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who monitors yours Bevis ?? Just thought I would drop you a line,so the rest of your life is not wasted.

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Mervgate - piece scrubbed from Hollywood Reporter

by: Pam Spaulding

Fri Aug 17, 2007 at 17:14:37 PM EDT

If you read the earlier thread on Merv Griffin's closet, you know that The Hollywood Reporter yanked the Ray Richmond piece, "Griffin never revealed man behind the curtain," not only from its site, but also scrubbed it from Richmond's blog, Past Deadline, which is owned by the Reporter. [BTW, you can still find it on Reuters' web site. Oops - apparently not -- see the comments.]

Richmond, who worked on Griffin's talk show, was frank about the fact that the mogul's orientation was well-known in the industry, and it's clear that some big shots out there wanted this story squashed.

Kevin Allman has just interviewed Richmond about "Mervgate:"

Q. Do you think they were pressured to take it down?

A. Sure. I'm sure it was taken down because there was fear of litigation, and that the post was libelous and/or defamatory. And I certainly don't believe that to be the case.

Q. Have you talked to your editors or bosses at The Hollywood Reporter?

A. I will have discussions with them, and I will hope at some point we can have it restored online. It seems that scotching the post gives the appearance of liability when there isn't any. It was simply a factual, very informed discussion of the larger issue of the media's difficulty in allowing someone to be labeled as gay in the mainstream, as if that is somehow a huge shame. My whole reason for doing the piece for the Reporter was to shine a light on that fact. Unfortunately that appears to be the case...even internally.

There's much more -- go read the rest at Kevin's pad. Let's see if The Hollywood Reporter manages to get Richmond's piece pulled from Reuters.

It's the closet cases of Hollywood running and screaming for the padlock. All of them are probably now wondering whether a former co-worker is going to pen a piece about their lives on the DL when they kick the bucket.

[UPDATE: Mike Signorile just emailed me and said that he's just received confirmation from the Hollywood Reporter -- the column was pulled "at the request of the editor."

UPDATE 2: It's back up, lolololol.]

Pam Spaulding :: Mervgate - piece scrubbed from Hollywood Reporter

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I'm tired of straight people protecting our closets (0.00 / 0)
Yo press.  How about spending just a fraction of the energy you waste protecting closets on protecting the Constitution of the United States?  Equal rights - Not special rights, OK?

Now Reuters got scared ... (0.00 / 0)

Wow, how fast the dominoes fall. Now Reuters is removing the story from their news feed:

 "This was a story from The Hollywood Reporter that ran as part of a Reuters news feed. We have dropped the story from our entertainment news feed as it did not meet our standards for news. GBU Editor"

[ Parent ]
#1 most popular story on Hollywood Reporter site (0.00 / 0)

All afternoon the story has been rated #1 in popularity on the Hollywood Reporter site (the rankings are at the bottom of the home page). Ray Richmond deserves a raise.

 Right now the story is also #4 in popularity on Yahoo:;_ylt=Aqxwwqn5aQnwQu43YwsixgJxFb8C

[ Parent ]
Exactly (0.00 / 0)
These rabid closet defenders normally couldn't possibly care less about gay people, until one of them gets outed, and then they become infuriated. The closet is a very important institution to straights, they have a lot invested in keeping homosexuality a big taboo. It's something that plays itself out every day on Perez Hilton's site. And I know we're all supposed to hate him for some reason, he's fat, dresses weird, the site is trashy. But most of the hostility towards him does come from this fake, hypocritical concern for gay people that only manifests itself when one is outed. And the same people who are so concerned about a poor innocent gay celeb being outed, will vote against our rights and call us fags. It's definitely not any perceived attack on the individual celebs that gets the riled, it's the attack on the closet itself that enrages them.

[ Parent ]
Can you... (0.00 / 0)
...defame the dead?

Being gay is not defamation (0.00 / 0)
Gay is good.

Make alot of noise. Life is short.

[ Parent ]
Then he ws just a rich closeted outwardly fabulous a**hole. (0.00 / 0)

[ Parent ]
Here is the article (0.00 / 0)
Still available on a Canadian website for the moment. 

Griffin died a closeted homosexual

Ray Richmond, Reuters
Published: Friday, August 17, 2007

Merv Griffin was gay.

Why should that be so uncomfortable to read? Why is it so difficult to write? Why are we still so jittery even about raising the issue in purportedly liberal-minded Hollywood, in 2007?

Griffin, who died of prostate cancer Sunday at 82, stayed in the closet throughout his life. Perhaps he figured it was preferable to remain the object of gossip rather than live openly as "one of them."

But how tremendously sad it is that a man of Merv's renown, of his gregarious nature and social dexterity, would feel compelled to endure such a stealthy double life even as the gay community's clout, and its levels of acceptance and equality, rose steadily from the ashes of ignorance.

What a powerful message Griffin might have sent had he squired his male companions around town rather than Eva Gabor, his longtime good friend and platonic public pal. Imagine the amount of good Merv could have done as a well-respected, hugely successful, beloved and uncloseted gay man in embodying a positive image.

I had more than a passing acquaintance with him, having worked on The Merv Griffin Show as a talent coordinator/segment producer in 1985-86 as the show was winding down. Around the office, Merv's being gay was understood but rarely discussed (and certainly never with him). We knew nothing of his relationships because he guarded his privacy fiercely, and we didn't pry.

Merv's secret gay life was widely known throughout showbiz culture, if not the wider America. It gained traction in 1991 when he was targeted in a pair of lawsuits: by Dance Fever host Denny Terrio, alleging sexual harassment; and by assistant Brent Plott seeking $200 million U.S. in palimony. Both ultimately were dismissed.

Over the past 16 years of his life, however, Griffin deflected the sexuality questions with a quip, determining that his private life remained nobody's business. He certainly didn't owe us an explanation, but maybe he owed it to himself to remove the suffocating veil he'd been forced to hide behind throughout his adult life. Then again, Merv carved his niche in the entertainment world at a time when being gay wasn't OK, when disclosure was unthinkable and the allegation alone could deep-six one's career.

If you're Griffin, why would you think a judgmental culture would be any more tolerant as you grew into middle and old age? Even in the capital of entertainment -- in a business where homosexuality isn't exactly a rare phenomenon -- it's still spoken of in hushed tones or, more often, not at all. And Merv's brush with tabloid scandal no doubt only drove him further into the closet.

While it would seem everything has changed today, little actually has. You can count on the fingers of one hand, or at most two, the number of high-powered stars, executives and public figures who have come out. Those who don't can't really be faulted, as rarely do honesty and full disclosure prove a boon to one's showbiz livelihood.

Nonetheless, the elephant that was his sexual orientation never really stopped following Griffin from room to room. He could duck it for a while, but it would always find him. It's disheartening that Merv had to die to shake it for good.

© Reuters / Hollywood Reporter 2007

FFS (0.00 / 0)

What an absurd brouhaha.  Who on earth is there who would be upset by news that Merv Griffin wasn't straight?

Frankly, it's more of an embarrassment to have remained closeted for one's entire lifetime, isn't it?  Especially, considering the relative freedom of these past couple of decades, which have presented the realistic opportunity for all of us to be people of integrity rather than people of deceit.

McCain/Palin 2008: Unstable/Unable

Since I didn't care about Merv's sex life when he was alive (0.00 / 0)
IMAGINE how all a twitter I am about discussing his previous sex life

Cheney/Bush gone in 124 days, and GOOD RIDDANCE!

Well.... (0.00 / 0)
Merv may be at rest, but the rest of us aren't.

It's Generational (0.00 / 0)

Merv was part of the Rock Hudson generation in Tinsel Town. Louis B Mayer would haul there asses into his office and tell them to go out and fuck all the fags they wanted to but keep that shit out of the press. They had beard wives and girlfriends arranged by the studios. I am 57 and was married and closetted until ten years ago. A living hell. But I am fine now and happy and out and proud. In our 2007 eyes, we see Merv as someone who hid in the system to achieve success. Today none of this would be an issue were he say, 30 yrs old right now.

I was recently chatting with a male escort buddy here in Dallas who told me that one of his regulars is Tony Romo, the new young quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. Tony wants desperately to come out and find a partner and be himself.  He's a great guy and is struggling with this at the beginning of potentially a great football career. He was hauled into Jerry Jones' office and warned that his career is OVER if he even hints that he does guys. He was told to publicly date skanks like Kerry Underwood and buy his male sex on the side and be done with it. And apparently the threat is very real from the Cowboys management office.

Nice...real nice. 

Merv (0.00 / 0)
Who gives a shit on his sexual orientation?  I enjoy the product of his mind, i.e. Wheel of Fortune.  End of report.


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