprise Evidence Hidden
A Russian report on the 1980 October Surprise case was apparently kept from the chief congressional investigator, says Robert Parry. May 6, 2010

--The Tricky October Surprise Report
A House task force deceived the American public in clearing Ronald Reagan of a treacherous scheme with Iran, reports Robert Parry. June 17, 2010

--The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter
With the October Surprise cover-up in shambles, the evidence points to a CIA-Likud plot against President Carter, says Robert Parry. June 24, 2010

--Rethinking Iran-Contra
The recent collapse of the long-running October Surprise cover-up shifts the history on the Iran-Contra scandal, writes Robert Parry. July 1, 2010

--Accusation of October Surprise 'Lying'
Attorney Lawrence Barcella accuses journalist Robert Parry of "lying" about the October Surprise case, and Parry responds. August 5, 2010

--October Surprise Cover-up Unravels
Die-hard defenders of the October Surprise (1980) cover-up keep citing alibis that have long ago disintegrated, says Robert Parry. August 6, 2010

--Don't Try These GOP Alibis at Home
When powerful Republicans are in a pinch, they can use crazy alibis that would make anyone else look guiltier, says Robert Parry. August 12, 2010

Hung Out to Dry
From the Archive: Journalist Georg Hodel, who died June 20, described the betrayal of himself and Gary Webb in the contra-cocaine scandal.

Evita, the Swiss and the Nazis
From the Archive: The late journalist Georg Hodel traced the post-WWII trail of Eva Peron to Switzerland in aiding the Nazi exodus to Argentina.

El Salvador: Ghosts at the Polls
From the Archive: Three decades ago today, El Salvador's Archbishop Romero was slain, sending shock waves across the ages. By Don North

Bay of Pigs Meets Black Hawk Down
From the Archive: Newsweek declares "victory at last" in Iraq, but there is a case that the U.S. "loss" dated from the first weeks. By Robert Parry

Al Haig & a 'Green Light' to Chaos
From the Archive: In 1981, Secretary of State Al Haig wrote a 'top secret' memo on a 'green light' to chaos. Robert Parry

Charlie Wilson's Deadly Legacy
Ex-Rep. Charlie Wilson's death is prompting nostalgia over the anti-Soviet Afghan war, but the myth is dangerous as these two Archive stories show:

Reagan's Bargain/Charlie Wilson's War
From the Archive: President Reagan let Pakistan build an A-bomb in a trade-off for Charlie Wilson's anti-Soviet Afghan war. By Peter W. Dickson

Why Afghanistan Really Fell Apart
From the Archive: Contrary to conventional wisdom, the U.S. didn't abandon the Afghan rebels once the Soviets left. By Bruce P. Cameron

Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness
From the Archive: Iraq's hanging of "Chemical Ali" -- like Saddam Hussein in 2006 -- means one less witness on Bush Family crimes. By Robert Parry

George W. Bush's Sci-Fi Disaster
From the Archive: At the first anniversary of the Obama presidency, a look-back at the scene of George W. Bush's departure. By Robert Parry

How Not to Counter Terrorism
From the Archive: Ex-FBI Agent Coleen Rowley warned of flooding the counter-terror analysts with too much data. January 14, 2010

Pinochet's Mad Scientist
From the Archive: Chile's Pinochet dictatorship stands accused of killing a rival with poisons, a mystery with deep roots. By Samuel Blixen.

Israeli Scholar Disputes Founding Myth
From the Archive: In a new book, Israeli scholar Shlomo Sand argues that the Roman-era Diaspora was a historical myth. By Morgan Strong.

Colin Powell's My Lai Connection
From the Archive: The Afghan War escalation recalls Colin Powell's tie to an earlier war and its war crimes. By Robert Parry and Norman Solomon.

Rev. Moon's Troubled Generation Next
From the Archive: The right-wing Washington Times is caught in a messy succession for Rev. Sun Myung Moon's empire. By Robert Parry.

Ronald Reagan's Bloody 'Apocalypto'
From the Archive: An irony of Columbus Day is that crimes of the early conquerors are better known than more recent atrocities. By Robert Parry

PanAm 103 Verdict: Justice or Politics?
From the Archive: The Obama administration won't question the weak evidence in the PanAm 103 bombing conviction. By William Blum

CIA: Osama Helped Bush in '04
From the Archive: Osama bin Laden's pre-election video in 2004 was viewed at the CIA as a bid to boost George W. Bush. By Robert Parry

Bush's Conspiracy to Riot
From the Archive: Today's right-wing disruptions of health-care "town halls" harken back to George W. Bush's riot in 2000. By Robert Parry

The Left's Media Miscalculation
From the Archive: A lookback at that how the American Left squandered its media advantage and aided the Right's ascendancy. By Robert Parry

GOP & KAL007: 'The Key Is to Lie First'
From the Archive: A case study of how Ronald Reagan and the Republicans mastered the Big Lie a quarter century ago. By Robert Parry

The Wedding
From the Archive: An explanation of why Dick Cheney would be so audacious to hide a covert action from Congress. By Robert Parry

America's Matrix
From the Archive: A look-back at how we exposed George W. Bush's deceptions at the start of the Iraq War. By Robert Parry

Rev. Moon, North Korea & the Bushes
From the Archive: A look-back on the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's secret financial ties to North Korean and U.S. leaders. By Robert Parry

5 Things We Could Do with Your Help
If we had enough money, there are five special topics that we would concentrate on. To read them, click here.

Must-Read Books Before Election 2010
As Election 2010 nears, American voters need the history detailed in Neck Deep and our two other books (at discounted prices), says Robert Parry

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A Cold Rain: Excerpt from Neck Deep
With George W. Bush's inauguration in 2001, the United States was at an ominous turning point, handing the White House and its immense power to a popular-vote loser who disdained democracy. Official Washington was oblivious to the danger, but thousands of Americans braved an icy rain to protest this travesty of the nation's principles.

Lost History: How the Neocons Did It
If you want to know how the neoconservatives got control of the most powerful nation on earth, Robert Parry’s Lost History is a must-read. (To read more, click here.) is a product of The Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc., a non-profit organization that relies on donations from its readers to produce these stories and keep alive this Web publication.

To contribute, click here. To contact CIJ, click here.