
Obama AP

Poll: Obama voters doubt chance for “change,” less likely to vote in midterms

The Upshot – Sun Oct 17, 12:25 pm ET

Only half of voters who supported Barack Obama for president in 2008 say they will "definitely" show up to vote in the midterm elections on Nov. 2, according to a poll conducted for the Associated Press. That's in contrast to two thirds of McCain voter who say they are sure they'll turnout. The numbers are [...] Full Story »

Online Voting Is Becoming More Common, But Is It Safe?

Time.com – Sat Oct 16, 11:05 am ET

The Fast Fix: What makes Chris Christie different?

The Newsroom – Mon Oct 18, 8:08 am ET

President Barack Obama will appear on an episode of "Mythbusters," a television show that uses science to determine the truth behind urban legends. Full Story »

New Hampshire Democrat Paul Hodes (hohdz) is making his fourth run for federal office, but he says it's his Republican opponent Kelly Ayotte (AY'-aht) who is driven by political ambition. Full Story »

Revoking 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

associatedcontent – 1 hr 2 mins ago

On Oct. 12, a U.S. federal judge ordered the Pentagon to cease enforcing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy, which prohibits homosexuals from openly serving in the U.S. military. With some prominent military leaders, such as Admiral Mike Mullen and retired General Colin Powell, supporting President Obama's call to ultimately end the Pentagon's 17-year-old policy, it appears increasingly likely that homosexuals will soon be able to openly serve. Curiously, the Obama administration, through the Department of Justice, has requested a delay in enforcing the injunction despite the fact that the Pentagon has stated it will comply. Citing the need to comply with a host of laws, the administration appears to want the removal of the policy to come from Congress, and not the courts. Full Story »


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