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Killing Leukemia: Full recovery real for kids in Russia
It used to be a disease that very few children could survive. But thanks to a breakthrough by a pioneering clinic in Russia, 70 per cent of young sufferers of leukemia now make a full recovery. Karina Falakhutdinova is seven years old -- but if it had not been for the pioneering new treatment she would not have seen her first birthday.First collected 6 mins ago -
Rally to End U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan - Seattle - 10/09/10
Rally to End the U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan, October 9, 2010, Westlake Park, Seattle, WAFirst collected 74 mins ago -
Peace talks pushed past US elections
Talks between Israel and PA postponed past US midterm elections despite alleged US concessions.First collected 3 hours ago -
Dn! Judge Upholds Federal Healthcare Law
A federal judge has upheld a cornerstone of the new healthcare law requiring Americans to carry health insurance. On Thursday, US District Judge George Steeh rejected a challenge from the conservative group the Thomas More Law Center alleging that the measure is unconstitutional.First collected 5 hours ago · 1 recollect including... -
The Video the US Military doesn't want you to see! ★★★★★
The real face of war is unknown to people, because the media is not showing the real facts. The war is nothing but a bussines, where young men are sent to die, for some to get richer and richer. These are the horrors of the war. Please share!Collected 8 hours ago from... -
Beit Ommar Demonstration October 9th. 2010
Around 70 Palestinian, Israeli and International solidarity activists demonstrated in Beit Ommar against the Israeli settlement of Kamei Tsur, which is built on village land. Israeli Forces arrested four Palestinians, three international, and one Israeli solidarity activists. An Israeli Special Forces unit disguised in Palestinian clothes snuck of on the rear of the demonstration and arrested three youth. Additionally, the Israeli and international solidarity activists were pepper sprayed before being arres -
N Korea opens up to foreign media
As North Korea is celebrating 65 years of communist rule, the notoriously secretive country is giving unprecedented access to foreign journalists. For the first time ever, foreign reporters have been invited to cover the festivities marking the occasion. North Korean officials are expected to use the celebrations to confirm the handover of power from ailing leader Kim Jong-il to his son and heir apparent, Kim Jong-un. Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan reports from Pyongyang. -
Press TV-On the Edge with Max Keiser-Global Banking Cartel-08-10-2010 (Part 3)
In this edition of Press TV's 'On the Edge with Max Keiser', Max has an interview with the journalist, David Degraw, who has just published a book named The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III. Degraw believes that the so-called global banking cartel of financial terrorists are bent on destroying global economies so that only they themselves, who he believes are only one tenth of %0.01 of the global population, prosper and everyone else suffers and remains poor. He says Americans only have two yFirst collected 10 hours ago -
Press TV-On the Edge with Max Keiser-Global Banking Cartel-08-10-2010 (Part 2)
In this edition of Press TV's 'On the Edge with Max Keiser', Max has an interview with the journalist, David Degraw, who has just published a book named The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III. Degraw believes that the so-called global banking cartel of financial terrorists are bent on destroying global economies so that only they themselves, who he believes are only one tenth of %0.01 of the global population, prosper and everyone else suffers and remains poor. He says Americans only have two yFirst collected 10 hours ago -
Press TV-On the Edge with Max Keiser-Global Banking Cartel-08-10-2010 (Part 1)
In this edition of Press TV's 'On the Edge with Max Keiser', Max has an interview with the journalist, David Degraw, who has just published a book named The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III. Degraw believes that the so-called global banking cartel of financial terrorists are bent on destroying global economies so that only they themselves, who he believes are only one tenth of %0.01 of the global population, prosper and everyone else suffers and remains poor. He says Americans only have two yFirst collected 10 hours ago
dandelionsalad It used to be a disease that very few children could survive. But thanks to a breakthrough by a pioneering clinic in Russia, 70 per cent of young sufferers of leukemia now make a full recovery. Karina Falakhutdinova is seven years old -- but if it had not been for the pioneering new treatment she would not have seen her first birthday.
6 mins ago