Hook Ups

Arquette's Alleged Rebound -- Check Out My Baggage

Moments after Jasmine Waltz was fingered as David Arquette's alleged rebound chick ... the 28-year-old just happened to be photographed leaving a hotel in  West Hollywood last night.

As we previously reported, sources close to Arquette tell us he started seeing Waltz after he and Courteney Cox decided to take a "trial separation."

Jasmine is no stranger to the paparazzi -- she's been linked with all sorts of male stars ... such as Ryan Seacrest ,Chris Pine and Jesse McCartney.

Tags: Jasmine WaltzCourteney Cox ArquetteDavid ArquetteHook UpsDeveloping Stories

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looks like Courteney


Escorting is good for a gals career.


Jasmine should hire Karen Owen to produce a sex PowerPoint review of all these conquests. Duke University might offer the production service on an outreach basis. Snicker, guffaw.


looks like she had a hard [****] life i mean she looks old.. ... .

out of all the celebs she been with in the last year bet she didn't think she get this must press out of David Arquette.. ... .

and sorry ppl but Courteney is hotter than her...prolly boring tho


You mean 38 year old, right?


Well, I guess we know his "type".


Ah, isn't that sweet - this homewrecker has a cross on!


Is that a virgin circle with the cross? So who was she trickin at the hotel? Looks like a nice girl?




Typical TMZ rubbish. Now this site will try and make this whore a celeb by posting every second of her life.


Courtney is way hotter.
No need to make this professional pin cushion a celeb.


Shes' certainly made the rounds in Hollywood. This chick is trouble. She's looking to get knocked up by a celebrity. Wear a rubber David. Seriously dude, wear a rubber.


certain kind of hollywood girl


Star F*cker is right Kate.


Is that a cross that she is wearing around her neck? Christian slut!

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