AMERICAblog Supports Mark Pera (IL-03)

by John Aravosis,


Mark Pera is a progressive who will let Nancy Pelosi be the Speaker she really wants to be. He is challenging establishment Democrat, Cong. Dan Lipinski, in the upcoming Democratic primary. Some background on Lipinski from Markos:

"Since slipping into office, the younger Lipinski has frustrated progressive constituents with a less-than-liberal voting record. He is opposed to stem cell research and a woman’s right to choose, earning him a zero-percent score from Planned Parenthood and NARAL. His ACLU rating is one of the lowest for any Democrat outside of the South, partly because of his support for the Protect America Act, an update to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that the ACLU says "allows for massive, untargeted collection of international communications without court order or meaningful oversight by either Congress or the courts." Lipinski has not done much to end the war in Iraq either, voting with 85 other Democrats to pass an emergency supplemental appropriations bill that lacked a withdrawal deadline."
Please help us, and a coalition of other blogs, get 5,000 total contributions for Mark Pera by January 21, 2008. He's already got around 2,300 contributions, so with all of your help we can show Pera that the netroots supports real Democrats.

Image of Mark Pera

Mark Pera

IL-03 (Map)

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